Top 10 Things to Bring to an Amusement Park


No summer would be complete without at least one visit to a super fun theme park. A day full of rides, sweet treats and sunshine may be right up your alley but it will only go well if you are fully prepared. Whether you’re hitting the local carnival with your besties or piling the kids into the car and heading to Disneyland, here are 10 must-haves you will need to pack to make your day as sane as possible.


1. Smartphone – We know you don’t normally leave home without your phone but you may be tempted to store your phone while you hit the rides. Resist this urge and get yourself a trauma-resistant, water-proof smartphone case. You never know when you’ll be accidentally separated from your crew and need to get in touch.

2. Spare socks – Water rides = Wet socks. Wet socks + you = 🙁 You might want to bring a whole change of clothes but at the very least, socks are essential.

express_fedora3. Hat and sunglasses – The sun is not always your friend. Protect your eyes and face with a kickin’ pair of sunglasses and practical yet fashionable hat like this cute fedora from Express!

4. Aspirin/pain reliever – Decibels will definitely be on the rise, making headaches very possible. Don’t let it take you out of the game and bring a tablet or two.

5. Hand sanitizer – This is always a must if you’re traveling with little humans who like to touch everything then put their hands in their mouth.
hello_kitty_poncho6. Poncho – Not the most fashionable of accessories, but this baby is a life-saver on water rides if you are set on leaving the park dry. Plus, how cute is this Hello Kitty poncho for the kids?

7. Water bottle – Everything at the park is expensive, including bottled water. Plus, using your own bottle is also more eco-friendly obviously.

8. Snacks – Bring along a few granola bars or some trail mix to keep your energy up. You’ll already spend an arm and a leg for a full meal so cut costs by supplying your own snacks.

foldover_crossbody_bag9. A sensible bag – A crossbody bag is great to keep your hands free but a foldover crossbody bag is a one-two punch. This Backcountry bag takes up less space but expands to carry more when you need it. Can you say room for souvenirs?

10. Sunscreen – Even if it doesn’t feel particularly hot outside, ALWAYS wear sunscreen. Sunburn sneaks up out of nowhere and is never fun.



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