Easy Halloween Safety Tips

Can’t wait for the Halloween fun to begin? Whether you are staying in to greet trick-or-treaters or are venturing out with your little ones, it’s always important to do everything you can to avoid injury to yourself and others. Check out these super simple Halloween safety tips to make sure everyone has a happy and healthy evening.

5-halloween-glow-sticks-8-inches-bc-809276Be visible. One of the most important safety tips for all outdoor, nighttime activities is doing what you can to be seen in the dark. Glow sticks are a simple, cheap and fun way to glow in the dark while collecting treats.

Travel in small groups. Large groups can be hard to keep together and going solo in the dark can be a little more spooky than you would like. Stick to groups of four or five. If you’re chaperoning a lot of kids, ask other adults to help keep track of your pack of ghouls.

Use soft accessories. If your costume includes staffs, swords or other faux weaponry, make sure these accessories are flexible and soft. This way, you can avoid accidentally hurting someone.

skeleton_flashlightSee clearly. Make sure you can see where you’re going. If you’re wearing a mask, be sure that the eye holes don’t obstruct your vision. Also, carry a super cool flashlight! You never know when street lights just won’t cut it. Pick up a few Halloween flashlights for everyone in your ghostly gaggle.

Avoid homemade treats. If you or your children receive homemade treats from strangers, consume with caution. You may just want to play it safe and throw them away, especially if anyone in your party is prone to food allergies.

Wear flame-resistant costumes. All pre-packaged Halloween costumes should indicate whether they are flame-resistant. This is extremely important since open flame from candles and lanterns will likely be encountered.

halloween_makeupTest Halloween makeup. Using Halloween makeup is a great alternative to wearing masks that can get in your way. However, always be sure to test your makeup on a small patch of skin. If you know you are prone to skin allergies, review the ingredients before applying.

Keep Jack-o-lanterns out of the way. Again, open flame can be dangerous, even from a tiny candle. Keep Jack-o-lanterns away from doorways and walkways so costumes are less likely to brush against them.

Don’t overload extension cords. If you decorate your house with lights galore, make sure you use enough outlets to avoid a short. This could be a major fire hazard.

Have a super safe Halloween!

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