How to Survive Being a Single Girl on Valentine’s Day


Valentine’s Day sure can be an unfriendly day for single women. At best, it can just feel exclusively not for you. Whether you are single and loving it or lonely and loathing it, we’ve got a list of 10 things you can do to get through the day in one piece with our singles’ guide to Valentine’s Day.

1. Log off social media – If you’d rather not see Facebook check-ins at fancy pants restaurants and “couplesies” on Instragram, just put your phone on lock and get off the grid. Also, it’ll keep you from throwing yourself a little pity party with bitter status updates.

2. Fast food feast – Treat yourself to a cheat meal with the added bonus of knowing no couple will be spending the most romantic day of the year at Wendy’s. At least not happy couples.

3. Shopping spree – Listen, you’re great and if no one is there to spoil you this Valentine’s Day, DIY. Get yourself a little something to help you strut your stuff.

4. Spa/salon day– Primp, pamper, perfection. Come out looking and feeling like a new woman.

5. Galentine’s Day – Leslie Knope had the right idea. Take your fellow singles out for brunch or dinner and dancing. Ladies celebrating ladies!

6. Get physical – Hiking, yoga, paintballing. These are all activities that will work up a sweat and maybe even unleash a little aggression, if needed.

7. Sports bar viewing party of one– If you’re already planning to catch a college basketball game or MMA fight on TV, why not take yourself out for some buffalo wings while you’re at it? You’ll get out of the house without the risk of coming face to face with unsightly PDA. Until someone scores a point, that is.

8. Library trip – Dive into a good book or two without spending a single dollar.

9. Guilty pleasure TV – Unless your guilty pleasure is Rom Com or anything else sappy, get your couch potato on. Perhaps some celebrities in rehab or overbearing stage moms will make you appreciate your current drama-free independence?

10. Traditional date night – We hope you’re just as comfortable as a single gal as you would be in a relationship. If you love you, shout it from a rooftop and take yourself out. Fancy dinner, chocolate dessert, romantic movie, the whole nine. You deserve it!

Bottom line, ladies—do YOU. Create a day filled with things that make you happy simply because you deserve it. Comment below and tell us your ideal single Valentine’s Day.

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