Infographic: The Hottest Gifts of 2015

The holiday shopping season is upon us, and with it comes a whole set of questions. What are the hottest gifts? Who’s buying what for whom, and who’s hardest to shop for? The results of Ebates’ 2015 holiday survey are in. Here’s what we found out:

Ebates Hottest Gifts 2015


What Adults Want vs. What Teens Want

  • Clothing or shoes: 69% of adults vs. 68% of teens
  • Laptop: 35% of adults vs. 33% of teens
  • iPhone or Samsung Galaxy: 35% of adults and 35% of teens
  • Vacation: 32% of adults vs. 21% of teens

Star Wars Toys Are Not as Popular

Sorry, Star Wars. A mere 19% of adults would like to receive a Star Wars toy this year, and even fewer teens (only 9%).

60% of Americans Have Unrealistic Holiday Budgets

  • 28% of Americans plan to spend between $250 and $500 on holiday gifts this year.
  • 20% plan to spend between $100 and $250.
  • 12% plan to spend less than $100.

A Small Percentage of Big Spenders

  • 26% of Americans plan to spend between $500 and $1,000 this holiday season.
  • 15% of Americans will go big this holiday season, with spending over $1,000.

Who Are We Spending the Most On?

  • 35% of American adults said their children.
  • 29% said significant others.
  • 20% said they’d be spending the most on their parents.

Across the Board, Parents Are Hardest to Shop For

  • 39% of teens say Mom is hardest to shop for.
  • 42% say Dad is the most difficult.
  • 31% of adults find Mom hardest to shop for.
  • 30% of adults say Dad is hardest.
  • 31% of adults say their significant other is the trickiest to shop for.

Bosses and Siblings Are Easiest

  • A whopping 95% of American adults said their bosses are easiest to shop for.
  • 88% of adults and 87% of teens say their siblings give them the least trouble.


Our Holiday 2015 Survey left us with some interesting conclusions:

  • Bosses are some of the easiest people to shop for.
  • Parents’ and teens’ holiday gift preferences are not all that different.
  • No one wants Star Wars stuff this year. (Come on, seriously?)
  • Adults want a vacation way more than teens do.

OK, maybe that last one isn’t especially surprising.

Happy holidays from Ebates!

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Infographic: Dad’s Black Friday Survival Guide

Dads. They’re the unsung heroes on Black Friday. They drive packs of kids to and from the mall that day. They wait in parking lots while their wives ransack favorite department stores. They do so much of the work that makes Black Friday possible and get none of the credit. Well, dads of the world, we can’t give you a trophy for your acts of Black Friday selflessness, but we can show you how to make your Black Friday a little bit more enjoyable and a whole lot less stressful.

Ebates Dad's Black Friday Survival Guide


Step 1: Be a Park Shark

There are a lot of things that are going to push you over the edge on Black Friday, but finding a parking spot has to be at the very top of the list. Spending hours circling a mall lot looking for a place to park can make you feel like you’re trapped in some kind of sedan-filled time loop. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to keep from going crazy. The first, and most important, tip is to let all the other riders out of the car first. It’s hard to stay calm with a bunch of back-seat drivers telling you what to do. Once they’re out and safely at the front of the store, don’t continuously circle the same spots — it’s Black Friday; no one is going anywhere for a while. Instead, try to find the spots other people are avoiding. The back of the lot may seem like a long walk, but you save a lot of time in the long run if you just take a spot and move on.

Step 2: Stay Away From Savings

If the rest of your family wants to kill themselves grappling with other shoppers to save a few bucks, that’s their business. You just want to get through the day avoiding serious bodily harm. The best way to do that is to stay away from any store that’s offering insane sales. JCPenney and Macy’s are the two prominent mall stores that typically have the biggest sales, which means they’ll attract the biggest crowds. Get as far away from them as you can if you want to stay out of danger. Better yet, why not seek out the stores that offer lower savings? Big Lots and Costco both offer statistically low savings on Black Friday. Head over there for a few hours and you should be able to avoid getting trampled.

Step 3: Become a Food Court King

The food court isn’t just a great place to kill some time dining on the finest pretzels and cheese the mall has to offer; it can also be a great place to really unwind. There are some fast food restaurants that will serve you alcohol with your mass-produced meals. Baja Fresh and Chipotle both offer beer and margaritas in the $4 to $7 range. Sbarro, meanwhile, will give you an entire bottle of wine for $23.99 (but maybe only go for that option if you’re sharing it with a few other dads). While we must stress that this tip is only for dads who are going to be spending at least three more hours at the mall, grabbing a few drinks could really help you get through Black Friday with a smile on your face.

Step 4: Catch a Movie

“Holiday Movie Season” is total “Dad Movie Season.” It’s when all the overly long, self-serious historical dramas that dads love come out. Thank goodness it lines up so perfectly with Black Friday. This year, there are a ton of awesome Dad movies out in theaters, including “Bridge of Spies,” a three-hour Cold War spy drama directed by Steven Spielberg; “The 33,” a testosterone-fueled true story epic about a bunch of miners trapped in a cave; and the Rocky sequel “Creed.” Best of all, there’s “Spectre,” and everyone knows that all dads are genetically predisposed to love James Bond movies; they just can’t help it. See one or two or all four of these movies on Black Friday and the day will be over before the final credits roll.

Extra Tips: If you really want to come out of Black Friday feeling like a million bucks (instead of just feeling like your family spent a million bucks), use the day to get some exercise in. The mall is actually a great place to get fit. The long corridors and hallways are perfect for power walking; you can use mall benches to assist in leg stretches, sit-ups or other small exercises; and if you look for it, you should even be able to find a staircase — climb it a few dozen times instead of taking the elevator or escalator. Bring an iPod along so you can drown out the crowds by listening to some of your favorite Dad rock (all of The Moody Blues’ albums are available on iTunes) or getting through a big chunk of the latest Tom Clancy audiobook.

Finally, the best Black Friday survival tip for dads? Skip it! Try and convince your family to just forget Black Friday altogether. After all, Cyber Monday is right around the corner — and your kids spend their entire life on the Internet anyway!


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Cyber Monday vs. Black Friday: Statistics & Shopping Tips [Infographic]

Black Friday is fast approaching, and so is its close cousin Cyber Monday. A massive 48 percent of Americans plan to shop on Black Friday, and 42 percent of Americans plan on shopping on Cyber Monday. But are Black Friday deals or Cyber Monday deals better? Which day will save you the most while causing you the least stress? It’s Black Friday vs Cyber Monday! Arm yourself with these statistics and shopping tips before you hit up the sales.

Cyber Monday vs Black Friday - Ebates


Black Friday


  • Black Friday has more discounts on most electronics. 2014 saw 48% of deals for headphones, 83% for iPhones and 47% for laptops land on Black Friday.
  • You get to see your items in the flesh. Over 60% of shoppers prefer to shop in the store, probably because it guarantees there are no surprises when you get home.
  • No shipping costs.
  • Some exclusive in-store deals. In 2014, Walmart offered a Vizio 65″ 1080p Smart LED LCD HDTV for $648. That’s $100 cheaper than most 65″ HDTVs — even refurbished ones — were going for at the time.


  • Risk of injury. Since 2006, there have been 98 injuries related to Black Friday sales. While your chance of serious injury isn’t high, it’s a lot higher than it would be than if you shopped online.
  • Crowds. In 2014, 68 million people shopped in person on Black Friday. Walmart alone had 22 million shoppers altogether.
  • Bad timing. In 2014, Barnes and Noble opened at 6 a.m. Friday, while Best Buy started its sales at 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving. At least 28 major national chains opened on Thanksgiving in 2014.
  • Not all stores are open on Black Friday. While plenty still open in the wee hours, some in 2015 plan to boycott the entire day. Sporting goods store REI has announced it will be closed on Black Friday 2015.

Cyber Monday


  • It’s much faster. No driving time, and no time spent waiting in huge lines.
  • More discounts on toys and travel. Cyber Monday 2014 attracted 45% of all deals on toys and 25% of travel deals.
  • Virtually zero chance of injury, not counting the risk of spilling hot chocolate on yourself.
  • You can do more research. In 2014, 83% of Cyber Monday shoppers reported doing research online before shopping, while only 64% of Black Friday shoppers did.


  • Items may be sold out. In 2014, “out of stock” messages on websites went up by 400% on Cyber Monday. Since you’re shopping later in the game, stores may have sold out of certain items.
  • Paying for shipping. Though shipping charges are the #1 reason customers abandon their online shopping carts — 88% of shoppers have done it — shipping costs continue to exist.
  • You’re more likely to spend more. In 2014, the average shopper spent $468 on Cyber Monday, versus an average $309 on Black Friday.
  • Your workplace might block you from Cyber Monday shopping. 30% of employers block access to online shopping sites.
  • You could technically get fired for shopping online at work. 25% of managers report that they’ve fired someone for non-work-related use of the Internet.

Thanksgiving vs. Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday

Also, remember that holiday deals start earlier each year — some folks even shop on Thanksgiving. Ebates’ 2015 holiday survey examined Americans’ shopping behaviors, and it found that when asked why they chose to begin holiday shopping on Thanksgiving, 39 percent said it was because Black Friday deals are actually starting earlier. The next-best reasons included better selection of products that haven’t been picked over (24 percent) and killing time after eating Thanksgiving dinner (18 percent).

When asked why they plan to shop on Black Friday, 81 percent of those polled said it was because they want to get the best prices on holiday gifts, and 43 percent said it is a family tradition.  Almost a quarter (24 percent) said they will shop on Black Friday to get all of their holiday shopping done in one day, and one in five (20 percent) said it’s because they “love the madness.”

Another thing to keep in mind is that some Black Friday deals are available online. More than half of surveyed people (52 percent) revealed they will shop online via their laptop this year. Meanwhile, more than a third will buy via their home computer (37 percent), and more than a quarter will use a mobile device (29 percent). Only 4 percent say they will do any Black Friday shopping via smart watch.

The bottom line is that if 4 a.m. shopping sounds like a fun adventure to you, go for the in-store experience of Black Friday. If it sounds like a nightmare, stick with the cozy safety of Cyber Monday — or even the online deals offered on Black Friday. Happy shopping!


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The Ultimate Zombie Warrior

We all know killing zombies is no easy task. According to popular films, TV shows and books, the undead can be quite resilient. It’s best to aim for the head and decapitate the undead. To do this, you need an effective melee weapon, many of which are available on Amazon, possibly eBay or even in your local hardware store. Here are the ones used by your favorite movie heroes, along with a kill count analysis that helps us determine just who is the Ultimate Zombie Warrior.

Ultimate Zombie Warrior Infographic - Ebates

In George A. Romero’s classic Night of the Living Dead (1968), the zombie genre was defined with conventions we still use to this very day. It found its protagonist in Ben, played by Duane Jones. Ben’s kill count amounts to 7 throughout the film. He is the original zombie warrior, and his weapon choices are fairly simple: He uses a tire iron crowbar as a melee weapon and a Winchester 1894 rifle.

In World War Z (2013), Brad Pitt is Gerry Lane, a U.N. specialist who must get his family to safety and also figure out what is causing this global outbreak of “Z”. Highly resourceful, Gerry utilizes whatever is around to arm himself. He uses duct tape and magazines to make armor and a butcher knife taped to the end of a Remington Model 700 BDL to make a bayonet. His kill count is 9.

Edgar Wright’s Shaun of the Dead (2004) effortlessly marries the zombie genre and comedy. In this breakout role, Simon Pegg is Shaun, a regular guy trying to fix his troubled relationship and navigate his friends to safety through the zombie apocalypse. Shaun uses his iconic cricket bat, old vinyl LPs like Sade’s Diamond Life and a Winchester 1866 “Yellow Boy” rifle. Despite all his wisecracks, he manages to take out 16 zombies.

In Zombieland (2009), Woody Harrelson is the rough and tumble Tallahassee, a man on the hunt for his favorite thing in the world: a Twinkie. No zombie will get in his way as he tries to track down this cream-filled reminder of better times. Tallahassee is armed to the teeth with an array of weaponry, including a baseball bat, hedge clippers, amusement park rides, Heckler & Koch MP7A1 submachine guns and a banjo to lure out zombies and whack them over the head. Tallahassee’s kill count is 107.

AMC’s The Walking Dead has seen its cast evolve into some of the fiercest zombie warriors in television history. As the show progresses, so have the kill count numbers. In this world, we sometimes see humans as just as much of a threat as walkers. Rick Grimes, a former deputy sheriff, mainly relies on a Colt Python as his weapon of choice. His kill count is 154 (137 walkers and 17 humans). Daryl Dixon relies on his hunting skills and his Horton Scout 125 crossbow. He’s killed 149 (141 walkers and 8 humans). Michonne is a katana-wielding warrior of few words. When we first meet her, she has two literally disarmed zombies shackled. She has taken out 94 (87 walkers and 7 humans).

Bruce Campbell is best known for his work as cult icon Ash from The Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness. Ash uses whatever is around him in his constant war with the “deadites,” evil souls of the dead, including his famed boomstick sawed-off shotgun or The Sapmaster 3000 mounted on the stump where his hand once was. His kill count is 45 with the three Evil Dead films, but we estimate it’s more with his appearances in comic books and soon his own series, Ash vs. Evil Dead. “Hail to the king, baby!”

Perhaps above them all as the Ultimate Zombie Warrior is Milla Jovovich’s Alice, star of the Resident Evil movie franchise. Alice and her band of commandos have fought against the zombies created by Umbrella Corp.’s t-Virus for five films, with a sixth on the way. Alice likes to carry her weapons in pairs: from dual throwing knives to dual 12-gauge sawed-off double-barrel shotguns. She has racked up an impressive total of 1,065 kills (8 in Resident Evil, 25 in Resident Evil: Apocalypse, 24 in Resident Evil: Extinction, 335 in Resident Evil: Afterlife and 673 in Resident Evil: Retribution). We have a feeling she is far from done.

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Taking Yoga Out of the Studio

If you’ve recently started a new yoga practice, filled up your drawers with some hot new yoga gear, like Gaiam yoga wear which is available at Kohls — and find you love the comfort and style of your studio clothes so much that you can’t resist wearing them out as streetwear — you’re not alone!

Studio-to-street looks are rapidly making huge waves in the fashion world as busy women seek stylish solutions to fit workouts into their tight schedules. And it’s no wonder — with the wide range of well-designed coordinates available, it’s easy to look put-together and on trend in your yoga clothing. As a plus, yoga gear is not only chic but comfortable for any activity!

Curious about how to go from studio to street without a hitch? Try these tips and breeze from class to brunch (or beyond).

Taking Yoga Out of the Studio Infographic


The easiest way to take your yoga gear to the streets is to add accessories. Just toss your favorites on in the locker room and go. Need ideas? Consider what you would add to a “regular” outfit and give it a go with your workout clothes. For starters, you can try the following:

  • Tie a flannel around your waist.
  • Carry your favorite statement bag.
  • Pop a baseball cap on for a sporty, fun look.
  • Not into ball caps? A cowboy or sun hat can work too!
  • Chunky, colorful jewelry can add just the right touch to glam up your outfit for the sidewalks.

Layer It On

Another simple way to make your gym clothing appropriate for venues off the mat is to match it up with items from your everyday wardrobe. Adding “street” pieces to your yoga basics can create a cool, urban vibe. Start looking through your closet to see if any of these ideas inspire you:

  • Throw on a fierce bomber jacket for instant street cred.
  • Pull a flowing skirt over your leggings — or simply exchange your pants for one.
  • A tailored blouse can look surprisingly sleek on top of yoga pants — or for a more boho feel, try a peasant blouse over your tank.
  • You can even put on a cool blazer for an urban look.
  • Try a graphic T-shirt for an especially edgy look over either basic or patterned yoga pants.
  • Kimonos are the ultimate in style right now and look great over gym gear!

Style Your Shoes

For the final touch, simply putting streetwear on your feet can give yoga clothes the panache to strut anywhere. Shoes without an overt athletic feel can do the trick when nothing else does and elevate your outfit beyond class. If you’re ready to get off and running, give these ideas a run for their money:

  • Swap out your flip-flops for dressier sandals or flats. Surprise: You can even try a pair of heels, if you dare!
  • Consider “fun” sneakers that are more designer- than workout-oriented.
  • Metallic sneakers are comfy and snazzy, matching but elevating the casual vibe.
  • You can even try a pair of boots — classic neutral ones for a sleek look, or go hippie with fringe and suede!
  • Want to really toughen things up? Try moto boots with studs.

Have fun — and Namaste!

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Accessorize Your Yoga Wear

If you’re new to yoga and getting ready to walk into your first class, it’s completely normal to find yourself overwhelmed or confused about all the gear that’s available.

Or perhaps you already have an established practice and know your way around the mat — but are looking for ways to stretch your yoga wardrobe into other sports, activities or everyday life.

Newbie or seasoned yogi, we’ve got you covered either way with this complete guide to a well-dressed practice. Read on for tips to build a starter wardrobe and toolbox, as well as how to take your gear to the streets and beyond.

Accessorize Your Yoga Practice Infographic


If you’re just starting out, you’ll need some basic wardrobe items plus optional props in order to be successful at your new practice.  Yoga is a discipline without judgment, so you are certainly free to wear any clothing you own that allows ease of movement, but most practitioners find gear designed specifically for yoga — and all its bends, inversions, twists and poses — to be the most comfortable. If you’re looking for something new, check out Gaiam yoga wear which is available at Kohls.

Yoga is practiced barefoot, so no need for shoes! However, you’ll want to explore the various options for pants and tops. There are several different styles available for you to choose from. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of each.


  • Boot-cut: These are styled just like regular boot-cut pants or jeans, with a close fit through the thigh and flare at the bottom. The cut flatters most figures, but if you dislike loose fabric around the ankles when working out, avoid these!
  • Capri: Capris end either right below the knee or mid-calf and are great for hot yoga classes or any hot climate. Beware of scraping or rubbing exposed skin in the kneeling poses.
  • Leggings: These go all the way to your ankles in a close fit, revealing your shape from the waist down. If you are comfortable with the way they look on you, they can help your instructor see and correct your form.
  • Loose: A loose, gauzy or soft material is good for more modest practitioners and offers comfort and ease of movement. They may prove difficult for more active yoga classes, however, and are best reserved for gentle, Hatha, restorative/yin or Kundalini classes.

Wondering about undies? With all pant styles, the choice is up to you whether to wear underwear or not. Many practitioners skip them completely; others choose a thong to avoid panty lines. Do what feels right to you!


Although you may be tempted to go to yoga in your most comfy T-shirt, keep in mind that many yoga poses will cause loose shirts to flip around your ears! Instead, consider a top designed especially for your practice, or at the very least layer a sports bra under your tee.

  • Tanks: There are a variety of tanks for a variety of figures. You can choose anything from a tight-fitting tank to one with a longer, looser or blouson silhouette if you’re trying to camouflage trouble spots. Many tanks also have built-in shelf bras, which are extremely convenient but tend to work best for A- to B-cup women.
  • Sports bras:  A sports bra will help everything stay in place and keep you comfortable. If you have a larger bust, consider a sports bra as a base with a tank layered on top. You can also layer a long-sleeved shirt on top of that if you want to feel extra warm and cozy.

A note: If you’re practicing bikram yoga (also known as “hot yoga”), you might be tempted to wear looser clothes, but those will quickly become bogged down with sweat and impede movement. Stick to leggings, capris and form-fitting tanks.

Props and Gear

When trying out yoga for the first time, it’s wise to try your studio’s gear first. Once you have an idea of what works for you, here are some common purchases, which you can tote to the studio or use to augment a home practice.

Don’t overspend: Yoga gear should be simple and not exorbitantly expensive. Straps and foam blocks are exactly what they sound like and shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg.

  • Mat: If you’ve decided yoga is for you, the first thing you will likely want to get is your own mat. Germaphobes will definitely want their own, rather than use a “public” mat (even at the cleanest studios)!
  • Grip socks: If going barefoot is not an option for you, try a pair of grippy socks. Regular socks may cause you to slip on the mat.
  • Hot yoga towel: If you like hot yoga, you’ll want a special towel to layer over your mat. No more slippin’ and slidin’ on the sweat!
  • Foam block: A block can help you reach certain poses and provide support as you develop your strength and flexibility.
  • Strap: Straps are also invaluable for stretching poses and preventing injuries.
  • Streaming yoga classes: If you can’t make it to the studio, purchase DVDs to practice at home or visit services such as Netflix for a challenging variety of streaming classes.

Enjoy your new practice! Namaste!

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Decoding Dad: What He Wants for Father’s Day

Father’s Day is coming up and we put together some helpful info about gifts for dads and their expectations for their special day. Take a look at our Father’s Day infographic to help you get started shopping for a gift or planning the festivities. Then head over to Ebates to shop Father’s Day Sales with Double Cash Back! Grab some clothes for Dad at stores like Kohl’s and JCPenney and pick up a case of his favorite IPA at Amazon and he’ll be the happiest man alive.

Ebates Father's Day infographic

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What Moms Actually Want on Mother’s Day

Looking for the perfect Mother’s Day gift? Shopping for mom can feel like a tricky task because, after all, every mom is unique. But that’s just what makes moms beautiful! Nonetheless, we set out to solve the mystery of what Mom really wants (and really DOESN’T want) this year for her special day by asking some moms about their expectations. Their honesty may just help you nail it this Mother’s Day with a gift she’ll adore almost as much as she adores you.

What Moms Actually Want IG

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Get the Facts About Valentine’s Day

Have you ever wondered what people really think about Valentine’s Day and how they celebrate it (or not)? Get the facts about Valentine’s Day in our infographic and uncover the fascinating truth about the most romantic day of the year.

facts about Valentine's Day IG


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