New Blog, New Giveaway: Day 4

Have you checked out the Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale? Nordstrom is a favorite Ebates partner. We love their stylish offerings and free shipping. To celebrate our beautiful new blog we are giving one Ebates fan a $100 Nordstrom gift card



Entry is simple: Let us know how your would spend your Nordstrom gift card if you won!

*This giveaway will be open through 11:59 on 5/23. Winners must be members of, residents of the United States, and 18+ years of age.

199 Replies to “New Blog, New Giveaway: Day 4”

  1. I would love to get a suit to help me land my dream job as a teacher. I’ve been interviewing for about 4 years, but no luck. Maybe something new is what I need!!

  2. Love this! I would buy a couple nice “business casual” pieces as I’ve just opened my own business after 12 years of caring for my husband who suffered a hemorrhagic stroke at age 40…two months after our second child was born. He recently passed away and this begins a new chapter. Really need some appropriate clothes to wear in my store. Have a great day, everyone!

  3. To be HONEST…I have NEVER shopped at Nordstroms; just walked thru to get to another shop. If I won, I am sure my 12 yr old daughter would beg for it! Her MOTTO is what is MINE is HERS. She is a def girly girl and LOVES fashion and make-up. Her bday is this August and she would want it to go shopping! If I won and I used it, I have NO clue what I would shop for? But ALWAYS love FREE money to try out UNFAMILIAR places to me.

  4. My partner is a nurse at an assisted living facility and I would use it so she could get herself some good quality clothes for wk. The residents always comment on how cute she is and I would love for get to feel cute as well. Help me do that for her. Thankx

  5. I would buy a cute maternity dress as encouragement for the new baby on the way. A new baby is kind of like a new blog, right?

  6. I don’t have a Nordstrom where I live, so I would get to use it online! (YAY! I love online shopping!) I would pick up some jane iredale beauty products from the Spa Nordstrom products collection!! (And they have free shipping!!!)

  7. I would probably use it to get my husband some new clothes. He is in desperate need of something other than t-shirts!

  8. I am in need of a few things to update my wardrobe. Maybe a pair of jeans and new heels. I could also use a new swimsuit.

  9. I would use mine online and get some new summer sandals, I have been wanting, but not able to afford right now! Maybe even some new capris too:)

  10. I’d help my nephew make his first purchase with Ebates on in celebration of his first birthday on July 1st. I’m starting him early!

  11. I would use shop online buy thru Ebates to get cash back too instead going to store and buy only $100 ;)……more money that way ;$$$$

  12. I would share with my sister in law. She was badly burned on Thanksgiving making soup when it splattered in the blender all over her face and chest. I think she could use a pick me up dress.

  13. Nordstrom’s is my favorite!! I would take advantage of the free shipping and returns policy and go through Ebates to stretch out the $100 a little further to buy some summer essentials. Thanks for a chance at this awesome opportunity!

  14. I would say that I would buy some new clothes for myself, but I would just end up buying my baby something. Possibly a jogging stroller. 🙂

  15. I would find an item that would total just under $100 (including taxes). Heard I can get one shoe or a dress shirt with one sleeve and several buttons missing, in the clearance rack, at Nordstrom for that price.

  16. i would buy either a dress for myself or for my daughter. something fun and elegant that we can wear whenever :)i love spoiling her:)

  17. I would give it to my daughter. She works so hard in school and as an intern, but she never has money to buy nice clothes. Ebates is great for her because there isn’t a Nordstrom (or any mall) near her school. Thanks!

  18. Wow!!! I would first go to and use their portal to get to of course!! I would have to say I would buy my hard working husband a new outfit!! He deserves some new duds! Thanks Ebates!!

  19. As a high school teacher, I would love to celebrate the end of a successful school year by treating myself to a new Isaac Mizrahi dress!

  20. Their shoe department is the best in service and selection. I’d treat my Mom to a pair since it’s difficult for her to find a cute, comfy pair of size 5 shoes anywhere. Nordstrom always has something she likes.

  21. My husband recently lost a good bit of weight and he could really use some new clothes. I’d use this to get him started!

  22. Nordstrom is my favorite store for clothes. I would love to get something nice to wear to my cousin’s wedding.

  23. I would buy my son some new work shirts. He works hard and it is important for him to look nice at worktto.

  24. I have a 13-yr-old boy who loves name brands so I’d probably use it on him although shoes for me might win.

  25. I’d probably end up splurging on my husband. Been meaning to get him to see a Nordstrom personal stylist… he needs a wardrobe update!

  26. I would spend the 100 dollar gift card on my new husband. He never asks for anything. I would love to surprise him.

  27. I would give the gift card to my parents who work so hard to make a living for their children. Parents deserve to have a splurge for themselves.

  28. I would buy something that would last a little while, something sexy for a night out when I actually get asked on a date. Swimsuit maybe since were I live is mainly hot.

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