Stressed Out? 5 Tips to De-stress


Living in the modern world has its perks, and while iPhones and Netflix streaming are great, modern life also comes with a fair amount of stress. With our constant connectivity, we’re “on” for longer and longer periods, making it tougher to just unplug, rewind, and recharge. Stress brings a hefty supply of negative effects with it, like headaches and sleep problems, anxiety and difficulty focusing, and changes to your eating habits. That’s no fun for anybody, so we’ve put together some easy tips for relaxing and de-stressing. Start using these five strategies and you’ll be stress-free in no time!

Contemporary Bedroom

1. Make the Bedroom Your Zen Zone
If you’re dealing with the insomnia that can accompany high stress levels, sometimes you need to adjust your bedroom. Making your bedroom a “Zen Zone” is a good way to make sure you can take your mind off of stressors and enjoy a full night’s rest when you go to bed. Avoid eating, working from your laptop, watching television, and similar activities in your bedroom to ensure the focus of the space is for restful sleep.

Eryn Lorcher Fitness Model Portfolio Shoot #1 2009

2. Get More Exercise
One of the best stress relievers and ways to get your mind off of things is to get active. Exercise takes on many forms, and finding one that you enjoy is a learning process. Yoga is a great way to relax and shift your focus toward your physical activity instead of whatever is stressing you. You can join a yoga class or do it at home. If you prefer the outdoors, jogging around a local park is a great way to get some fresh air and vitamin D.

Finding inner peace

3. Start Meditating
You might get a taste of this in yoga, but meditation is a great practice that anyone can enjoy, regardless of your physical condition. There are tons of online resources and guides to help you get started, but the best methods for beginners are usually ones that focus on breathing. It’s an easy practice to incorporate into your daily routine, and the calming effect is noticeable after your first session.


4. Reduce Your Caffeine Intake
While coffee keeps the world turning round, there can be too much of a good thing. If you’re a bona fide caffeine addict, you’re not doing yourself any favors in the stress department. Try cutting back to a single cup in the morning and see if you notice a difference after a few weeks. Try drinking water infused with fruit instead of reaching for coffee or a soda. Coffee isn’t an easy habit to drop cold turkey, but gradual reduction can do wonders for your stress levels.

Bubble Bath

5. Give Yourself a Home Spa Treatment
Sometimes the trick to letting go of your stress is just a little pampering. Try turning your bathroom into a home spa space. With Bed Bath and Beyond coupons at Ebates, you can get discounts and cash back on home spa products like aromatherapy bath salts, plush robes, and more.

Give these five stress relieving tips a try and see what works for you! Cheers to a new stress-free you!


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