Enter to Win a $150 Etsy Gift Card!


Itching to renew the look of your home, score some unique clothes and accessories or find the perfect gift for a special someone? Etsy is the global marketplace for handmade and vintage goods that are as extraordinary as you are. If you have yet to discover wonderful things on Etsy, now is the perfect time because Ebates is giving away Etsy gift cards valued at up to $150. With six chances to win the Etsy gift card giveaway, you’ve got a golden opportunity to get your hands on some pretty, sparkly, crazy cool things that fit right into your lifestyle.

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What You Could Win:

1 will win a $150 Etsy gift card

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3 will win a $50 Etsy gift card

How to Enter the Etsy Gift Card Giveaway:

1. If you’re not already an Ebates member, join over 8 million other savvy shoppers who earn up to 40% Cash Back on almost everything they buy. Joining Ebates is free and you’ll receive a $10 Welcome Bonus when you join today at www.ebates.com.

2. After you enter your Ebates email, you can earn extra entries for each type of entry. Comment, tweet, pin, follow us, like us, circle us — the more you do, the more entries you get! This sweepstakes ends on Tuesday, September 08, 2015 at 11:59 PM PST. The winner will be randomly picked through Gleam, and will be posted on Facebook and this blog. Please be aware of the Giveaway Rules.

Be sure to keep an eye on your inbox, as the winner will have 24 hours to accept the prize before we will choose another winner.

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Ease Back-to-School Stress


A child having a little anxiety about going back to school is completely normal. Children have a lot of new things to prepare for: teachers, classmates, lessons and schoolwork. It’s easy to get caught up in your own stress around the start of a new school year, so we’ve come up with a few ways to ease the back-to-school stress for your young one.

Stay Positive

It’s no secret that children pick up on their parents’ attitudes and feelings. By maintaining a positive outlook for yourself, your child will feel more at ease taking those first few steps into the classroom. Don’t dismiss your child’s feelings; instead, normalize them to let them know that everyone can feel nervous the first couple of days. Creating a positive expectation about the school year on the first day sets a precedent for the weeks and months to follow.

Take Away the Unknowns

Fear of the unknown could be one reason your child is having anxiety about the new school year. By eliminating these unknowns a few weeks before school starts, you can help ease their anxiety. If your child is going to a new school or going back to the same one, explore the school with your child. Visit their classroom, the cafeteria, the library, the nurse’s office and the playground. If your kid is taking the bus, walk with them to the bus stop to show how the routine will work. This will help take away the mystery on the first day, and they will feel more comfortable marching in with their head held high.

Create Routines

Establishing a daily routine for children to follow before the school year starts can help ease everyone into the new adjustment. Keeping a checklist to help get your kid organized and stay on schedule can help ease anxiety from rushing around in the morning. Not only will it save you frustration, but your child also will feel in charge and responsible for getting ready. Have an afternoon routine for snacks, homework and extracurricular activities. When nighttime rolls around, keep in mind children between the ages of 5 and 12 need 10 to 11 hours of sleep each night. As children get older, this does not work as well since they are able to handle being up later. For the first week or two of school, keep the afternoons light, giving kids a chance to decompress from all the excitement of a new school year.

Establish Fun Traditions

If you’re excited for school, your child will follow suit. Ring in the new school year by establishing a fun tradition that they can look forward to and cherish year after year. You can have a special meal, go for a nature walk, create a pillow fort or roast marshmallows in the backyard. During this time, have a family discussion about what they are excited about for the upcoming year, as well as what they are nervous about. Being present and spending time with your children before the school year helps with the transition. Your presence is a comfort and allows them to feel open to share any concerns they may have.

Know the Rules

Knowing the rules will help both you and your child know what is expected behavior. Understand what happens if your child is late. Are they allowed to have electronic devices or cell phones on the school grounds? What is the dress code? As a parent, it’s understood that you know the rules and how to make sure they are followed. Attend parent meetings and be attentive to not only the rules, but also why they are in place at the school.

Unschedule the Kids

Having a schedule can help kids get into the back-to-school routine. But remember that there needs to be some unscheduled time as well. Allowing your child to have a “free day” during the week after school to relax and play indoors or outdoors is just as important as having extracurricular activities and time set aside for homework. Letting them choose what they want to do with their free time gives them a sense of responsibility they can benefit from in the years to come.


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Prices and Cash Back percentages are subject to change.

How to Romance Your Partner in 15 Easy Ways

romancepartnerDid you know that August is National Romance Awareness month? While we’re pretty sure you all know what romance is, we think it’s important to be reminded that in any relationship, romance is important. Some people say you should never stop dating your partner, even after you move in together, have kids or get married. You’re too busy to be romantic, you say? We’ve got some great ideas to show your love that are easy and cheap but incredibly thoughtful and sweet. Here are our 15 romantic gestures to keep the sparks flying no matter how long you’re been together.

1. Closeness is key. Sitting next to each other on the couch, holding hands or even walking side by side is something you can and should do every day. When you let physical space come between you and your partner on a regular basis, you’re allowing emotional space to creep in as well. If you’ve got some PDA hang-ups, don’t worry. You can be conservative about your showing of affection, but you should show it in some fashion. Try using this rule of thumb—If you were a stranger and saw you and your partner walking down the street, would you think you were a couple? If not, try looking like one and close that physical gap.

2. Leave little love notes. If you’ve got Post-Its and pens in your house, then you’re already halfway there. This doesn’t have to be a sonnet, just something sweet or a heartfelt “thank you” for something your partner has done for your or your household lately. Get silly with a cute little doodle or even tell a short joke for an easy giggle. Leave love notes in places your partner will find them during their regular routines, whether it’s on the bathroom mirror, coffee pot or ice cream container. This act of spontaneity keeps your relationship fresh and exciting.

3. Write long love letters. OK so this one does take a little more time but this is perfect for when you are apart for business trips, vacations, etc. When you are away, pen a love letter and express your true feelings for this special person. Keep it sincere or get a little flirty. There is no wrong way to write to your lover as long as you stay away from the mundane like details about your trip or your day. There will be plenty of time to talk about stuff like that when you reunite. Send the letter in the mail, no matter when you’re slated to return. It will be a nice surprise brought right to their doorstep.

4. Send sweet texts. Sending a little text just to say “hi” will always brighten someone’s day. Any time your partner crosses your mind throughout the day is a good time to text them and tell them all about it. Maybe you heard a joke that reminded you of them or walked past an old haunt you two used to frequent back in the good ole’ days when you had more time and were just getting to know each other. Don’t let moments of missing them or feeling nostalgic pass you by. Share them in just a few taps on your phone.

5. Cook together. Plan a meal, go grocery shopping and cook that meal together. Not only are you spending time together, you are collaborating, delegating and producing something you can both be proud of and enjoy together (unless you burn it, of course). Cooking and eating is a sensual experience. Get into it! Go all out and plan three courses, complete with a decadent dessert you can share with two spoons.

6. Learn to master their favorite dish. This one is perfect for non-cohabiting couples because you’ll have plenty of space and privacy to learn this special skill in secret. Wow your partner by not only learning to cook their absolute favorite meal in the world, but by knocking it out of the park. Find a recipe, try it out, tweak it and make it your own according to their taste and liking. Seriously, they will worship you once they are done chowing down.

7. Send them cute animal pictures. If nothing makes their heart melt more than seeing a cat and dog take a nap together or a baby sloth getting a bath, send it to them via text, email or Facebook message. Make this a private exchange. It’s one thing to share these little bits of viral cuteness with the rest of your socialsphere but it’s a little more special when you send it directly to your one and only. Reddit.com/r/aww is also a chock full of adorbs.

8. Prepare a home spa. If you know your partner is about to come home after a particularly brutal day, help them unwind with an at-home spa. Run a bath, provide a clean and comfy robe, buy or make some luxurious bath bombs, light some scented candles and put on a record that will promote absolute chillness to create one zen-tastic space in which they can melt the day away. Don’t engage in conversation, just lead them toward their personal spa for one, exit and close the door behind you. There will be plenty of time to talk afterward about all the obstacles they faced, but hopefully their outlook will greatly improve by the time they towel off. This may not seem very romantic, but giving your partner some “me time” when they really need it is a loving, selfless act for which they will be totally grateful.

9. Engage in each others hobbies. Most likely, you both have some unique interests that you might not necessarily share. Whether it’s sports, music, crafting, scuba diving, stamp collecting, whatever, set aside some time to experience your partner’s hobbies. Notice, we say experience because we know you might not necessarily enjoy these things. The important thing is that you are present, you give it a try and most importantly, you witness them in their element. Even if you find out you don’t have a powerful yen for building HAM radios after all, chances are you will still get a kick out of seeing them completely geek out over something.

10. Give small, random gifts. Who doesn’t love a cheesy little gift now and then, just because? Again, this small token of affection can be anything that will make your partner laugh or remind them of special times you shared. Also, you get extra points if the gift happens to be something you partner has talked about wanting or planning to buy for themselves. This shows you actually listen to them, and believe us, that’s the best gift you can give. In the digital age when we are all glued to our phones, finding out someone is paying attention to us can be a rare commodity.

11. Take them on a surprise date. A lot of couple like to practice a regular date night. But that’s the thing about romantic ideas. If you are expecting them, they are somehow a little less romantic. Plan a surprise date! It doesn’t have to be super elaborate, maybe a nighttime picnic in the backyard or last-minute tickets to a movie with a babysitter ready to watch the kids. If your offices are close-by, maybe stop by unannounced to take your partner out to lunch. Romantic surprises like these keep your relationship from becoming completely routine.

12. Take the kids. Yes, please. Take them. Whether your partner is a stay-at-home parent or a working one, chances are they can use a little quiet time. And even though it’s something they really need, some parents have trouble asking for this small luxury they certainly took for granted before kids came along and turned their lives upside down. So without warning, take those kids to a movie, to grab a burger, to your mother’s house, to the moon, anywhere and leave your partner at home. They will feel supported and cared for, which always leaves room for romance.

13. Buy them an outfit. We know this is a tricky one because not everyone likes to be dressed by another person. But if you feel like you know your partner’s personal style well enough, splurge on an outfit for them. This will show them that you appreciate them as a delicious piece of eye candy and thought they would look great in some shiny new wrappings.

14. Get dressed up. No matter if you are staying in or going out, get all gussied up, especially if it’s been a while since your partner has seen you put your A-game on. Break out the fancy dress shoes and sport coat. Expertly apply the red lipstick and little black dress. Create the look that makes you feel like you can turn any head on the sidewalk. That confidence is always attractive.

15. Give a foot or back massage without be asked. Touch is the biggest ingredient in a romance cocktail. But touch that relieves stress or physical pain is simple amazing. If your partner has an active job (like carrying your child) or they’ve just had a rough day, give them a little massage to help ease the tension. Make them putty in your hands.

Which of these romantic ideas will you be planning to do with your partner? Comment below!




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The Ultimate Zombie Warrior

We all know killing zombies is no easy task. According to popular films, TV shows and books, the undead can be quite resilient. It’s best to aim for the head and decapitate the undead. To do this, you need an effective melee weapon, many of which are available on Amazon, possibly eBay or even in your local hardware store. Here are the ones used by your favorite movie heroes, along with a kill count analysis that helps us determine just who is the Ultimate Zombie Warrior.

Ultimate Zombie Warrior Infographic - Ebates

In George A. Romero’s classic Night of the Living Dead (1968), the zombie genre was defined with conventions we still use to this very day. It found its protagonist in Ben, played by Duane Jones. Ben’s kill count amounts to 7 throughout the film. He is the original zombie warrior, and his weapon choices are fairly simple: He uses a tire iron crowbar as a melee weapon and a Winchester 1894 rifle.

In World War Z (2013), Brad Pitt is Gerry Lane, a U.N. specialist who must get his family to safety and also figure out what is causing this global outbreak of “Z”. Highly resourceful, Gerry utilizes whatever is around to arm himself. He uses duct tape and magazines to make armor and a butcher knife taped to the end of a Remington Model 700 BDL to make a bayonet. His kill count is 9.

Edgar Wright’s Shaun of the Dead (2004) effortlessly marries the zombie genre and comedy. In this breakout role, Simon Pegg is Shaun, a regular guy trying to fix his troubled relationship and navigate his friends to safety through the zombie apocalypse. Shaun uses his iconic cricket bat, old vinyl LPs like Sade’s Diamond Life and a Winchester 1866 “Yellow Boy” rifle. Despite all his wisecracks, he manages to take out 16 zombies.

In Zombieland (2009), Woody Harrelson is the rough and tumble Tallahassee, a man on the hunt for his favorite thing in the world: a Twinkie. No zombie will get in his way as he tries to track down this cream-filled reminder of better times. Tallahassee is armed to the teeth with an array of weaponry, including a baseball bat, hedge clippers, amusement park rides, Heckler & Koch MP7A1 submachine guns and a banjo to lure out zombies and whack them over the head. Tallahassee’s kill count is 107.

AMC’s The Walking Dead has seen its cast evolve into some of the fiercest zombie warriors in television history. As the show progresses, so have the kill count numbers. In this world, we sometimes see humans as just as much of a threat as walkers. Rick Grimes, a former deputy sheriff, mainly relies on a Colt Python as his weapon of choice. His kill count is 154 (137 walkers and 17 humans). Daryl Dixon relies on his hunting skills and his Horton Scout 125 crossbow. He’s killed 149 (141 walkers and 8 humans). Michonne is a katana-wielding warrior of few words. When we first meet her, she has two literally disarmed zombies shackled. She has taken out 94 (87 walkers and 7 humans).

Bruce Campbell is best known for his work as cult icon Ash from The Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness. Ash uses whatever is around him in his constant war with the “deadites,” evil souls of the dead, including his famed boomstick sawed-off shotgun or The Sapmaster 3000 mounted on the stump where his hand once was. His kill count is 45 with the three Evil Dead films, but we estimate it’s more with his appearances in comic books and soon his own series, Ash vs. Evil Dead. “Hail to the king, baby!”

Perhaps above them all as the Ultimate Zombie Warrior is Milla Jovovich’s Alice, star of the Resident Evil movie franchise. Alice and her band of commandos have fought against the zombies created by Umbrella Corp.’s t-Virus for five films, with a sixth on the way. Alice likes to carry her weapons in pairs: from dual throwing knives to dual 12-gauge sawed-off double-barrel shotguns. She has racked up an impressive total of 1,065 kills (8 in Resident Evil, 25 in Resident Evil: Apocalypse, 24 in Resident Evil: Extinction, 335 in Resident Evil: Afterlife and 673 in Resident Evil: Retribution). We have a feeling she is far from done.

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Hopefully you already use our award-winning mobile app and love all the features that make it easy to shop your favorite stores and earn Cash Back at Ebates. If you haven’t, Mobile Monday is the perfect opportunity.

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9 Ways to Get Kids Excited to Go Back to School

As the final few weeks of summer approach, you’re likely starting to get your children prepared to return to class — which can fill them with either excitement or dread. If your child has the back-to-school blues, try some of these tips to get them excited for the new school year.

Let Them Pick Out Their Own Back-to-School Styles

Think back to your first day of school, when everyone was checking out each other’s new outfits. Your children will want to feel special on the first day of school, and a few new looks will give them that much-needed boost of confidence. Bring them along when you go back-to-school shopping, and teach them some life skills by giving them a budget and a shopping list to practice math and organization.

If online shopping is more your thing, earn Cash Back on all your back-to-school purchases with Ebates.


Get Them a New Haircut

Has your child been begging you to let them change their hairstyle? Now might be the perfect time. New school years are all about new beginnings, and a haircut is a great way to represent that fresh start. Have your kids look at popular hairstyles online (Pinterest is a great resource), then take them to a local barber or salon to get their ‘do done right! They’ll feel like a big kid knowing they picked out their own style, and they’ll be ready to rock to halls.

Set Up Play Dates

Whether your child is looking for new friends or rekindling friendships from previous years, call or email a few parents to schedule some playdates as soon as the class roster comes out. Once they get together, the kids should start to remember all the fun aspects of going to school. As an added benefit, they’re also guaranteed to have at least one buddy on the first day.


Sign Up for Extracurricular Activities

Even if your child isn’t looking forward to returning to the classroom, they might be looking forward to sports, theater, music or other after-school activities. With so many types of activities to choose from, there’s bound to be something for children of all ages, capabilities and interests. “Encouraging kids to get involved in extracurricular activities and after-school programs can help foster school spirit, especially at the beginning of the school year when back-to-school apprehension can run high,” says Dr. Fran Walfish, a child and family psychotherapist and author of “The Self-Aware Parent.”

Extracurricular activities are also a great place for children to make new friends who share similar interests. Waking up with something to look forward to after school will motivate your children to get up and go learn every day!

Create Back-to-School Crafts

Don’t wait until the first day of school to dive into some neat art projects. Together, you and your kids can create some handy school tools, such as a cool purse or pencil case made from construction foam, a study sign to hang on their door to let everyone know homework is in progress or even some nice gifts to hand out to the whole class on the first day back. There’s no better way to make a first impression with new kids (and maybe even some new friends) than with a thoughtful welcome-back treat.

Creative Breakfasts

Plan out special breakfasts for the first day of school so your kids will be excited to get up in the morning to see what you made. If you can, get them in on the fun and let them help plan the menu, shop for ingredients or even help with cooking. It will take their mind off anything causing them anxiety about the first day and make them feel important. For a little foodspiration, try these super fun breakfast ideas.

Download a New App

Let Daniel Tiger help your child adjust back to a school sleep schedule with games about morning and nighttime routines, sing-a-long songs and a musical timer to help keep routines on-track. Get more info herescreen568x568-1

Organize Their Study Space

Providing your child with a designated space for studying and homework — and letting them decorate and organize it — will get their minds in gear for learning. Make sure they are as involved in the process as possible so the space can both express their personalities and address their needs. Together, you can create a special study nook that will put them on the path to academic success.

Check Off Their Summer Bucket List

As summer winds down, ask your kids if there is anything they would like to prioritize during their last school-free days. You can create a list of activities you can complete, within reason, before the starting bell rings. Maybe they wanted to go camping but the family didn’t get around to it. Have an impromptu backyard camp-out with hot dogs and s’mores! Not only are you taking their minds off of school worries, but you’re also creating memories that will last a lifetime.  

With these nine tips and tricks, your children will be begging you to go back to school!


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4 Trendy Men’s Swim Trunks


Guys, you’ve got it easy. Men’s swim trunks favor no particular body type and they are one, no-fuss piece that will allow you to enjoy the waves or chill out poolside in comfort. But we want to help you jazz up your summer style with a few head-turning options that will put a little Cash Back from Ebates into your wallet.

Chaps Solid Swim Trunks, $29.99green_swim_trunks

A bright, solid pair of trunks go a long way for your coast-side cool look. Pair with some neon wayfarer sunglasses to make an even bigger splash.

Sail Boat Swim Trunks, $39.99 nautical_swim_trunks

Nautical never goes out of style and is synonymous with summer. This pair goes great with a plain white tee and boat shoes for a quick transition from sidewalk to boardwalk.

Vans Ukulele Print Swim Trunks, $39.99 ukelele_swim_trunks

Never dismiss the impact of a fun print, especially one the evokes the feel of island living like a ukulele print. These long board shorts are great for all you tall drinks of water out there.

O’Neill Hashtag Print Board Shorts, $55geometric_swim_trunks

Get ultra-modern with a geometrical print like these fashion-forward men’s swim shorts. Pair with wood-print sunglasses for a completely on-trend summer look.



Prices and Cash Back Percentages are subject to change.

Beautiful Bodysuits on a Budget


Why are bodysuits a must-have this season? There are too many reasons. Because high waists are in vogue, sleek bodysuits go perfectly with skirts, shorts and denim and save you the hassle of perfectly tucking in a shirt. Plus, some bodysuits can easily be taken into fall to heat up your cold-weather wardrobe. Whether you like a little peekaboo piece or a popping print, these bodysuits under $60 are as budget-friendly as they are beautiful.

High Neck Halter Bodysuit, $39


Sleek, black with a high neckline that will show off those gorgeous shoulders, this piece from ASOS can be dressed up for evening with a pencil skirt or down with denim shorts for weekend shenanigans.

NeoMax Bodysuit, $38


Add a party-rocking print to your everyday looks with this bold American Apparel bodysuit. Pair with a solid skirt or skinny jeans to let it do all the talking. Bonus: Those long sleeves can easily take you into fall with a vest or sleeveless trench!

Sweetheart Lace Bodysuit, $29.75


Nothing is more flirty than a little lace and this gorgeous lace bodysuit from Guess is romantic with a fresh, fierce color. This piece will also be right at home in your fall wardrobe with a midi skirt and booties.

Wrap Front Halter Neck Bodysuit, $21


Another stunning find from ASOS, this halter bodysuit features a wrapped front with a little keyhole to show just a tiny bit of skin. Balance the look with a maxi skirt and sandals for a beach-ready outfit that will turn heads.

Strappy Front Bodysuit, $20


Perhaps one of the most coveted shapes of the season is the strappy neckline, making this simple yet on-trend plus size bodysuit from boohoo.com a major score. Pair with high-waisted flaired trousers for a polished, modern-meets-retro look.

Floral Mesh Bodysuit, $58


Romantic yet edgy, this Nasty Gal mesh bodysuit features a floral accent that will cover you in all the right places. Go full ballerina with a tulle skirt and cute flats or simple with white skinny jeans and heels.



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Back-to-School Supplies for All Grades


Back-to-School sales with Double Cash Back at Ebates are in full swing, so now is the time to start stocking up on everything your little learners need — no matter which grade they are entering this year. Why wait for administrators to send you a school-supplies list and risk missing amazing deals from top stores like Amazon, Kohl’s, Office Depot, TigerDirect and more? (Also, you don’t want to miss out on Tax Free days, which vary by state, to save even more money!) Here is a handy back-to-school checklist to get you started, organized by grade to make your school shopping a snap this season.


  • Glue stick (not a bottle, which can open in their backpack)
  • Small pack of crayons
  • Washable markers
  • No. 2 pencils
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Erasers
  • Colored pencils
  • Plastic folders (instead of a binder they are bound to pinch themselves with)
  • Safety (lefty or righty) scissors
  • Colorful construction paper
  • Ruled notebook or pad
  • Pencil box
  • Tissue packs
  • Backpack
  • Lunchbox

Grades 1, 2 and 3

  • Three-ring binder
  • Notebook
  • No. 2 pencils
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Eraser
  • Ruler
  • Ball-point pens
  • Colored pencils
  • Washable markers
  • Colorful construction paper
  • Pencil box
  • Tissue packs
  • Backpack
  • Lunchbox

Grades 4 and 5

  • Three-ring binder
  • Three-hole punch that fits inside binder
  • Loose-leaf paper or spiral notebooks
  • Subject dividers or folders
  • Blue or black ball-point pens
  • No. 2 pencils
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Eraser
  • Pencil pouch
  • Ruler
  • Colored pencils
  • Personal organizer/calendar
  • Book socks
  • Backpack
  • Lunch bag
  • Calculator


Grades 6 through 12

  • Three-ring binder
  • Three-hole punch that fits inside binder
  • Loose-leaf paper or spiral notebooks
  • Subject dividers
  • Blue or black ball-point pens
  • Mechanical pencils
  • Eraser
  • Permanent markers
  • Highlighters
  • Colored pencils
  • Personal organizer/calendar
  • Book socks
  • Backpack
  • Lunch bag
  • Calculator
  • Combination lock
  • Post-Its
  • Wite-Out
  • Protractor and ruler
  • Graph paper
  • Flash drive
  • Thesaurus/dictionary

Prices and Cash Back percentages are subject to change.

Taking Yoga Out of the Studio

If you’ve recently started a new yoga practice, filled up your drawers with some hot new yoga gear, like Gaiam yoga wear which is available at Kohls — and find you love the comfort and style of your studio clothes so much that you can’t resist wearing them out as streetwear — you’re not alone!

Studio-to-street looks are rapidly making huge waves in the fashion world as busy women seek stylish solutions to fit workouts into their tight schedules. And it’s no wonder — with the wide range of well-designed coordinates available, it’s easy to look put-together and on trend in your yoga clothing. As a plus, yoga gear is not only chic but comfortable for any activity!

Curious about how to go from studio to street without a hitch? Try these tips and breeze from class to brunch (or beyond).

Taking Yoga Out of the Studio Infographic


The easiest way to take your yoga gear to the streets is to add accessories. Just toss your favorites on in the locker room and go. Need ideas? Consider what you would add to a “regular” outfit and give it a go with your workout clothes. For starters, you can try the following:

  • Tie a flannel around your waist.
  • Carry your favorite statement bag.
  • Pop a baseball cap on for a sporty, fun look.
  • Not into ball caps? A cowboy or sun hat can work too!
  • Chunky, colorful jewelry can add just the right touch to glam up your outfit for the sidewalks.

Layer It On

Another simple way to make your gym clothing appropriate for venues off the mat is to match it up with items from your everyday wardrobe. Adding “street” pieces to your yoga basics can create a cool, urban vibe. Start looking through your closet to see if any of these ideas inspire you:

  • Throw on a fierce bomber jacket for instant street cred.
  • Pull a flowing skirt over your leggings — or simply exchange your pants for one.
  • A tailored blouse can look surprisingly sleek on top of yoga pants — or for a more boho feel, try a peasant blouse over your tank.
  • You can even put on a cool blazer for an urban look.
  • Try a graphic T-shirt for an especially edgy look over either basic or patterned yoga pants.
  • Kimonos are the ultimate in style right now and look great over gym gear!

Style Your Shoes

For the final touch, simply putting streetwear on your feet can give yoga clothes the panache to strut anywhere. Shoes without an overt athletic feel can do the trick when nothing else does and elevate your outfit beyond class. If you’re ready to get off and running, give these ideas a run for their money:

  • Swap out your flip-flops for dressier sandals or flats. Surprise: You can even try a pair of heels, if you dare!
  • Consider “fun” sneakers that are more designer- than workout-oriented.
  • Metallic sneakers are comfy and snazzy, matching but elevating the casual vibe.
  • You can even try a pair of boots — classic neutral ones for a sleek look, or go hippie with fringe and suede!
  • Want to really toughen things up? Try moto boots with studs.

Have fun — and Namaste!

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