Share Your Cheer & Enter to Win $2,000!

It’s a new year and high time to turn a new page! Here at Ebates, we’re feeling good about 2018. That’s why we’re partnering with Rakuten, our parent company, to give away $2,000 to one lucky winner who’s hopeful about this coming year.

Along with Rakuten (which means “optimism” in Japanese), we want to know what you’re feeling optimistic about. Is it sticking to your New Year’s resolutions (finally)? Maybe you’re starting a new job. Or you may just be excited about a new TV show. (We don’t judge!) Let us know in a 15-second video and you could win $2,000.

How to Enter the “Share Your Cheer” Sweepstakes:

  1. Think of what you’re optimistic about in 2018 and record a video telling us about it. If you need inspiration, check out our video below!
  2. Enter your email, then upload your video into the widget. Please read the Terms and Conditions below and make sure you understand them before continuing.
  3. You can earn additional entries by sharing this sweepstakes on Twitter.

The sweepstakes ends on Monday, Feb. 5th, at 11:59 p.m. PST. The winner will be picked randomly through Gleam and announced on Facebook and on this blog. Be sure to keep an eye on your inbox, as the winner will have 24 hours to accept the prize before we will choose another winner.


Share Your Cheer Sweepstakes

579 Replies to “Share Your Cheer & Enter to Win $2,000!”

  1. I got some excellant news yesterday.I’ve been tring to find my moms sisters and brother for 5 yrs now and jan 7th I found them my mom hasnt seen here sisters in 40yrs and I want so very bad to fly her to seattle washington to see them before and worse happens to my moms health,,OH god please help me an my mom

  2. Thank You for such an incredible opportunity EBates!!! Although January 7, 2018 proved to be the hardest day of my life due to the loss of my Aunt, who has been like a Mother to me my entire life; I am choosing to continue to stay positive and optimistic about the opportunities I have been offered. Rather than allowing my grief and emotions to hold me back from achieving the goals I had set for 2018, I am using my Aunt’s memory as motivation to work even harder to accomplish those goals, and surpass all expectations because I know she is right here with me and will continue to give me strength while I feel weak. The possibility of inspiring and helping others with these contest winnings makes me even more optimistic about 2018!!! Thanks again EBates!!!

    1. Hi Ashley, thanks for sharing your inspiration! Make sure to upload a video for a chance to win the sweeps 🙂

  3. I have learned so much in 2017! I actually thought like a lot of us folks at the “halfway “point, that the pace of learning about what one is capable of would be rather slow. Even with Hinsite as the ruler! But the sudden, near fatal heart attack my 47yr old husband had just days before the year began, & 1 yr after losing his eye nearly broke us! Nearly destroyed a bond established as teenagers. The leader I’d been in my personal life, is what gets him a tiny bit closer to regaining his trust of his own capabilities every day. He needs me for this. Every experience prior to this convinced me I’d endured the worst life could toss at me, and I was assured of the so called how to’s. Was I ever minimizing how much more was still within me. 2018, and a calm certainty of “bring it on” and “yes I can”! I’ve been able to see that my husband needs this from me. I never thought my role would be this important or needed! Lesson learned about placing labels, tags & limits on myself based on a preception of the roles of Wife & Mother by the those around me who are still in that box & certain they are correct. Such a tough road but we did it! Holding hands…. STILL, 28 years and counting and hopeful in 2018! ❤

    1. Hi Jessica, can you share a little bit more about what you’re experiencing so we can troubleshoot for you? Is this your first entry?

  4. I really wish I would have know about ebates years ago. My resolution is to save as much money as possible and in less than 2 months I’ve already made over 75$ with out thinking about it. All this money i plan to put away for a long time, even invest it. How nice it is to invest with out using any of your own money? Also, With my regular purchases, Thought my working years, I’ve literately spent every sent that I’ve made… imagine earning cash back on atleast 30 k per year??? I wold love to win these 2k to stash it in my savings. I only buy through ebates, and if I accidentally forget to, I will do the entire transaction again. By far ebates has become not just my favorite website to shop, but also my favorite credit card. I recommend this to everyone I know and meet, I have so many good things to say that they even think I’m working for ebates. Too good to be true? Nope, it’s definitely Good, and 100000% true:D thank you ebates!

    1. Thank you so much for all the love and loyalty, Nicole! Make sure you upload a video sharing your thoughts so you’ll be entered to win 🙂

  5. I doubt I get the chance to out in an entry but I still want to share my optimism! My fiance of 7 years left me last January, almost a year to the day. He took all of the furniture and appliances. I was left with nothing. As I begged him back he was running around sleeping with a man that I knew nothing about. I miscarried our baby before i even knew i was pregnant. I hit rock bottom. True depression. I almost took my own life because of it. But I pulled through. Went to therapy. One night I asked my best friend of 11 years to go to the movies. That night he confessed his love to me that he had since day 1. We have been together every day since and plan to get married and try for our first child this year. Love conquers all pain.

    1. What an inspiring story, Amanda! Make sure to upload a video telling us about it to be entered to win. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  6. What an awesome way to start 2018 off right! I thought finding out I had beat cervical cancer a second time and having a happy healthy family was the best start. Having an opportunity to do something fun to celebrate would be the icing on the cake!

  7. 2018 will be the year that I start to think about my money. How to invest to increase, how to save and think smart about how to spend my money. This is a money year.

    1. We like the way you think, Kathleen! Make sure to upload a video telling us your thoughts to be entered to win.

  8. Last year I almost died. My liver failed at 29 and I didn’t qualify for the transplant. I have been working so hard and doing everything my doctors tell me to. I am doing a lot better now thank God. My fiance was by my side every step of the way. Winning would make it possible for us to finally get married. His love saved my life, and this would be the best year if I can finally call myself his wife.

  9. I was given a link to sign up for a cash giveaway and that goes to your blog and it’s telling me to make a video upload it and I can enter to win. However the upload button does not work so I tried it in the app and I tried it on the website I cannot get it to actually open and let me select my video. I am writing to ask you to manually enter me into the contest please. I don’t believe it is even legal to put something out there like this if it doesn’t work at least without giving the option for people to enter another way. I appreciate your website and what you do thank you very much for your time and your help and for the entry for me thank you very much and you have a wonderful day.
    I also tried to send this through the how can member services help you link, of which that site also let you enter your issue but doesn’t let you submit it. This is getting very frustrating because it’s wasting my time and I don’t know where to reach anyone.

    1. Hi there, so sorry to hear you’re having trouble and thanks for reaching out. Are you uploading on your phone or on a desktop device? The widget sometimes gets disabled by people’s phone settings. In the mean time, I’d be happy to manually enter your video. Please send your video, your date of birth, and your email address to so we can manually enter you into the sweeps. Hope this helps!

  10. 2018 will be a year that’s better than before because me and my fiance will be married and fixing our house making our lives better.

    1. That’s a great attitude, Emily! Hoping for health for your son this year ❤️ Make sure to upload a video to be entered to win ?

  11. Hoping the best for 2018 and GLAD to be here after hurricane IRMA!! Key west Florida #KEYSSTRONG gob bless America…
    Thanks Ebates for the cash back and the chance to be a WINNER$$$$

    1. Hi Berta, thanks for the love and glad to hear you’re safe after Irma! Make sure to upload your video for a chance to win 🙂

  12. Lost both grandparents at the very beginning of 2017. Starting 2018 better already. Got a better job to be able to take care of kiddos and just really want the new year to be better for my 4 kiddos than me. It will be because i am determined to keep them happy and healthier than ever.

    1. So sorry for your loss, Ashley, but glad to hear that 2018 is already better! Make sure to upload a video to be entered to win 🙂

    1. Hi Vernessa, thats wonderful to hear (and so exciting! We love dogs :)) Make sure you upload your video for a chance to win!

  13. My family of three really is need a first time home. To win to put a down payment on it. Also maybe add a new addition to the family.

  14. I have attempted to upload a video several times but it won’t allow me to do the recaptha because it says I don’t the right software!! I have safari!! It says safari is one that works!! Why won’t it allow me to enter!?!?

    1. Hi Kim, sorry to hear you’re having trouble! Are you uploading from a desktop? Sometimes, the mobile versions run errors while uploading. In the mean time, if you email your video, date of birth and email address, I’d be happy to manually add it for you. Hope this helps!

  15. Ebates helps me out . I am disabled and on a fixed income.Without your wonderful discounts I am seriously getting the best deals everyday. I need a new place to move. I currently living in my Camper that needs alot of work.God bless me with a new place.

    1. Hi Margie, we’re happy to hear that we make a difference! Thanks for being part of the Ebates family. Make sure you upload a video sharing your cheer to be entered to win!

    1. Awesome to hear that things are going well, Quadri! Make sure to upload a video sharing your cheer to be entered to win 🙂

      1. Haha, maybe this time will be different ? Make sure to upload a video sharing your cheer to be entered to win!

  16. I’m optimistic to see what this year has in store! News jobs, kids growing up, maybe adding to our family…lots of possibilities

    1. Congratulations, Rebecca! That’s super exciting. Make sure to upload a video telling us to be entered to win!

  17. 2018 can only get better from here. I almost lost my best friend in a work fire and after 20 years I get to marry him this July ?

    1. So happy he’s alright! How exciting….congrats! Make sure to upload a video telling us about your upcoming wedding so you are entered for a chance to win ?

  18. This year is very exciting for me I’m going to pay off all my bills this year so I can retire I’m very excited for that to happen I am a union insulator and A woman in construction for 37 years ready to stop

    1. Wow, how exciting, Karen! Congrats on your well-deserved retirement ? Make sure to upload a video telling us about it to be entered to win!

  19. My husband and I made a major change by relocating to a new state to help his company launch a new site. We feel it is going to be a great year. Ebates is helping us to achieve our financial goals.

    1. Hope the move is going smoothly, Sheila! Make sure to upload a video telling us about your excitement for 2018 to be entered to win ?

    1. Wishing you the best of luck, Cheryl! ? Make sure to upload a video sharing your cheer to be entered to win.

    1. Aww, so sweet, Johanna! We’re lucky to have you in the Ebates family. Make sure to upload a video sharing your cheer to be entered to win ?

    1. Great to hear you’re spreading the Cash Back love ? Make sure to upload a video sharing your cheer to be entered to win, Pat!

    1. Happy early Birthday, Desiree!! What an exciting year ? Make sure to upload a video telling us about it to be entered to win!

    1. That’s a great way to start the year, Janet! Make sure to upload a video telling us about it to be entered to win ?

    1. We are excited about your 2018, Deborah! Sounds like you’re going to make it a great year. Be sure to upload a video telling us about it to be entered to win ?

    1. Maybe this will be your lucky chance, Diana! Make sure to upload a video sharing your cheer to be entered to win ?

    1. These are great things to be excited about! Make sure to upload a video telling us about it to be entered to win ?

    1. Yay! So happy you’re loving Ebates, Diana. Make sure to upload a video sharing your cheer to be entered to win ?

    1. Great attitude, Shirley! 2018 is a great time to start fresh! Make sure to upload a video telling us about it to be entered to win ?

    1. How nice of you, Linda! We are happy to give the chance to so many ? Make sure to upload a video telling us about your optimism to be entered to win.

    1. We hope your son’s health is improving, Kelli. Make sure to upload a video sharing your cheer to be entered to win ?

    1. Congrats!! That’s so exciting, Jane. Make sure to upload a video telling us about it to be entered to win ?

    1. Your grateful attitude is inspiring, Enzo! Make sure to upload a video telling us about it to be entered to win ?

    1. We always want our members in the know ? Make sure to upload a video sharing your cheer to be entered to win!

  20. I’m hopeful that this year I’ll prove my health is now in my control. However the biggest thing is my mom will finally be able to end her 11 year long divorce process against my father. She’ll finally get to have her life back and not have to worry about court fees, and stress, and fear of the future. I’d use the money on a special trip for the both of us.

    1. Such kind words, Neptali! We’re thrilled to hear we’re your favorite (you’re ours too ?) Make sure to upload a video to be entered to win!

  21. I JUST had a baby my sister is adopting a baby together we started a business. I’m optimistic about the growth in our personal and professional lives. Happy healthy babies. My health since I almost died during delivery. Just feeling happy and blessed and at peace which in today’s world and political climate is often hard for some to come by. Believing in the lord and that the year will be full of even more blessings and greatness.

    1. We’re so happy you’re alright and healthy now! Make sure to upload a video sharing your cheer to be entered to win ?

  22. I am optimistic that this year we will have a new born baby. We have been through 2 miscarriages… very sad times for my wife and I, but that was 2017 and hoping 2018 will bring us the bundle of joy! Ebates will definitely be a great help when purchasing baby supplies, clothing etc.

    1. So sorry for your loss. Hoping the best for your in this new year! Make sure to upload a video sharing your cheer to be entered to win ?

    1. Best of luck, Sara! We hope this will be your lucky chance ? Make sure to upload a video on what you’re optimistic about for a chance to win.

  23. I have twin girls who are 18 months old , it’s been a long road to get here, , I am a stay at home mom with no family around and few friends it’s hard work but they are everything to me and everyday we have so much fun and so looking forward to everyday ahead of me

    1. Aww, those twins are lucky to have a great mother like you, Sarah! Make sure to upload a video to be entered to win ?

  24. Ebates is amazing! I do most of my shopping online and why not get paid for purchases I’m already making!
    Love it!

    1. That’s fantastic, Christine! We’re so happy to hear this ? Make sure to upload a video about your optimism to be entered to win!

    1. We all should be! A new year is a great time to start fresh ? Make sure to upload a video sharing your cheer to be entered to win!

  25. Love ebates ! I dont do much shopping but i always see what deals I can find on ebates before shopping!
    Love my big fat checks!!

    1. Music to our ears, Kassie! We always want our members to get the best deals when they shop ? Make sure to upload a video sharing your cheer to be entered to win

  26. This would really help with my student loans! They are starting to stack up but my goal is to finish school and continue showing my son how important school is!

  27. I am really positive that with hard work and health in my side I will pay off my credit cards and plan a vacation for the summer or why not for the end of the year. Ebates it’s truthful, I got real money back.

    1. Aww, you’re so giving, Judy! Hopefully, with Ebates you can get something for yourself too 😉 Be sure to upload a video sharing your cheer to be entered to win!

  28. Sure would help with my extensive dental work that we hoped would be finished in 2017 but had to stop because of a brain tumor stated in my sinus and went to my brain , would like to finish dental implants sometime in 2018 but short on funds . Love E Bates as I cannot go out shopping and E Bates pays me to shop online ! Thanks E Bates

    1. Oh no! After entering your name, email, and birthdate and press “Continue” click on “Upload a 15-second video telling us what you’re optimistic about”. An “Upload File” button should pop up to upload a video! Hope this helps 🙂

  29. I absolutely love Ebates. I tell everyone about how I earn money when I shop. I love money and I love to shop. Ebates is perfect:)

  30. I am optimistic to live and find the doctors that can help my glioblastoma brain cancer so I can have a stronger pain free life for my children not to loose their mother at 57 years young

  31. I love Ebates. When we built a new home, anything we could buy at Home Depot (no longer though) or Lowes, Sears, etc. including appliances, electrical fixtures, etc. we purchased on line using ebates and we still do today with LL Bean, Amizon, etc. its a win, win thing.

    1. That is music to our ears! We’re so glad we are here to help you find the best deals possible 🙂 Be sure to upload a video to be entered to win!

  32. I am optimistic that 2018 will be a great year financially and personally. Hoping for new and better employment opportunities

  33. Ebates is yet another way to add a few additional dollars to my pocket in a world that has become quite expensive. As a new mom I am quickly finding out that every dime counts. Glad that I got it early!

    1. Great attitude, Helen!! This will be your year 🙂 Be sure to upload a video about it to be entered to win!

  34. I don’t want a video of me on the web. Why can’t we just make a comment? I resent the fact that you won’t allow people with no ability or desire to have a video of themselves on your site.

    1. Hi Janice, we understand your concern. We are not posting the videos submitted anywhere without your permission first. Knowing that, we hope you enter for a chance to win!

  35. Would see everyone in good signs as Jesus wants and hope my son will get here in 2018 since we not see each other for 9 years.. I miss him so much and I’m so ready to see him now..

  36. I think this will be the year that I fall in love with work outside of education ~ maybe let my LipSense business take off or I finally get crafty and start a clothing boutique!

  37. I don’t have the technology to enter Ebate’s video as I don’t use that technology. But I thought I would share my thoughts about 2018. I am optimistic my wife’s bi-weekly opdivo infusion treatments for kidney/lung cancer will show improvement in her condition, that she continues to have no side effects, and the tumors stay stabilized or reduce in size.

    1. We wish your wife the best, Stephen ❤️ We hope 2018 will be a good year for you both. Be sure to upload a video to enter to win 🙂

  38. Oct. 15th, 2016, my 62 year old husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer. Surgery 3/2017 and after recovery then extensive chemo, 2 months ago cleared cancer free. No words at all can express the happiness. So my outlook for 2018 is great. And Ebates: I’m nearly blind and can’t drive so I buy just about everything online. Your savings helped more then you know. Thank you.

    1. We are so happy to hear this amazing news, Joan! ❤️ Our day is made knowing we can help ease your life one way or another. Be sure to upload a video sharing your cheer for a chance to win the giveaway ?

  39. Thank you Ebates!!! I am optimistic and truly believe 2018 will be a tremendous year. Especially getting Big Fat Checks from Ebates!!!

    1. Aww, thank you, Gloria! Wishing you a great 2018 as well. Be sure to upload a video for a chance to win 🙂

  40. This is wonderful! Thank you Ebates for everything you do! I’m optimistic to see what this year has in store for my family! Hopefully a home of our own and lots of exciting journeys!

    1. Aww, thank you for being a part of the Ebates family, Christina! Be sure to upload a video sharing your cheer for a chance to win 🙂

  41. So not only can I get money back and find savings with Ebates, I can have a chance at winning money too! That’s fantastic! I tell ya what we haven’t been able to shop that much this year only because our daughter needs shots that currently are super expensive (she will have open heart surgery and until then has to have these shots) so if we do happen to win this would go towards my sons birthday and some thank you gifts for all the nurses and doctors who have been helping us with our daughter!

    1. Thanks for sharing your story and the love, Haylie! We wish your daughter a healthy and speedy recovery. Make sure to upload your video for a chance to win 🙂

  42. Omg!!! Yes this would be a dream!!! I need a car, I have no transportation, and I have 3 kids, I live in a 1 bedroom apartment, the boys have to sleep on the couch… So thank you debates for the chance to win!!

  43. I’m hoping that this will be the year the I can pursue the career I went to college for. Plus getting some help with my student loans would help greatly as well. Shine bright people.

    1. Hi Kellie, unfortunately, we don’t share the submitted videos! They look exactly the same as the one you upload, though 🙂

  44. I appreciate the opportunity to enter to win, i need to buy a car, or move, first and fore most i would stock up on food. Thank you

  45. No video.. just happy to be here to start another year!! Hope everyone has a great year and some lucky person enjoys the $2000!!! LOVE shopping thru Ebates!!!

  46. 2018…my daughter graduates High School. I get 3 weeks paid vacation for my 5 year work anniversary. Road trips planned. Concerts planned. Oh, and totally in love with my girlfriend of 2 years in March. 2.1/2 years ago after my divorce, I would have never thought life would be so good! Onwards and upwards!!

  47. I like the fact that ebates returns a portion of their commission back to the buyer. I personally will not pay any more to get the rebate so it is a nice little extra. Many of the other loyalty programs count on customers not doing their research to determine if using their program is worth using.

    1. We want you saving money to be as easy as possible 🙂 Thrilled to be able to help you! Happy shopping, Gary. Make sure you upload a video to be entered to win.

  48. I’m optimistic about becoming United States citizen and continue my school I hope 2018 would be my year of success and happiness

    1. Best of luck in school, Hana! We hope 2018 is a great year for you. Be sure to upload a video sharing your cheer for a chance to win if you haven’t already 🙂

  49. This contest discriminates against people who don’t have phones with video capabilities. Not everyone can afford those phones or phone plans for them. I would love to enter this contest, but your assumptions and discrimination keeps me from doing so.

    1. Hi Christie! You can use a regular camera, upload the video to your computer, and upload it to our giveaway portal. We hope you find a way to enter ?

  50. Is easy to earn money with EBATE you just have to recommend your friends to use this application. For each friend that joint it you earn $25 and your friend will earn $10 dollar. Just make sure that your friend buy in one of the stores the use EBATE so you can get your $25 and your friend his $10. If you’re consistent you can earn good money, buying your flying tickets clothes, shoes, food,. You have the choice because there are a lots of stores so you can chose.

  51. i’m looking forward to enjoying every single day of 2018 ..even at work .i say this because Iive with an terminal illness and I want to really enjoy every breath I take this year and and every minute I have

    1. You have the attitude everyone should have! Best of luck to you, Cassandra. ? Be sure to upload a video sharing your cheer for a chance to win ?

  52. Hi, I’m new to this. I hope this would a good thing to support my family. And I wish you all good luck for the prize, I truly do.

  53. I’m optimistic about sending my nephew to barber school for a new career! His parents passed away years ago and he has been part of our family since then! The first to go to school!! ?

    1. That is so great of you, Sarah! Family first ? Be sure to upload a video sharing your cheer if you haven’t already for a chance to win.

  54. 2018 is set up to be the best year yet because thanks to Ebates we’ve been able to add tremendously to our savings. This is so important to us because thought my husband and I have been happily married for five years- we have been unsuccessful in having a child. We’ve spent the last two years saving for infertility treatments. Thanks to the hard work and the cash back from Ebates, we are financially set to start treatments. 2018– the year we kick infertility’s butt!

    1. We’re so excited for you, Kate! This will be a special year ? Be sure to upload a video if you haven’t already for a chance to win!

  55. I’m looking forward to buying my first home and building a better life in 2018. I hope just as much as I’m planning for myself, after graduating with my bachelors I’m so excited to be more engaged in my community- sharing in local events and finding ways to volunteer my time and efforts after work.

    1. That’s fantastic, Amy! Congratulations on graduating and pursuing your goals in the new year! Make sure to upload a video to be entered to win ?

  56. My little sister invited me to use Debates. It’s practically free money, what’s not to like? I told s bunch of people about it, Lowering referral bonus from $25 to $15 is understandable and still worth using it.

  57. In 2017 I lost a job I hated and was sad about it. Now I am glad about it because in 2018 I will focus my time pursuing my goals and passions starting with self publishing my first children’s book.

  58. I am optimistic about 2018 even though it start rough for me. On January 4th I unexpectedly lost my mother it has been terribly tough but with God and family I still have hope that this will be a good year. I will press onward and upward and continue to honor my mother’s legacy with my life.

  59. I enjoy all the online savings and get paid by Ebates! It’s a wonderful app and I don’t ever shop without signing up to ebates first both US and Canada ebates!

    1. Great start to the new year, Diana ? Keep it going throughout the year! Make sure to upload a video to be entered to win ?

  60. Since I’m hitting a milestone (30 years old in October!) I want to improve myself! 2018 will be a year of more positive thinking! Through working out, staying organized and thinking only the best in people, 2018 will be the best year yet.

    1. This is the year to reach your goals, Cheri! You can do it ? Make sure to upload a video to be entered to win ?

  61. I’m not sure if I uploaded the video correct, yet praying I did. Maybe I will get lucky and I will be doing a Happy dance all the way to the bank! $2000 would help me get my bills paid.
    Thank you Ebates

    1. Hi Starlet! We do not see a submission for you. Be sure to click “Upload File” and then “Continue” to assure your video is submitted!

  62. I’m not sure if I uploaded the video correct, yet praying I did. Maybe I will get lucky and I will be doing a Happy dance all the way to the bank! $2000 would help me get my bills paid.
    Thank you Ebates
    PS, I resubmitted my entry because I wasn’t sure if I did it correct the first try. I have never recorded myself before so this is a bit new for me, which is always good to try new things. I love!

  63. I really pray that this year will be a very prosperous year for me and my family. May God Continue Blessing us so that we can help others

  64. I am a mother of 4 and my husband has brain cancer. He has undergone 3 brain surgeries, chemo and radiation. We recently found out the cancer is spreading in his brain. We have started another chemo treatment. We know that this is going to be our year that God heals him and we get to share our miracle with everyone and how great God really is. Thank you!

    1. Best of luck to your husband ? We are thinking of him over here at Ebates. Thank you for sharing and we hope for the best.

  65. I’m happy to be here and in good health at my age of 44 and to have 3 beautiful grandchildren and a 25 year marriage. I’m optimistic about landing the right job in 2018.

  66. To “My Wallet” am I allowed to add my two “adult” children’s card #s to my E-bates account for getting cash back when they shop in stores? They do not currently have E-bates accounts and while I purchase almost everything online, the majority of their purchases are made in-store. They are both my dependents between 20-22 yrs old and are full-time students. With the exception of the billing names, their billing addresses are the same as mine. I was going to simply refer each of them, but on different blogs, I’ve read posters complaining that after they referred a roommate(s), E-bates closed their accounts by siting something that essentially means they believed the referral(s) we’re “fake” since the “Referer” & the “Referee” as roommates obviously had identical addresses. The posters also stated that there was no recourse through E-bates to at least have their account re-instated. I don’t want to risk having my account closed for legitimate referrals. So, can I add credit cards to “My Wallet” that have the same billing address as my account but not the same name on the cards as mine?

    1. Hi BB, sure, you can add as many cards as you want, as long as they are American Express or Visa. We currently don’t have the capability to support Master Card or Discover, but we’re working on it! Regarding referrals, we have an auto-flag system that notifies us if there are multiple referees for the same address. However, we just need to know that they do, in fact, have separate accounts. Since their Cash Back would be going to you anyway, I would recommend simply adding their credit cards to your account. Hope this helps!

  67. I’m optimistic for 2018 about the new career I could start, based on the certificate I obtained in 2017 for medical billing and coding. Looking forward to a better payrate.

  68. For some reason I can’t upload my video. I was recently diagnosed with an inoperable brain aneurysm, but I’m optimistic that I will see my only daughter graduate in 2018!

  69. I am a single mother of two. It’s hard at times. This year I have worked very hard to get my website up and running for my new business. I am thinking that 2018 will be my year! I’m an artist and I create beautiful unique jewelry.

  70. I am optimistic in myself. The idea that I am the only obstacle in front of my dreams and I’m ready to clear the road! I have, instead of I want. I am instead of I wish. I can instead of I hope!


  72. I am optimistic on Being able to purchase a house with my fiancé this year. We have been saving up for a house to buy in 2018 and a wedding for 2019. Being optimistic we will have it all saved up and not struggle !

  73. Thinking optimistic is strong communication with God, and God always replies in differently each time. Just try to listen and look carefully and stay optimistic.

  74. Awesome experience with ebates. My husband told me to join but I ignored him. I joined 3 months ago but when I started buying and see what I get with cash back, that was really nice. To buy something and expect cash back is so excitiing. I bought anlot of stuff online but never had cash back. Plus ebates will give it back to you faster than others.

  75. I’m optimistic to be more healthy this year. I also want to value my time with my family more, instead of rushing from one moment to the next.

  76. I’m optimistic that 2018 will be our best year yet! God will bless us with a child (or children!) and in the meantime we’ll become stronger together.

  77. My overall goal is to be a better person to be happier to do more to embrace the world and people more. To spend more time with loved ones and be uplifted . My sisters brother tragically died just last week and he loved life to the fullest. Even though I feel real down Moose is reminding me to embrace and love!

  78. I am optimistic in 2018 for graduating college in May with my Bachelor’s Degree in Occupational Safety & Health and marrying my wonderful fiancé, Branson in October!

  79. So optimistic I will be able to spend time with my great grandchildren this year. We are expecting the fifth at the end of May. I will be there!

  80. It’s a new day, a new year. Each day that the Lord has blessed you to be here with a sound mind, able hands and feet, you should be optimistic about your opportunity to change your circumstance. I am blessed and very optimistic.

  81. I’m optimistic about starting a 2cd job to be able to continue to help my daughter in college she’s in NC junior year she’s doing great its the financial crisis I don’t tell her about im a single parent so yea I optimistic about starting a 2cd job THANK you

  82. I’m feeling optimistic about finally getting my online shop/blog up and running this year. I’ve been working on it for quite some time and I finally feel like it’s getting to the point where I can publish it soon!

  83. I would love to enter the contest but, I’m a little nervous about saying something into a camera. I get all tongue tied and I don’t say what I mean. Can I write my entry and send it, to you?

    1. Hi Catherine, we do require a video entry for a chance to win. Luckily, you can take your video as many times as you like! These videos also won’t be seen by anyone without your consent, so you have nothing to worry about 🙂

  84. Being in healthcare for over 30 years, feeling as though I might make a difference in someone’s life with a smile, taking a moment to have a conversation and caring about their life. Blessed to have two beautiful, healthy and happy grandchildren, the greatest joy I’ve ever known next to having my own son. Thanks for considering me! ?

  85. When I got pregnant I was so scared that my daughter/baby will have the same fate like mine .I grew up without a mother ,because she died giving birth on me.
    I feel optimistic because god didn’t let that happened to her and I get to experience being a mother to my child.I will cherish every day being a mother. I will tell you it’s a hard work but I’m proud of it .

    1. Hi Nora, we’re sorry for your loss 🙁 It’s wonderful to hear that you have the chance to watch your daughter grow. Cheers to many many wonderful memories that the future holds.

  86. For years I have struggled with my injury from the military. THIS year, I am finally achieving my goals, finishing my college degree and moving forward with my life! I am optimistic that this year will be the beginning of the rest of my life!!

  87. For the year 2018 I’m looking to be more optimistic about the future of my three daughters and myself after a rough divorce that is something very hard for me to do but it is something that I need to do to show my daughter’s that no matter how hard you get knocked down you can always get back up and accomplish your goals.

  88. Im optimistic that 2018 will bring Sharad and I a baby. We have had lots of patience and faith…. but I feel hopeful! Come on Baby P!

  89. Moving out is never easy. Especially when in your household people hold you back from growing. I am optimistic that this is the right decision for me, and that I will learn to value, not only what I have, but who I have because only those who want to see me succeed will walk every step of the way with me.

  90. I’d like to help out the homeless over at the Honda center, out here in the OC where I live….they’re being kicked out/removed/asked to leave(whatever you’d like to call it). And of course they don’t have anywhere to go…we’ve donated clothing/food/money to the people over there at the HC, but We’d like to be able to help with more…

  91. I am extremely optimistic about the fact that this country is finally realizing that PTSD among the military and first responders is a real thing and that more treatments and and legislation will pass to assist those that need help and that suicide among these groups will become less.

  92. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for a good bit of time and we are having some difficulties. I am optimistic that this will be the year we are able to conceive.

  93. I am optimistic that the community of US citizens will grow weary of spending our energy on negative discourse and will increasingly turn to doing something positive: more volunteerism, more stepping up to foster (whether children or pets), more donations to non-profits and more working together to improve our communities.

  94. Lost my cousin in November 2017 which was very close to all the holidays. With the serious blow my family took it was hard to say goodbye to him as the year changed but I feel he is in my heart always and forever watching over me. He was 32. I am very excited about 2018 and what I feel in my heart will come. Although I do not have any written idea where it will take me but nonetheless I truly am happy in where I feel it WILL go.

  95. 2018: I just wish that we all start. by giving LOVE, COMPASSION, SHARING and FORGIVENESS! At least through these gestures, we all start to HEAL and start all over again to make this world a HAPPY place to live….Hoping It’ll be a CHAIN REACTION of good deeds that will just continue to light up in everyones’ HEARTS!

  96. I started this year optimistic about renewing my wedding vows with my wonderful husband of 30 years. Of course, I am so excited to be renewing my vows with my amazing husband, Michael. He is incredible, a great father, even raising our nephew after the untimely death of my sister 12 years ago. A gentleman, raising 2 strong, beautiful daughters; he works 60 plus hours a week since I was disabled. How could I not be over the moon excited about that? I would be remiss if I didn’t add that I am so optimistic about the EAGLES winning Super Bowl LII! I have been a die hard Eagles fan my whole life; I say I bleed green! This team, this year, has the whole city beyond optimistic. I am so thankful that I have 2 amazing things to look forward to this year!

    1. Hi Elizabeth, we are so sorry to hear about your sister. It sounds like you have a wonderful man by your side, though 🙂 Fly Eagles fly!!

  97. I am optimistic that I will find a way to afford to send my brilliant hard-working daughter to the College preparatory high school that she was accepted to!

  98. In 2017 using Ebates we were able to take our dream Kona,Hawaiian family vacation. Everything on our itinerary was booked through Ebates effortlessly and at a huge savings. So much so we were able to bring other family members as well. Top notch accommodations and extra spending money from the savings. And when we returned we noticed that we were getting a check from Ebates. “Winning!” We are now planning our 2018 vacation and Ebates will be the first to know where we are going. Thank you Ebates.

  99. 2018 is an exciting year! I turn 40 this year and I’m optimistic for the new chapter! Making changes, and doing my best to leave the world a better place than how I found it! Attitude determines your altitude!

  100. I’m feeling optimistic about my preschoolers growth and development lately. She has had some challenges but she has come so far already this year!

  101. This is the year my life will become the best ever! I will be getting married in September to the love of my life Peter and our children, grandchildren and best friends are the wedding party. Looking forward to a very Comfortable, HAPPY and full of LOVE life.

    1. Hi Alida, that sounds awesome! Sorry to hear your video didn’t work 🙁 I see that you uploaded it into the comments – it should be uploaded into the widget. Keep an eye out for our future giveaways!

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