Fashionably Fit Giveaway


Keep those New Years Resolutions on track, particularly if they involve a commitment to your health AND upping your accessories game. Ebates is proud to present our Fashionably Fit Giveaway where one lucky winner will receive a Fitbit Flex and two ways to wear it fiercely with a Tory Burch bracelet and necklace. Both the necklace and bracelet actually hold the Fitbit while you go about your day fashionably. The entire package is valued at $450.

Ready to get your heart pumping and you looks popping? See giveaway details and enter to win below. Good luck!

How to Enter the Fashionably Fit Giveaway:

1. If you’re not already an Ebates member, join over 8 million other savvy shoppers who earn up to 40% Cash Back on almost everything they buy. Joining Ebates is free and you’ll receive a $10 Welcome Bonus when you join today at You must be an Ebates member to be eligible. 

2. After you enter your Ebates email, you can earn extra entries for each type of entry. Comment, tweet, pin, follow us, like us, circle us — the more you do, the more entries you get! This sweepstakes ends on Wednesday, February 10, 2015 at 11:59 PM PST. The winner will be randomly picked through Gleam, and will be posted on Facebook and this blog. Please be aware of the Giveaway Rules.

Be sure to keep an eye on your inbox, as the winner will have 24 hours to accept the prize before we will choose another winner.

Fabulously Fit Giveaway


The Survival Guide to Cold and Flu Season


Nobody enjoys getting sick. While it may sound nice to take the day off and stay in your pajamas at home, when cold and flu symptoms are added in, you usually end up being just plain miserable. From stuffy noses to painful coughs, having the flu or a cold can end up keeping you from your daily routine longer than you want. We’ve got some tips to help you survive cold and flu season without having to live inside a bubble.

Get a Flu Shot

A flu and a cold are very different. More than 100 different viruses can cause a cold, where as only influenza virus types A, B and C cause the flu. The flu vaccine is designed to protect against the flu strains health experts believe will be most widespread each season. Yes, you might have a sore arm for a day or two (massage the area gently before and after the shot to prevent soreness) or feel a bit achy the next day, but you can not catch the flu from the vaccine.

Wash Your Hands – A Lot

Wash your hands, over and over again. Wash your hands so much you start to get tired of doing it. Even if you aren’t in a job environment where you work closely with people, germs can stay on objects you touch regularly. Make sure when washing your hands to use soap and scrub hard for at least 20 seconds. Scrub between your fingers, the back of your hands and even under your fingernails.

Use Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer

While the preferred method of getting rid of cold and flu germs is with soap and water, sometimes you can’t always have this on hand. A quick spritz of hand sanitizer is also essential for those who use public transit, where germs can collect in the close environment.

Clean Your Surroundings

Sanitize your surroundings. A cough or sneeze can send germs flying, so sanitize the objects you touch daily. Think of your keyboard, mouse, mousepad, cell phone, doorknobs, light switches, coffee mugs, etc. These can be germ hoarders and you don’t want that on your desk.

Sneeze Into Your Elbow

Sneezing or coughing into your sleeve is the best way to stop the spread of germs from a sneeze or cough when you do not have a tissue. When you sneeze into your hands, you risk touching your face or objects. It might seem hard to break the sneezing into your hand habit, but trust us, it’s worth it. You’re bettering your health and the health of those around you.

Sick in Bed with Thermometer

If you have fallen under the evil spell of a cold or flu, it’s good to be prepared. When you’re feeling achy in bed, the last thing you’ll want to do is head to the drugstore to get medicine and soup. Build a Cold and Flu Survival Kit filled with medicine, warm socks and all types of flu-killing products. We have a few suggestions on what to put in your kit with Cash Back at Ebates, but feel free to add whatever you like to kick that cold!

Stock up on all these cold and flu essentials at online pharmacy’s like Walgreens or If you need to buy for the whole family, get your items in bulk at discount stores like Kmart or Walmart. Don’t forget to use Ebates to get Cash Back on all your online purchases and stay healthy this winter!

Prices and Cash Back percentages are subject to change. 

13 Simplified New Year’s Resolutions

2016 woman standing in the sunIt’s that time of year again when we reflect on the last 365 days and audit them for triumphs and mistakes, what worked and what didn’t work. As we focus on areas that still need improvement, we set a goal that will undoubtedly make our lives better and happier. The only problem is that most New Year’s resolutions tend to be a bit lofty and many people end up failing to meet them. Instead of leaping head first into a big goal this New Year’s Eve, we at Ebates advise taking some baby steps instead. We have taken 13 common New Year’s resolution ideas and whittled them down to microresolutions anyone can meet.

1. Lose Weight

This is a tough one. There are almost too many ways to approach losing weight if you feel you need to. First, forget the number on the scale and ditch the time table. The added pressure of trying to lose X amount by Y date can sabotage you. Instead, think of one or two things you can easily do starting right now, like eating salads for lunch or moving your body for 10 minutes, three times a day. Don’t think of this as underachieving. Think of it as just the starting line! Once you conquer this goal and make it a habit, you can move on to the next step with confidence.

woman smoking a cigarette2. Quit a Habit or Addiction

Again, there are many ways to approach dropping a bad habit or addressing your addiction. Remember that in some cases, you could be dealing with a chemical dependency. Behaviors are also very hard to break. Your first goal should be finding a method of help that would best suit your situation. Whether it’s literature, professional help, 12-step groups or beyond, make seeking help your goal. From there, an action plan will surely emerge to get you to the bigger goal of kicking your habit.

3. Get a New Job

This one is just not totally up to you, sorry. Whether or not you score a new job is up to one person–the hiring manager who will extend you an offer. Instead, update your resume and LinkedIn profile, seek out career counseling to get some feedback on your approach to job searching. You can also set goals for how much time you will spend searching for and applying to jobs, such as an hour or two a day.

4. Get Out of Debt

Depending on how deep in debt you are, this is something that can easily take more than a year. The first step is finding out how many expenses you are willing to cut from your budget and how much money you can easily put aside each month or each paycheck to both pay off your bills faster and avoid accruing even more debt. These are small, sensible goals you can stick to. And before you know it, your debt will become a lot more manageable.

planner organizer5. Get Organized

Blanket statements like “I’m going to organize my life!” can overwhelm you in seconds flat. You may have multiple areas in your life that need to be organized but picking one should be your first goal. Whether it’s your closet, your desk, your schedule or that mounting stack of coupons on your kitchen counter, start in one place and do not move on until it is in order. Clean out that closet and find a place for everything then buy yourself a weekly planner and get that schedule in check. Make steady progress and you’ll feel more organized in no time.

6. Spend More Time With Loved Ones

Finding more time for anything can sometimes just not be an option with the demands of work and other responsibilities. As an alternative, why not make the time we already spend with family and friends count? Putting away your phone or turning off the TV during meals is a good start. Planning fun activities in advance for the weekends doesn’t have to require a lot of money or travel. Sometimes it’s just your attention and not your schedule that need the adjustment.

7. Live Stress Free

For those who suffer from anxiety, this is not a simple goal and perhaps not something you can do on your own. Seeking the help of your doctor is a reasonable goal. You can also sign up for a yoga class. Practicing gratitude is also very effective in alleviating stress. Do this by keeping a journal of things to be grateful for and update it every time you are feeling overwhelmed. Also, count your complaints. Every time you have the urge to complain, recognize your frustrations but also counter them with finding something positive in the situation.

8. Enjoy Life to Its Fullest

First of all, what does this even mean to you? Generally, we think most people just want to be happier. When you’re happy, you enjoy life. So how can you be happy? Again, we suggest starting small. Do one thing every day that you enjoy, but that is good for you or constructive. This can be exercise, calling a loved one, painting your toenails, whatever. It doesn’t have to cost money or take a lot of time. Knowing that you are dedicating a portion of each day to self-care reinforces the idea that you are important.

woman at airport9. Travel More

Vowing to travel more this year could be a lofty resolution. Plus, you never know what 2016 is going to throw at you to derail any dream destinations you have set in your mind. Planning one trip, however, is completely sensible and doesn’t even have to involve a deadline. Start by picking a destination then estimate how much money you would like to save for the trip. From there, you can figure out a monthly savings plan that is sensible for your income and normal expenses. It may take another year but you will eventually have enough to take the trip of a lifetime.

10. Rekindle a Relationship

Maybe things are tense between you and a friend or loved one or perhaps you haven’t even spoken in a long time. Repairing or rekindling a relationship is really only half up to you. You can take the steps to initiate contact, but they may not be met to your satisfaction. A feasible goal would be just to reach out in the first place. This may need to include making an amends to clear the air. The rest is up to them. If they are not receptive, at least you can move on knowing you did your best.

11. Get 8 Hours of Sleep

If you normally conk out at midnight only roll out of bed at 6 a.m., it is not sensible to suddenly resolve to get to bed every night by 10. Treat yourself like a toddler and ween into an earlier bedtime by bumping it up 15 minutes at a time. After a few days of lights out by 11:45, go for 11:30 and so on. Gradually, you will get to an ideal bedtime and find yourself all the more rejuvenated by getting more sleep.

12. Kick Your Social Media/TV Habit

Whether you’re a compulsive Tweeter or a Netflix binger, it’s always important to address how much time you spend in front of a screen but it’s not totally realistic to go cold turkey. Deleting all your social media accounts is a tad drastic. So, too, is throwing your TV out the window. Instead, set yourself appointments to check your feeds. Once in the morning and once at night for 20 minutes is a good start. TV watchers can use the same principle but it could also be a good idea to downgrade your cable subscription. Having unlimited access to TV can result in a lot of mindless watching.

food donation box13. Be More Giving

This is one of our favorite resolutions but one that many fail at for one simple reason. Opportunities to be more generous don’t always make themselves available. It is up to us to seek them out. Some people find a charity and set up a recurring contribution while others donate a few hours of their time each month to a soup kitchen, animal shelter, etc. These are simple giving goals that can make a big difference for both you and the lives they touch. Be proactive!

Prices and Cash Back percentages are subject to change. 

Taking Yoga Out of the Studio

If you’ve recently started a new yoga practice, filled up your drawers with some hot new yoga gear, like Gaiam yoga wear which is available at Kohls — and find you love the comfort and style of your studio clothes so much that you can’t resist wearing them out as streetwear — you’re not alone!

Studio-to-street looks are rapidly making huge waves in the fashion world as busy women seek stylish solutions to fit workouts into their tight schedules. And it’s no wonder — with the wide range of well-designed coordinates available, it’s easy to look put-together and on trend in your yoga clothing. As a plus, yoga gear is not only chic but comfortable for any activity!

Curious about how to go from studio to street without a hitch? Try these tips and breeze from class to brunch (or beyond).

Taking Yoga Out of the Studio Infographic


The easiest way to take your yoga gear to the streets is to add accessories. Just toss your favorites on in the locker room and go. Need ideas? Consider what you would add to a “regular” outfit and give it a go with your workout clothes. For starters, you can try the following:

  • Tie a flannel around your waist.
  • Carry your favorite statement bag.
  • Pop a baseball cap on for a sporty, fun look.
  • Not into ball caps? A cowboy or sun hat can work too!
  • Chunky, colorful jewelry can add just the right touch to glam up your outfit for the sidewalks.

Layer It On

Another simple way to make your gym clothing appropriate for venues off the mat is to match it up with items from your everyday wardrobe. Adding “street” pieces to your yoga basics can create a cool, urban vibe. Start looking through your closet to see if any of these ideas inspire you:

  • Throw on a fierce bomber jacket for instant street cred.
  • Pull a flowing skirt over your leggings — or simply exchange your pants for one.
  • A tailored blouse can look surprisingly sleek on top of yoga pants — or for a more boho feel, try a peasant blouse over your tank.
  • You can even put on a cool blazer for an urban look.
  • Try a graphic T-shirt for an especially edgy look over either basic or patterned yoga pants.
  • Kimonos are the ultimate in style right now and look great over gym gear!

Style Your Shoes

For the final touch, simply putting streetwear on your feet can give yoga clothes the panache to strut anywhere. Shoes without an overt athletic feel can do the trick when nothing else does and elevate your outfit beyond class. If you’re ready to get off and running, give these ideas a run for their money:

  • Swap out your flip-flops for dressier sandals or flats. Surprise: You can even try a pair of heels, if you dare!
  • Consider “fun” sneakers that are more designer- than workout-oriented.
  • Metallic sneakers are comfy and snazzy, matching but elevating the casual vibe.
  • You can even try a pair of boots — classic neutral ones for a sleek look, or go hippie with fringe and suede!
  • Want to really toughen things up? Try moto boots with studs.

Have fun — and Namaste!

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Accessorize Your Yoga Wear

If you’re new to yoga and getting ready to walk into your first class, it’s completely normal to find yourself overwhelmed or confused about all the gear that’s available.

Or perhaps you already have an established practice and know your way around the mat — but are looking for ways to stretch your yoga wardrobe into other sports, activities or everyday life.

Newbie or seasoned yogi, we’ve got you covered either way with this complete guide to a well-dressed practice. Read on for tips to build a starter wardrobe and toolbox, as well as how to take your gear to the streets and beyond.

Accessorize Your Yoga Practice Infographic


If you’re just starting out, you’ll need some basic wardrobe items plus optional props in order to be successful at your new practice.  Yoga is a discipline without judgment, so you are certainly free to wear any clothing you own that allows ease of movement, but most practitioners find gear designed specifically for yoga — and all its bends, inversions, twists and poses — to be the most comfortable. If you’re looking for something new, check out Gaiam yoga wear which is available at Kohls.

Yoga is practiced barefoot, so no need for shoes! However, you’ll want to explore the various options for pants and tops. There are several different styles available for you to choose from. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of each.


  • Boot-cut: These are styled just like regular boot-cut pants or jeans, with a close fit through the thigh and flare at the bottom. The cut flatters most figures, but if you dislike loose fabric around the ankles when working out, avoid these!
  • Capri: Capris end either right below the knee or mid-calf and are great for hot yoga classes or any hot climate. Beware of scraping or rubbing exposed skin in the kneeling poses.
  • Leggings: These go all the way to your ankles in a close fit, revealing your shape from the waist down. If you are comfortable with the way they look on you, they can help your instructor see and correct your form.
  • Loose: A loose, gauzy or soft material is good for more modest practitioners and offers comfort and ease of movement. They may prove difficult for more active yoga classes, however, and are best reserved for gentle, Hatha, restorative/yin or Kundalini classes.

Wondering about undies? With all pant styles, the choice is up to you whether to wear underwear or not. Many practitioners skip them completely; others choose a thong to avoid panty lines. Do what feels right to you!


Although you may be tempted to go to yoga in your most comfy T-shirt, keep in mind that many yoga poses will cause loose shirts to flip around your ears! Instead, consider a top designed especially for your practice, or at the very least layer a sports bra under your tee.

  • Tanks: There are a variety of tanks for a variety of figures. You can choose anything from a tight-fitting tank to one with a longer, looser or blouson silhouette if you’re trying to camouflage trouble spots. Many tanks also have built-in shelf bras, which are extremely convenient but tend to work best for A- to B-cup women.
  • Sports bras:  A sports bra will help everything stay in place and keep you comfortable. If you have a larger bust, consider a sports bra as a base with a tank layered on top. You can also layer a long-sleeved shirt on top of that if you want to feel extra warm and cozy.

A note: If you’re practicing bikram yoga (also known as “hot yoga”), you might be tempted to wear looser clothes, but those will quickly become bogged down with sweat and impede movement. Stick to leggings, capris and form-fitting tanks.

Props and Gear

When trying out yoga for the first time, it’s wise to try your studio’s gear first. Once you have an idea of what works for you, here are some common purchases, which you can tote to the studio or use to augment a home practice.

Don’t overspend: Yoga gear should be simple and not exorbitantly expensive. Straps and foam blocks are exactly what they sound like and shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg.

  • Mat: If you’ve decided yoga is for you, the first thing you will likely want to get is your own mat. Germaphobes will definitely want their own, rather than use a “public” mat (even at the cleanest studios)!
  • Grip socks: If going barefoot is not an option for you, try a pair of grippy socks. Regular socks may cause you to slip on the mat.
  • Hot yoga towel: If you like hot yoga, you’ll want a special towel to layer over your mat. No more slippin’ and slidin’ on the sweat!
  • Foam block: A block can help you reach certain poses and provide support as you develop your strength and flexibility.
  • Strap: Straps are also invaluable for stretching poses and preventing injuries.
  • Streaming yoga classes: If you can’t make it to the studio, purchase DVDs to practice at home or visit services such as Netflix for a challenging variety of streaming classes.

Enjoy your new practice! Namaste!

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5 Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

If you’ve been feeling a little less than energized lately, you might need to take a look at your sleeping habits. There’s no need to worry because there are a lot of ways you can improve the quality of your sleep for more consistent relaxation and fewer restless nights.

tips for a better night's sleep

Check out our guide with four tips for getting a better night’s sleep!

1. Make Your Bedroom a Zen Zone

One of the reasons why you have trouble falling asleep at night might be due to the fact that your bedroom isn’t fully established as your “zen zone.” Ideally, your bedroom should be a space devoted solely to relaxation.


Simple things like working at a desk, exercising, watching television, or eating in your bedroom can actually be disruptive to your sleep later on in the night. If you’re reserving your bedroom as a space for sleep, you’re setting yourself up for a restful mental state in a calming environment from the moment you walk in.

2. Limit Your Late Night Screen Time

As far as getting into the restful mental state is concerned, limiting your late night screen time can be another good way to prevent restlessness. The artificial light from your iPad, laptop, or cell phone can suppress your melatonin levels and affect your level of alertness, in turn taking a toll on your overall health.


If you need to read something before bed, opt for a printed book or non-light emitting device. You’ll thank us for the tip when you start sleeping like a baby.

3. Get Smarter About Meal Timing

As any nutritionist will readily tell you, it’s unwise to eat a large meal before going to sleep. Your body won’t have enough time to metabolize the meal and you’ll end up storing more fat than you’d experience with an earlier dinner.


In addition to the unwanted effects of late night dining on your waistline, a large late night snack can cause discomfort and keep you from falling asleep as you normally would. And of course, anything with caffeine like chocolate, coffee, or tea is best to avoid as well within four to six hours of going to bed.

4. Stick to a Relaxation Routine Before Bed

One of the best things you can do before settling into bed is sticking to a set relaxation routine. Taking a soothing bath with a stress relief soak formula is a great way to unwind at the end of a long day. Take advantage of savings and cash back rewards with Bed, Bath and Beyond coupons for products like the Lavender Vanilla Aromatherapy bath. You’ll nourish your skin with essential oils and natural ingredients while removing any feelings of stress for a calm, relaxing sleep.


4. Diffuse Essential Oils

Essential oils can be used both topically and through inhalation from a diffuser to improve quality of sleep. Lavender essential oil is great for wind down before bedtime, so diffuse a couple hours before you’re ready to hit the sack. It will help you feel in a relaxed mood so that when you’re ready to close your eyes you’re body is already triggered for sleep mode.


Follow these five tips and you’ll be all set to start enjoying a more relaxing, reenergizing sleep tonight!



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Prices and Cash Back Percentages are subject to change.

How To Drink More Water Every Day


Drinking water is one of the best things you can do for your health, with myriad benefits to both your digestive and immune systems. While it’s easy to find reasons why we should be drinking more water, it’s a little trickier trying to put those plans into action. If you’re looking for some inspiration with new ways to incorporate more water in your daily routine, we’re here to help!

1. Make a Drinking Schedule
It may seem silly at first, but making a schedule for increasing your water intake can actually be a great strategy. Like everything else you can imagine, there’s an app for that. Waterlogged is a fun way to track your daily water intake with reminders on your phone, making it super easy to stick to your schedule. If you’re on Android, Water Your Body is number one water app to record and remind you to drink water.

Glass of water

2. Keep a Glass of Water on Your Bedside Table
The tried and true method of keeping a glass of water on your bedside table is a good way to stay hydrated before you go to bed and first thing when you wake up in the morning.

3. Carry a Bottle with You Wherever You Go
It might seem like a simple solution, but the biggest reason we don’t all carry water bottles with us everywhere we go is for their lack of style. Luckily water bottle designs are getting trendier these days. If you’re in the market for a more elegant drinking solution, there are plenty of chic solutions like the high tech Vessyl that you won’t feel self-conscious carrying around.



4. Punch Up the Flavor
We know, water isn’t the most exciting drink, but you can always punch up the flavor to start drinking more. Try citrus infused water with the Citrus Zinger Water Bottle Infuser (available in pink, orange and green). When you use coupons from Ebates, you can take advantage of 4% Cash Back on the purchase and free shipping on orders over $35.

5. Eat Fruits and Veggies Containing Water
Increasing your water intake doesn’t necessarily even need to entail drinking water. Fruits and veggies contain high concentrations of water, providing up to 20% of the average person’s fluid intake. They also provide essential fiber and nutrients while they’re at it. While a glass of water is your best bet to stay hydrated, the added benefits of eating your veggies makes it a worthwhile addition to the routine.

And as far as the benefits of drinking water? They’re innumerable. For those looking to get in shape, WebMD advises that drinking more water is a good way to control your calorie intake and energize your muscles before and after a hearty workout. You’ll prevent fatigue and have an easier time staying fit. Curing your cravings, preventing headaches, improving your skin’s complexion and helping out your metabolism all seem like good enough reasons to start drinking more water!



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Prices and Cash Back Percentages are subject to change.

12 Money-Saving Healthy Kids’ Snacks


When it comes to keeping little tummies full, healthy ingredients and a steep grocery bill are always top concerns. Quickness and convenience are also key when it comes to snacking with a busy schedule.

But making your kids’ snacks can be affordable, healthy and even easy when you make large batches that will last you the whole week. Plus, some of these healthy snack recipes are kid-chef friendly and easy to make with some little helping hands. Check out these 12 money-saving healthy kids’ snacks your brood will go bananas over.

1. No-Bake Granola Bites
These sugar- and flour-free bites are better than cookies, and they make for a quick breakfast or after-lunch snack on the go.

via Gimme Some Oven

2. Sesame-Ginger Roasted Chickpeas
Younger kids can be a little finicky about eating meat, which is why beans are a vital source of the protein, iron and fiber all kids need. These mouthwatering roasted chickpeas are the perfect substitute for fatty potato chips or buttery crackers.

via Honk If You’re Vegan

3. Baked Apple Chips
These simple apple chips will be an instant hit if your kids want a nice crunch or something sweet. Bake up big batches and bag them for later — your kids will always want more.

via The Viet Vegan

4. Cheesy Broccoli Bites
Adding cheese to veggies is a classic trick for getting kids to eat their greens, but these are just ridiculously delicious.

via Super Healthy Kids

5. Black Bean Brownies
Beans are magical little bits of healthiness, and these delectable brownies are as simple as they are scrumptious.

via Minimalist Baker

[ebatesads id=”in-post”]

6. Spicy Kale Chips
Ditch the Lay’s and get your kids to love munching on these crunchy greens with a little kick.

via One Green Planet

7. Grape Poppers
On those rare occasions you want to give your kids a sugary treat, these candy-coated poppers can still be an opportunity to give them their daily serving of fruit. You can also swap the sprinkles for chopped nuts!

via My Kitchen Escapades

8. Banana-Zucchini Muffins
Hiding a fruit and a vegetable in a sweet little muffin? Who are you, Houdini?

via Yummy Healthy Easy

9. Ham and Cheese on a Stick
No baking or cooking required for these delicious afternoon hors d’oeuvres. A little imagination always makes eating fun for kids.

via A Mom’s Take

10. Fruit Juice Jell-O Squares
Make a classic treat wholesome with real fruit juice. The kids can even help you make this sweet snack.

via Primally Inspired

11. Parmesan Baked Zucchini Fries
Just a light sprinkling of oil, salt and Parmesan cheese and these babies are ready to bake and be devoured by the entire family.

via Damn Delicious

12. Fruity Frozen Yogurt Bites
All you need is your favorite yogurt, some berries and silicone cake cuffs to create a frozen treat perfect for hot days.

via Eats Amazing

Let us know in the comments which of these recipes your kids would gobble up!

Related Links:
Graze Coupons
Discounts on Snacks
How to Add Healthy Snacks to Your Diet
Fruit & Nut Deals
Grocery Coupons

Stay in the loop to hear about great deals and tips! Follow Ebates on FacebookTwitter and Google+!

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Prices and Cash Back Percentages are subject to change.

Stressed Out? 5 Tips to De-stress


Living in the modern world has its perks, and while iPhones and Netflix streaming are great, modern life also comes with a fair amount of stress. With our constant connectivity, we’re “on” for longer and longer periods, making it tougher to just unplug, rewind, and recharge. Stress brings a hefty supply of negative effects with it, like headaches and sleep problems, anxiety and difficulty focusing, and changes to your eating habits. That’s no fun for anybody, so we’ve put together some easy tips for relaxing and de-stressing. Start using these five strategies and you’ll be stress-free in no time!

Contemporary Bedroom

1. Make the Bedroom Your Zen Zone
If you’re dealing with the insomnia that can accompany high stress levels, sometimes you need to adjust your bedroom. Making your bedroom a “Zen Zone” is a good way to make sure you can take your mind off of stressors and enjoy a full night’s rest when you go to bed. Avoid eating, working from your laptop, watching television, and similar activities in your bedroom to ensure the focus of the space is for restful sleep.

Eryn Lorcher Fitness Model Portfolio Shoot #1 2009

2. Get More Exercise
One of the best stress relievers and ways to get your mind off of things is to get active. Exercise takes on many forms, and finding one that you enjoy is a learning process. Yoga is a great way to relax and shift your focus toward your physical activity instead of whatever is stressing you. You can join a yoga class or do it at home. If you prefer the outdoors, jogging around a local park is a great way to get some fresh air and vitamin D.

Finding inner peace

3. Start Meditating
You might get a taste of this in yoga, but meditation is a great practice that anyone can enjoy, regardless of your physical condition. There are tons of online resources and guides to help you get started, but the best methods for beginners are usually ones that focus on breathing. It’s an easy practice to incorporate into your daily routine, and the calming effect is noticeable after your first session.


4. Reduce Your Caffeine Intake
While coffee keeps the world turning round, there can be too much of a good thing. If you’re a bona fide caffeine addict, you’re not doing yourself any favors in the stress department. Try cutting back to a single cup in the morning and see if you notice a difference after a few weeks. Try drinking water infused with fruit instead of reaching for coffee or a soda. Coffee isn’t an easy habit to drop cold turkey, but gradual reduction can do wonders for your stress levels.

Bubble Bath

5. Give Yourself a Home Spa Treatment
Sometimes the trick to letting go of your stress is just a little pampering. Try turning your bathroom into a home spa space. With Bed Bath and Beyond coupons at Ebates, you can get discounts and cash back on home spa products like aromatherapy bath salts, plush robes, and more.

Give these five stress relieving tips a try and see what works for you! Cheers to a new stress-free you!


Stay in the loop to hear about great deals and tips! Follow Ebates on FacebookTwitter and Google+!

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Prices and Cash Back Percentages are subject to change.

3 Tools to Help with Your New Year’s Resolutions

3 Tools to Help with Your New Year's Resolutions


With 2015 just beginning, we are sure you’ve decided on your New Year’s resolutions already. If you’re like us, you might have had some trouble in the past sticking to those resolutions for more than a week or two. We’ve put a list together of resolution helpers that can make sticking to those goals just a little bit easier! Let us know below what you’re doing this year to stay on track with your resolutions.

Getting Fit: Fitbit Flex

This discrete high-tech wrist band is just what you need to track your sleep cycles and how many calories you burn throughout the day so you can meet your fitness goals with ease. With ten colors available, you can make this fitness tracker part of your outfit every day.

Price: $99.99
See Kohl’s Coupons
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Eating Healthier: Monthly Fruit Delivery

If you’re looking for a way to incorporate more fresh fruits and veggies into your diet for 2015, joining a monthly fruit club is a great way to do it! Golden State Fruit allows you to pick your fruit and ships it straight to your door. It’s a great way to try new fruits and eat healthier.
Price: Starts at $22.95
See Golden State Fruit Coupons
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Reading More: Kindle Fire HD & 7″ Tablet 16GB

While many of us can admit that we’re probably not reading as much as we should, are we actually doing anything about it? An eReader might be just the thing to nudge you into reading more often. There are tons of eReader options out there, but we are loving the Kindle Fire HD 7″ Wi-Fi Tablet by Amazon for it’s colorful screen, long lasting battery, and lightweight feel.

Price: $224.27
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