74 Replies to “Win an iPad Air!”

  1. That looks cool i hope i win one becuase i been wanting one of them ipad items for years and if it takes pictures or videos that would be very cool to.

  2. EBates is awesome! Wish I could win, I would most likely spend all the money shopping for gifts through eBates of course. Much needed!

  3. I would love to win an ipad air! My granddaughter will be born in December I could read and play music for her! I am loving Ebates!

  4. Would Love to win one! With both kids in middle school and needing computers to do homework, there is WAY too much fighting for on( and off) line time in this house.

  5. I feel like I’m living in the dark ages!!! : ( I’m the old fart (39) who doesn’t have 1 single iPad yet! LOL I know Families that have 2 or 3 (mostly from work)! I digress… It would be lovely to have my very own. It’d help me with school & promoting my new business, among other things : ) Happy Winning!!!

  6. Wow! How awesome it would be to win this. My daughter is really wanting one for Christmas. However, I can’t afford one right now. Thanks for doing this.

  7. This would be amazing for my kids as well as myself. Fingers are crossed…I never win anything, but this would be the best ever!

  8. My son has leukemia, it has been a struggle for him as well as a huge financial and mental drain on us, The one thing he asked for for Christmas was an iPad Air. I know of no way I could, or even imagine trying to get this for him. We don’t have a large family of relatives so there is slim to none chance to full fill his wish unless I win one for him.
    I think it might be betters odds getting struck by lightening, but it never hurts to try. You never know what life is going to bring or how you would react when something devastating happens and how helpless you feel. I do wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

  9. I would love one of these for the hubby. He has been wanting one, but we couldn’t afford to get one right now. Car repairs took the extra money we had.

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