Ebates CARES: Back to School Backpack Drive

Cityteam back to school backpack drive with Ebates

Back to School can be already be a stressful time of year for parents. Between the endless school supplies list and getting your kids out of summer mode, moms, dads and caregivers have their work cut out for them. But for those who are struggling to make ends meet, this is just another time of year where the need is great and help is most appreciated.

Cityteam logo

This is precisely why Ebates CARES decided to join forces with Cityteam San Francisco, a non-profit that provides real help and real hope to men, women, and at-risk youth in the Tenderloin and greater Bay Area. Cityteam provides family services, hot meals, job and housing placement and beyond. They gave Ebates CARES the goal of raising 75 backpacks full of essential school supplies for kids of all ages and we are so proud to say we met that goal with a gold star!

Ebates CARES backpack drive

While shopping for and assembling the backpacks was certainly fun, the best part was this collection of happy little faces and knowing they had one less thing to worry about this school year. Plus, each backpack came with a hand-written note of encouragement from an Ebates team member on how to reach for the stars, both inside the classroom and outside.

Cityteam backpack drive

Cityteam back to school backpack drive

We had so much fun getting together and giving to children in need. If you’re interested in volunteering with Cityteam, they have chapters in San Jose, Philadelphia, Oakland and Portland as well as overseas. And if you can’t donate time, you can always donate a few extra bucks. Everything helps!

EbatesCARES logo

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