Deskercise: Tips for an Easy Office Workout

Exercising Office Worker with Dumbbell

Although certain jobs require plenty of physical movement, others call for hours upon hours of sitting. After numerous hours at the office and even more stuck in traffic or on public transit, finding time to make it to the gym can be difficult. But you can get healthier without making radical life changes. Although standing desks are becoming more popular in the workplace, standing all day can impact your health negatively. The most important thing you can do in the office is get up and move. Take a stroll around the office, walk up and down the stairs or take a few moments to stretch—all that matters is that you’re moving. We at Ebates have compiled 18 exercises you can do easily at your desk.

Practice Perfect Posture

Having safe and comfortable desk ergonomics is key if you’re sitting for multiple hours a day. Adjust your chair height to make sure your feet, hips and arms are at 90-degree angles to the floor. Don’t slouch! Engage your core and keep your back straight throughout the day.

Man and Woman Walking Up Stairs

Take the Stairs

Taking the stairs has dual benefits: It allows you to avoid uncomfortable elevator small talk and easily elevates your heart rate. Take two at a time every other flight if you’re looking for a real challenge.

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Wall Push-Ups

Wall push-ups are suitable for dress shirts and skirts alike. Stand one to two feet from a wall, and lean forward until your palms are flush against the wall with your arms straight and parallel to the ground. Bend your elbows to bring your body toward the wall, hold for three seconds and then push back to your original position. Do this for 10 to 15 reps.

Shadow Boxing

Release your pent-up frustration by shadow boxing. Stand up and throw a few jabs, hooks and uppercuts in rapid succession, trying not to hit your coworkers or computer screen. Continue for 60 seconds or longer if you really need to blow off some steam.

Roaming Wanderer

The easiest and perhaps most rewarding exercise you can do is to simply walk around your office. Take a stroll to say hi to the accounting team or welcome the newest intern. Or wander over to a colleague’s desk instead of sending an email to get in some face time while also benefiting your health.

Desk Chair Swivels

If you have a swivel chair, have some fun with it! Sit upright with your feet hovering over the floor and hold onto the edge of your desk. Use your core to swivel the chair side to side. Continue for 15 to 30 seconds.

Young Office Workers Doing Yoga

Yoga Break

Incorporating some of your favorite yoga poses throughout the day is a great way to get out of your chair and stretch. It’s easy to stand up and practice a forward fold or balance in tree pose. Or stay seated and stretch into a backbend or twist.

Core Squeezes

This silent deskercise can be done by taking a deep breath, tightening your abdominal muscles and bringing them toward your spine as you exhale. Try to stay squeezed for five to 10 seconds before releasing. Repeat for 10 to 15 reps.

Pencil Pinches

Work out your traps by rolling your shoulders back until your shoulder blades are pinched together. Pretend you’re holding a pencil between them, holding for up to 10 seconds. Release and repeat for 10 to 15 reps.

Stationary Jogging

Take a little break from sitting at your desk and writing endless emails to jog in place for one minute. Pick up your knees for more of a burn. Write a few more emails and repeat.

Wall Sits

Build up some strength and endurance with wall sits. Place your back against a wall, bend your knees and slide your back down the wall until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Sit and hold for at least 30 seconds, eventually pushing yourself to 60 seconds or more. You can even play games on your phone during this one.

Desk Squats

If you use a standing desk, you’re already burning more calories than if you use a sitting desk. But you can add a squat for even more of a burn. Stand with your feet together and bend your knees so your thighs are almost parallel to the ground, as if you are sitting. While bending, raise your arms either straight up or toward the computer screen. Hold the squat for 15 seconds. Repeat for five reps.

Seated Leg Raises

These leg raises can be done at your desk and are hardly noticeable. While seated, straighten either one or both of your legs and hold in place for at least five seconds, if not longer. Lower your legs back to the ground, but do not let your feet touch the floor. Repeat (alternating legs if you’re doing one at a time) for 15 reps. If you’re looking for more of a challenge, loop a purse strap over your ankles for added weight.

Shoulder Shrugs

Test out your shoulder shrugs simply by raising both shoulders toward your ears, holding for five seconds and releasing. Repeat for 10 to 15 reps. Just make sure you’re not in a meeting while doing this one!

Calf Raises

Waiting at the water cooler or printer? Take this time to sculpt your calves with calf raises. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, press up onto the tips of your toes, pause at the top for a moment and then lower back down. Do 12 to 15 of these for three sets, or whenever the printer is done with your job.

Businesswoman Stretching Arms in Air

Fist Pumps

Pump it up in the office and tone your arms at the same time. Fist punch straight into the air and alternate for at least 60 seconds. Play “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor—guaranteed to burn even more calories!

Stapler Curls

Similar to dumbbell curls, stapler curls are very simple to do while reading emails. Place your stapler in one hand with your palm facing up. Starting at your thighs, bend your elbow and curl your arm upward to your chest. Pause for a moment and then lower your arm back down. Continue for 10 to 15 reps and switch sides. This exercise can also be done with a filled water bottle.

Chair Dancing

Although this one doesn’t exactly get you out of your seat, it’s great for a boost of energy and is downright fun! Throw on a favorite tune (via your headphones) and just go to town with a bit of seated dancing. Whether you want to shake your booty to some hip-hop or do a little tango or salsa, this one will get your energy going when no one is looking!

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11 Easy Tips to Get Fit at Home

11 Easy Tips to Get Fit at Home 5

With a little self-discipline and the patience to sort through the wide world of online workouts, getting fit at home is easier than ever. Smarter, more efficient fitness starts at home with everyday activities that take only minutes and don’t require trudging to and from the gym. They key is regularity. Relying on a tough one-time workout is much less effective than including simple, healthy fitness in your daily routine. Some at-home workout equipment can earn you Cash Back at Ebates and will help you simplify your workouts and bring a little fitness to your home life.

1. To work on core strength and balance, try standing on a balance board instead of sitting on the couch next time you’re watching Netflix. Using a balance board works your back and abs, and enhances proprioception—your body’s tiny muscular corrections that help you stay balanced throughout the day.

Steppie Balance Board

Steppie Balance Board (Walmart)


2. A kettlebell is the perfect size for your workout at home. Carve out a few minutes of your day and 5 feet of space, and bring your squats to a new level. Try this exercise: Stand with your feet hip distance apart and the kettlebell on the floor between them. Squat and grab the kettlebell with one hand, and raise it up to shoulder level in front of you with a straight arm. Then squat to lower the kettlebell back to the ground, switch hands and repeat.

GoFit Contoured Kettlebell

GoFit Contoured Kettlebell (Target)

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3. Outside of basic squats, there are dozens of kettlebell exercises that can work the entire leg. Try speed skating: Start with both feet shoulder width apart and slide your right leg behind your left, bending your left leg at the same time, as if you’re ice skating. Holding the kettlebell with both hands, follow your arms’ natural swing down and to the right. Alternate legs and repeat for your preferred number of reps.


4. The next time you have a few minutes after work or just before bed, grab your yoga mat and turn on some yoga videos. A regular yoga practice is great for your heart, and it relieves pain and improves flexibility and brain function. Just 12 minutes of yoga at home each day can help your bones—and reverse osteoporosis.

Gaiam Yoga Mat

Yoga Mat (Gaiam)

5. Feel free to skip that next barre class. You can practice some of the strength-training barre techniques at home with just a yoga mat and a high-back chair. Kick off your shoes and socks, and get in a couple of plié squats or a few reps of ronds de jambe while dinner is cooking.


6. Rolling out your muscles is an easy way to keep them loose and prevent soreness. Lie down on the floor, placing a foam roller beneath you wherever there may be tightness. Foam rolling works best when the roller focuses on one location for a few seconds, rather than rolling quickly over the entire backside of the body.

Weider 18 Inch Foam Roller

Weider 18 Inch Foam Roller (Sears)

7. Take your rolling to the next level by using a few tennis balls to dig into more specific muscle areas. Place the tennis ball against the area that has tension and either press against a wall or use your body weight against the floor. The ball works to break up muscle tissue that can lead to tightness that’s often caused by poor posture or repetitive motions. Part of getting fit is making sure all your muscles are loose and blood can flow freely throughout the body.


8. Make time for a detox bath a few times a week to reduce inflammation in your muscles and throughout your body. Try scooping 2 cups of Epsom salt into your bathwater and soak for about 20 minutes. The warm water and Epsom salt will bring the toxins in your body to the surface of the skin. As the water cools, those toxins will leach out into the bathwater, leaving you with less inflammation.


9. Stability-ball crunches are an easy way to work your core without putting too much pressure on your neck. Lower your back onto the ball, and crunch up for a few reps of 10 to 20. This is an easy abdominal workout that requires only a few minutes and almost no space. Plus, this is another workout that works just as well in front of the TV—no gym required.

Gold's Gym 65cm Anti-Burst Body Ball

Gold’s Gym 65cm Anti-Burst Body Ball (Walmart)

10. Work your triceps with stability-ball push-ups. Using the ball elevates your feet and makes push-ups slightly easier. Start facedown in a plank position with your feet on top of the ball and your hands on the floor directly below your shoulders. Bend at the elbows for a few reps of 10 push-ups. Less intensity means you’ll be able to fit in more reps and tone those triceps even more.


11. The screen and phone time that takes up our days certainly doesn’t help our postures. Hunched backs and rounded necks—especially when they’re practiced over long periods of time—can lead to unnecessary body pain. Good posture is one way to help avoid muscle pain, which can often be the result of underutilized muscles shortening. Sitting and standing up straight also improves core strength while allowing blood to flow properly to the entire body.


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Fitness & Diet Coupons
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7 Super Cool Hobbies That Require Zero Skills

Coloring Pencils and Book

If you have ever wished you had a hobby but you know you’re too lazy to pursue one, this is your lucky day. While a two-week intensive course on beekeeping or private guitar lessons sound super fun (and you’d probably look amazing busting out the guitar solo from “Free Bird” in full protective bee gear), we’re betting those things are pretty pricey and require some natural ability, like, say, manual dexterity or a non-fear of bees (which is totes a skill). So let’s lower the bar just a tad and consider one of these easy and cheap hobbies. Ebates has everything you need to get into some majorly cool hobbies while you rack up some Cash Back.

Meditation and Relaxation

Meditation: If you can sit still and listen quietly to your own breath, you can meditate. Treat stress and get in touch with your body with only a few minutes of meditation a day. Up the ante by increasing your meditation time gradually and you’ll find your center in less time than you think. To help you get started, search for free meditation apps on your phone. Some provide calming sounds or voice direction to help you melt into your meditation practice.

Cat Coloring BookColoring: Coloring in adult coloring books, like this adorable one featuring calming cats, is another hobby for the overly stressed. All the hard work of illustrating is done for you, leaving you free to create with color and even tape it to the fridge if you do a gold-star job.

Podcasts on iPhonePodcasts: Now you can finally know what the heck all your friends have been talking about. Download podcasts for your car commute or morning train ride on any subject you choose. Go for popular podcasts like This American Life and Modern Love, or find top podcasts on special interests like history, pop culture, comedy and more.

REI Hiking BootsHiking: You don’t have to be an Eagle Scout to get into exploring local trails and landscapes. Hiking is for everyone, and all you need is a map and a good pair of boots like these Danner cascade boots from REI. REI also has a great blog and buyer’s guide so you can find the perfect footwear for your next trek.

Wooden Picture Frame

Upcycling: Even if you’ve never crafted or taken on a DIY project in your life, upcycling is as easy as it gets. Take the things you no longer use and give them new life with just a few supplies you can get at crafts stores like Michaels or Jo-Ann Fabric. To get you started, seek some inspiration from top blogs such as Upcycle That and ReFashionista.

Calligraphy Set

Calligraphy: In this digital age, you can easily stand apart from the pack by mastering the thank-you note and spiffing them up with some calligraphy. It’s easy to learn and incredibly calming. This starter kit from Etsy will provide everything you need to get scrawling in style.

Surfing the Internet

Blogging: Got some daily musings or rantings to share with the world? Build your own creative space while keeping your writing skills sharp by starting your own blog. WordPress has free blog templates, or you can create your own custom website with GoDaddy. Their site builder is easy to use, and web hosting is affordable for any budget.

Which of these hobbies piques your interest? Let us know with a comment below!



Prices and Cash Back percentages are subject to change. 

12 Gifts for the Health Nut Who Has Everything

Gifts for Health Nut

We all have the one friend. She’s up at 5 a.m. every morning for a run or she’s always checking out the next health food craze or she is definitely the one to go to for the best yoga tips. Her body is a fine-tuned machine and she keeps it at peek performance. So naturally, you’re looking for health and fitness gifts to get her this holiday season and the biggest challenge is finding something she doesn’t already have. We’ve combed the web for some of the best-rated, best-selling, and generally deemed can’t-live-without gifts for the health nut in your life. Whether you need gifts for healthy eaters or must-have gadgets for athletes, we’ve got it all right here with Cash Back at Ebates.

Fitbit Blaze

purple Fitbit Blaze

GPS tracker, heart rate monitor, step counter, distance tracker, calorie burn calculator. What can’t it do? Well, it can’t drag her out of bed in the morning. But good thing she has iron willpower anyway.

Nutri Ninja Blender Duo

Nutri Ninja/Ninja Blender Duo

Whether she is into juicing or making the ultimate protein shakes and smoothies, this all-in-one Ninja system is the best in the bizz.

Ventura M23CW Bicycle Computer

Ventura M23CW Bicycle Computer

For hardcore cyclists, a good biking tracker is ideal. This wireless tracker calculates speed, distance and averages so she can always challenge her personal best. Other functions include a calorie consumption calculator, thermometer, metric/English conversion and auto powering on and off of the device.


BlenderBottle 20-Ounce

No more bulky blenders when she’s on the go from work to workout. Just pour the water and protein powder, shake, chug and conquer.

Gold’s Gym Sauna Suit

Gold's Gym Sauna Suit

Help her build up a good sweat no matter what the workout with this sauna suit from Gold’s Gym.

Fitbit Flex 2 Waterproof Activity Tracker

Fitbit Flex 2 Activity Tracker Waterproof

Technology is finally catching up for swimmers, making waterproof trackers better than ever. This one tracks your progress over time and even helps you recognize your sleep patterns.

Digital Kitchen Food Scale

Digital Kitchen Food ScalePortion control is key and not everything can be measured in cups and spoons. A digital food scale is perfect for the person who is vigilant about their balanced diet.

5-in-1 Electric Mandoline Food Dicer

5-in-1 Electric Mandoline Food Dicer

The hardest thing about eating healthy is the prep involved. But this state-of-the-art chopper makes veggie dicing and slicing a breeze.

Veggetti Pro

Veggetti Pro

Help her cut carbs by replacing her favorite pastas with veggies! This spiralizer makes instant veggie noodles for healthy, delicious dishes.

The Language of Letting Go Journal: A Meditation Book

The Language of Letting Go Journal: A Meditation Book

Healthy body, healthy mind. Remind her to take time out to breathe and be present to keep her mental health in line as well with a meditation journal.

Yoga Wheel with Premium TPE Mat Material

Yoga Wheel with Premium TPE Mat Material

For advanced yogis, the wheel is the next step in taking her practice to new levels. Included is a 20-pose guide on how to use the wheel for balance and strengthening.

Vivi Life Fitness Counter Jump Rope

Vivi Life Fitness Counter Jump Rope

No need to count jumps. This rope does it for her with an electronic read-out and it adjusts for different heights.


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Groupon Coupon Codes

8 Unusual Coloring Books for Adults Who Need to Chill

Color pencils and coloring book

Of all the de-stressing techniques out there — from massage to yoga — coloring is definitely the cheapest and easiest. Anyone can pick up crayons or colored pencils and let their imagination take over. And what better time to do it than today on National Coloring Book Day?

We know you’ve seen your fair share of mesmerizing mandalas, blooming bouquets and cute cats in coloring-book form. So we’ve rounded up a few options that are a little outside the box for all you pop-culture junkies and appreciators of absurd humor. Treat yourself to some of these unusual coloring books with Cash Back at Ebates. Warning: Some of these are not appropriate for kids. But you weren’t going to share anyway, right?

Vogue Colors A to Z: A Fashion Coloring Book

Vogue coloring book

After a long day of screaming kids or boring meetings, you can pretend you are a world-famous fashion designer sketching away on your Parisian balcony with this super chic Vogue coloring book.

The Official “Game of Thrones” Coloring Book

Game of Thrones coloring book

Go medieval with your me-time. This intricate “Game of Thrones” coloring book from Michaels will help you create fan art in less time than it takes to binge-watch a season.

Swear Word Coloring Book

Swear word coloring book final

Color some choice words and phrases instead of screaming them into a pillow or inside your car during rush hour. Trust us: It feels better and reduces frown lines.

Dinosaurs With Jobs

Dinosaurs with Jobs coloring book

Remember when you were obsessed with dinosaurs? And that was when you only saw them walking around in books or eating people in movies. Now you get to see them face the everyday obstacles you know all too well in this coloring book available at The Book Depository.

Bun B’s Rap Coloring and Activity Book

Bun B's Rap Coloring and Activity Book

Coloring is great and all, but what about paper dolls? And what about rap-star paper dolls? Fill in the lines and play dress-up with some of the baddest hip-hop artists, including (but not limited to) Queen Latifah, Drake, Wiz Khalifa, Childish Gambino and Questlove.

Lonely Planet Ultimate Travel Coloring Book

Lonely Planet Ultimate Travel Coloring Book

You may not have the time or the funds to travel the world, but you can see some of your favorites in non-living color.

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Happy Snacks Coloring Book

Happy Snacks Spiral Perforated Coloring Book

Stress eating: The struggle is real. Quash those pesky snacking habits by coloring cute versions of your favorite junk foods.

Unicorns Are Jerks

Unicorns Are Jerks coloring book

We hate to disappoint you, but unicorns aren’t all majestic and sweet, as demonstrated in this coloring book from BooksAMillion. But at the end of a long, hard day that has brought out some of your choice character defects, isn’t it kind of a relief that they aren’t perfect either?


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Arts & Crafts Coupons
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Coupons on Arts Activities
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Michaels Discounts

Where to Find the Best Workout Clothes for Men

Man wearing white shirt and earbuds runningSummer is an awesome time of year to hit the treadmill and kick your workout into high gear. You may be ready to hit the gym, but your winter workout wardrobe is likely in serious need of a pick-me-up. Lucky for you, we’ve assembled a go-to list of online hotspots to keep updating your workout gear from costing an arm and a leg. Freshen up your gear and your gym bag with these great deals from some of your favorite stores for men’s workout clothes. Don’t forget to activate Cash Back at Ebates and watch for seasonal sales and a men’s workout clothes promo code to stretch your summer budget even further.

Eastbay homepageShop classic workout clothes for men and great deals when you check out the awesome men’s workout clothes collection online at Eastbay.

Savings Tips:
• Head to Eastbay’s Sale section online for bargains like 30% off gear, apparel and footwear, no matter your sport of choice.
• Get exclusive offers and savings tips when you sign up for their email list.


Check out Nike’s iconic men’s running clothes and sneakers to give your summer workouts an awesome boost at a great price.

Savings Tips:
• Get men’s shoes, shorts, shirts, jackets and more at up to 60% off in the Men’s Clearance section.
• Keep an eye out for extra perks like a free shipping offer promo code when you’re shopping for men’s workout clothes and don’t forget to add it in at checkout!

The House homepageGet outside and take the world by the horns with epic gear and workout clothes for men when you check out the deals online at The House.

Savings Tip:
• Don’t miss the major summer sale online at The House with savings up to 70% off gear, apparel and men’s running clothes!


You know Kohl’s means serious savings on home goods and apparel, but did you know they also have a killer men’s workout clothes section?

Savings Tips:
• Stay tuned for extra savings, like a super summer men’s workout clothes promo code and get a bonus 20% off your order online at Kohl’s.
• Shop Today’s Deals for rebate offers, promo codes, clearance markdowns up to 70% and free gift with purchase offers.

adidas homepageShop top brands for less when you browse the awesome gear and apparel at adidas. Get men’s bodybuilding clothes and men’s yoga clothes online at adidas for less.

Savings Tip:
• Sign up to get adidas perks emailed straight to your inbox and get a coupon for 15% off your next online order!

Finish Line

Break your own records with the best men’s workout clothes and footwear from top name brands available online at Finish Line.

Savings Tip:
• Don’t miss out on major end of the season sales online at Finish Line and save up to 60% when you refresh your workout wardrobe.

Foot Locker homepageGet gym ready ASAP with the deals available on everything from men’s footwear to men’s workout pants when you shop online at Foot Locker.

Savings Tip:
• Head over to Foot Locker’s online outlet and score up to 75% off top brand men’s workout clothes, footwear and accessories.

Ready to take your workout to the trails? Gear up online at for less with summer savings on men’s running clothes and more!

Savings Tips:
• Get up to 60% off men’s workout pants, shirts, jackets and more in the Sale section online at
• Find hot deals like free shipping offers or a men’s workout clothes promo code plus hundreds of items on sale when you shop online at



Werq Your Workout With These Stylish Fitness Essentials

Woman tying shoelaces on her hot pink running shoes

Women are busier than ever these days. So busy, in fact, that changing into workout accessories and clothes after a long day can feel like just another time suck. This is precisely why activewear and fitness wearables have become so fashionable. They are designed to be worn all day long if you need to be ready for a cardio session at a moment’s notice but want to keep your OOTD on point. If you are looking to inject some style and sass into your fitness wardrobe, look no further. We’ve picked out a few fierce pieces that are not only functional, but statement-making for those who love to turn heads as they jog on by. Shop these fitness accessories and apparel items with Cash Back at Ebates and keep an eye out for an activewear promo code to make your money go the distance.

Marble Print Sports Bra

Marble print strap back sports bra plus size activewear

Some marble print, a touch of neon, and a sexy strappy back make this sports bra one chic method of support.

Go-Dry Cool Graphic Tank

Gym hair don't care activewear tank top

You make gym hair look good. And messy buns are still totally en vogue, OK?

Active Varsity-Striped Jacket

Mesh striped white activewear jacket

This sporty and sleek mesh jacket will have you whizzing through the wind in style on your next morning jog or bike ride.

Onzie Track Leggings

Olive green mesh cut out activewear leggings

Mesh panel leggings are a big trend but this pair in olive can easily be worn outside the gym with your favorite tunic.


Pink headband earphones RunPhones

Sport bands help to keep the sweat out of your eyes but this one also moonlights as wireless headphones worn over the ear.

Misfit Sport Necklace

Gold and black Misfit fitness tracker round pendant necklace

If you have the Shine activity tracker, a super cool minimalist necklace like this is the perfect way to wear it for all-day comfort and style.

Jawbone UP2 Activity Tracker

Silver Jawbone fitness tracker bracelet

Don’t you just love when a wearable looks like modern jewelry? You may be the only one to know that this piece is tracking calories and activity but secrets are fun, right?

Nike Victory Gym Tote

Blue Nike gym bag tote

That moment when your gym bag becomes your everyday bag…We’ve found the perfect solution in this folded tote by Nike, which upon first glance looks like the hottest purse off the runway. Gym bags have never been this chic.

Stance x Rihanna 88 Anklet Socks

Mesh black and white anklet socks

These sheer, sporty socks from Finish Line can easily be rocked with a heel for a bold look, making them perfect for your casual-to-cardio wardrobe.

Nike Air Max 90 Ultra Breathe

Hot pink Nike air max 90 ultra breathe athletic shoes

And how could we leave out a statement running shoe? These eye-popping Nike shoes come in a plethora of captivating colors, or you can even make a custom pair as unique as you are.



7 Game-Changing Fitness Wearables

Happy sporty woman using smart watchNow that spring is here, everyone is starting to think more about getting out and active. If you’re like most of us, having a reminder to get up and get moving is a great way to keep up with your fitness goals. Wearable devices make this incredibly easy thanks to modern motion sensing technology in most of today’s wearables. Trying to find the perfect fitness tracker to pair with your exercise regimen of choice? Take your health and strength to the next level with one of these seven top fitness wearables and get Cash Back at Ebates!

Fitbit Flex

Black Fitbit Flex fitness tracker wearableFirst in its class when it comes to both style and function, the Fitbit Flex is the perfect wearable technology to get you motivated and help you meet the mark when it comes to staying active. As an extra bonus, the Fitbit Flex will even track your sleep patterns to help you look and feel your best! Keep an eye out for a wearable promo code online at Best Buy and be sure to activate Cash Back at Ebates for even more savings.

Microsoft Band 2

Black Microsoft Band 2 fitness tracker wearableA seamless combination of connectedness and sports-appeal, the Microsoft Band 2 will make you wonder how you ever lived without wearable tech. Can’t decide between the many smart watches and other fitness wearables on the market? Try out the Microsoft Band 2 and get the best of both worlds! Head online to the Microsoft Store and get ready to rock your workout and anything else that the day throws your way.

UP by Jawbone

Black UP by Jawbone fitness tracker wearableSlim and sleek, the fashionable UP by Jawbone is equal parts wearable art and fitness tracker. With a motion and sleep tracker packed into this lightweight bracelet, you can pair the UP with their powerful app to give you a full picture of your daily activity. Offered in several colors, the UP by Jawbone is available from multiple stores online.

Samsung Gear Fit

Samsung Gear Fit black fitness tracker wearableLightweight, water resistant and ready for anything, the Samsung Gear Fit features live updates on a screen that’s easy to see regardless of whether you are exercising during the day or at night. Check it out online at Samsung and enjoy the savings as you score cool Cash Back at Ebates.

Garmin Vivoactive Sports SmartWatch

Black Garmin Vivoactive Sports Fitness SmartWatchUltra-thin and with a high-resolution touchscreen, the Garmin Vivoactive Sports Fitness SmartWatch is an incredible wearable that even supports biking, swimming and golfing. Pair it with your smartphone to track your fitness milestones or get updates while you’re out and about. Get it now and be sure to look for a fitness wearable promo code before you check out!

Apple Watch Sport

Black Apple Watch Sport fitness tracker wearableHave trouble fitting exercise into your busy schedule? The Apple Watch Sport is the ultimate wearable tech in a sea of smart watches. The Apple Watch will help you get fit and stay connected with all the other important stuff going on in your work and personal life. Head online to Sam’s Club to pick yours out today!

LG Lifeband Touch Activity Tracker

LG Lifeband Touch black fitness tracker wearableNever miss a beat with the Lifeband Touch Activity Tracker wearable from LG. This touch screen wearable tech syncs wirelessly with your smart phone and Bluetooth earpieces to power your workouts with the music you love or to seamlessly connect your calls.


How to Add Healthy Snacks to Your Life

Trail mix with dried fruit and nutsFeel a snack attack coming on? Conquer your unhealthy cravings with a smarter approach to snacking. The right munchies can help keep you fuller longer and nourish your mind and body with pure goodness.

From tips on how to keep your snacks fully stocked to helpful resources to take some of the burden off your plate, your pals at Ebates have you covered with our complete guide to healthy snacking.

homemade healthy salads with black beans, vegetables, fruits, and quinoa in jar. toning. selective FocusCreate a Prep Plan

Prepping your snacks ahead of time makes staying on track easier. Keep diced fruits and vegetables in bags or mason jars in your fridge to avoid grabbing that bag of potato chips. The handy portions and convenient containers make it simple to snack more mindfully. Super snacking tip: Make Sundays your prep day and keep your fridge and cupboards stocked for the busy workweek. It’ll provide you with plenty of healthy snacks for work and keep you away from that tempting vending-machine trip.

To make your prep plan a breeze, visit Fit & Fresh for innovative and convenient solutions designed to make it easy to eat healthy. Shop the stylish collection of insulated lunch bags and durable containers for perfectly proportioned snacks and meals. On-the-go container sets make it simple to chop fresh fruits and veggies and take them to work or on road trips. Shop bento boxes, lunch-bag kits and more, all with Cash Back at Ebates.

Send Your Taste Buds on an Adventure

Nothing derails healthy snacking like bored taste buds. Don’t get burned out on the same old snacks. Instead, make a point of mixing up your daily choices. Pick your go-to favorites, but be sure to branch out and explore some interesting new combinations and flavor options. Some quick research on Pinterest or a tutorial on YouTube can introduce you to some new crave-worthy snacks in no time.

Hands holding fresh veggies in a wooden crate

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Keep It Simple With Subscription Services

With a Graze subscription, you’ll get all the latest and tastiest healthy snacks mailed directly to you. Try hand-picked high-protein snacks and wholesome treats to keep you fueled up and ready to conquer the day. Best of all, you’ll get a tasty variety with no prep work involved! Graze’s sectioned boxes make healthy snacking at work or home easy. Also, be sure to use a Graze promo code for big savings on your box!

Choose Hello Fresh for easy meal planning with boxes of fresh ingredients along with easy-to-follow, healthy recipes delivered right to your door. Select your favorite recipe box featuring heart-healthy foods, crisp veggies and lean meats you and your family will love, all while saving with a Hello Fresh promo code and Cash Back at Ebates. Portion out leftovers for healthy snack ideas or create small batches for mini meals throughout the day.

Skip the preservatives and chemicals and explore for your healthy snacks. You’ll find mouthwatering food created by independent makers, not companies. With high-protein energy bars, nuts, all-natural jerky and more, Mouth will tempt your taste buds with the most delicious array of indie eats. Plus, you can combine your favorite snacks and flavors for the ultimate in healthy snack ideas. Pair the perfect amount of fruits, carbs, proteins, grains and veggies for a well-rounded, nutritious snacking experience. Make things easy on yourself and explore Mouth’s monthly subscription services for healthy snacks delivered right to you, all while saving with Ebates.

We want to hear from you! Comment below and tell us your favorite healthy snacks.



Related Links:
Fruit & Nuts Coupons
Discounts on Groceries
Wholesale Snack Discounts
Food Saver Coupons

How to Get Major Relief From Spring Allergies

Blowing a dandelion into the airWith spring flowers come…spring allergies! Spring is a lovely time of the year to get outside, shake out the winter cabin fever jitters and finally get some sunlight. However, if you’re one of the millions that suffer from spring allergies, this time of year can be a bittersweet mix of longing to get outside and fighting your spring allergy symptoms. But don’t give up! Here’s how to deal with allergies and take back your spring!

1. Be Prepared

Every year, spring returns and with it comes a barrage of pollen and other spring allergy triggers. You know it’s coming, so why not be prepared when spring allergies symptoms inevitably roll around? Many of the allergy-fighting medications take a couple of weeks to build up in your system before they become truly effective. Talk to your doctor to figure out what to take for allergies and mark your calendar ahead of time to prepare yourself for success when it comes to handling your allergy sniffles and sneezes. If you figure out what works for you early on, you can even stock up on your allergy meds online at stores like Walgreens or Rite Aid and get Cash Back at Ebates. Plus if you start early, you can keep an eye out for an allergy medication promo code throughout the year and score an awesome deal on the medicine you know you’ll need for spring.

Pill box marking the days of the week for prescription medication2. Commit to a Treatment Routine

Starting early on allergy meds is only the first piece of the puzzle when it comes to handling your spring allergy symptoms. Allergy treatments only work if you actually take them on a regular basis so figure out what you need to help remind you to take your allergy medication, whether that means a day-of-the-week pill box or an alarm on your phone. Make sure you follow the dosage directions on whatever medication you take to optimize its allergy-fighting benefits. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions about what will provide the best relief for your symptoms.

3. Keep an Eye on the Pollen Count

Did you know that you can get the daily pollen count for your area online on weather websites? Sites like The Weather Channel post daily pollen levels for many areas and can help you determine just how bad the pollen situation is outside for your spring allergies. Armed with the pollen count, you can plan ahead to avoid the high pollen count days and take advantage of the sunny ones with low pollen for your spring adventures.

Cute girl in the park, sneezing, having spring allergies4. Know What to Bring When You Brave the Outdoors

Heading outdoors into the great big spring allergy-inducing world is not for the faint of heart during allergy season, but armed with the daily pollen count and a few other items, it can be as easy as a walk in the park. Having a pair of sunglasses on hand can help protect your eyes from both sun and pollen in the air and save you some allergy grief. Pack the tissues in case your nose starts to run and have an escape plan in case you need to take a time out from your pollen problems. Make sure you don’t forget emergency allergy relief, like nasal spray, and you’re ready to take on the great outdoors!

5. Make Your Home an Allergy-Free Zone

When the pollen count outside is high, having your home as an allergy-free sanctuary is essential to surviving the ill effects of spring allergies. Find a promo code for allergen reducing air filters at stores like Lowe’s, arm your house against the pollen that spring is sure to throw your way and even get Cash Back at Ebates! Avoid using fans that draw in outside air and instead stick to air conditioners that filter and recirculate inside air.

Spring Allergy-Fighting Essentials