Favorite Cinematic Couples

With Valentine’s Day coming up so soon we have epic love on the mind. Nothing shows the ups and downs of love better then the cinema, but we were unable to pick a single favorite fictional couple. Our list is by no means comprehensive, but it covers a variety of fictional love:

Moonrise Kingdon







Moonrise Kingdom told the story of first love. It was quirky, fun, and entertaining. The young couple, Sam and Suzy, decide to run away together. We find it impossible not to enjoy this young love.

Pretty In Pink







Pretty in Pink. We couldn’t really make this list without including a John Hughes film. The young couple, Andi and Blane are considered an unfit match due to different social classes. Andi, played by Molly Ringwald, is from the ‘wrong side of the tracks.’








Casablanca. While our classic film knowledge is a bit limited, this love is undeniably epic. The backdrop of 1940s Casablanca, this love story unfolds dramatically, but is doomed to fail.

Romeo and Juliet








Romeo and Juliet. We know that this is a painfully obvious choice, but we had to include it. Whatever version suits your fancy, this love story is as old as it is timeless.

lady and the tramp







Lady and the Tramp. This animated classic makes us nostalgic for the Disney films of our childhood. Like the aforementioned Pretty in Pink, this couple endures despite the pressure of societal norms.

The Notebook







The Notebook. This is a modern day classic. If you haven’t seen it (c’mon, who are we kidding, everyone has seen it), stop what you are doing and watch it now. It tells the story of a love that endures a lifetime with the highest highs and lowest lows.

What films would you include on this list?


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