Show us your Big Fat Check and Win $150

We are sending out Big Fat Checks soon and want to share some more money with our wonderful fans. This giveaway is simple: share a photo of yourself holding your big fat check. Two Ebates fans will win $150! If you get paid by PayPal or via an Amazon gift card feel free to write your total Cash Back amount on a piece of paper and hold it up. This giveaway will be open through March. Once you receive your check you can enter on our Facebook page.  But that’s not all –  a selection of entries will be featured on our Facebook page 🙂

Photo giveaway

31 Replies to “Show us your Big Fat Check and Win $150”

  1. Since I don’t have facebook, but have twitter and pinterest, is there another way I can enter?
    Having a “facebook only” entry seems unfair, since the whole world is not on facebook, for privacy issues, etc..Contests like this, for people like myself who are ebates members, should be accessible to ALL. Thank you.

    1. Hey Amy, we understand that feedback and appreciate it. We do giveaways on all of our platforms, this one in particular is for our Facebook audience. Stay tuned for great blog-centric giveaways.

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