Everything You Need to Know About In-Store Cash Back

This post has been updated to reflect minor changes in the In-Store Cash Back program.

Millions of Ebates members have discovered how easy it is to earn Cash Back for shopping online. But what if you’re shopping at your favorites stores in person? Maybe you need to try on a few sizes, swipe on some makeup swatches or pick up a last-minute gift on the way home from work. Great news: With In-Store Cash Back, you can start getting paid for those shopping trips you make in real life as well as online. Here’s how.

Step 1: Tap on the “In-Store” tab in the Ebates App.

Ebates In-Store Cash Back App

No app? No problem! You can also do everything you need on the In-Store Cash Back page on Ebates.com. Or get the app here.

Step 2: Find the store you’re shopping at, and hit the “Link” button.

In much the same way that you activate Cash Back online, you can turn on your In-Store Cash Back offer by hitting the “Link” button in the Ebates app. If it’s the first time you’re linking an offer, you’ll need to add a credit or debit card to your account.

Ebates In-Store Cash Back App

Rest assured, your private information is safely stored in a secure, encrypted environment. Learn more about that here. You’ll know Cash Back is turned on when the button now says “Linked.”

Ebates In-Store Cash Back App

Step 3: Shop!

Shop with your linked card at the selected store and earn Cash Back. Boom! There’s no need to tell your salesperson and no forms to fill out — just the magic of Cash Back. Why can’t everything be this easy?

Now that you’ve got the hang of it, here are some more tips & tricks to shop like a boss with In-Store Cash Back:

Stick to Our Accepted Cards

We currently accept credit and debit cards from Visa or American Express. Add as many cards as you like to your account; there are no limits.

Use It Like a Credit Card

To unlock the magic of In-Store Cash Back, pay the credit way. Yep, that includes debit cards. If you pay with your debit card and use your PIN, we won’t be able to track it. So when you’re ready to check out, remember: “Credit, please!”

Link Before Shopping

Always link before you leap. If you shop at a store before linking an In-Store Cash Back offer to your card, you’ll miss out on that Cash Back. Don’t do this. We hate to see you upset.

Stand by for Confirmation

The suspense must be killing you, but never fear. The wheels to deliver that sweet Cash Back to your Ebates account are a-turnin’. We will email you or send you a push notification as soon as the store lets us know you shopped with an offer.

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Treat It Like a Secret

In-Store Cash Back offers are exclusive to Ebates members, so your savings secret is just between us. Store employees probably won’t know anything about these offers. Lucky for you, once you’ve linked an offer to your card you can just shop and pay. Everything happens behind the scenes, so you can just keep a look out for your confirmation email.

Stay Tuned for New Stores

If you love a store with all your heart and it’s not on this list, just wait. It could be soon! Make sure to check back as we continue to add more top stores. Trust us: Love is worth waiting for. Stack Your Rewards Link In-Store Cash Back offers to your store-branded credit cards to get both credit-card rewards and Cash Back!

Get an Extra 3% Cash Back

What’s better than In-Store Cash Back? An additional 3% Cash Back when you shop with the Ebates Visa Credit Card! Here’s a little math to break it down: If a store is offering 5% In-Store Cash Back, you’ll earn 8% Cash Back when you use the Ebates Credit Card. Learn more.

See the Deets

Click the “See Details” dropdown under each store to see the offer limits, exclusions and all the fine print. You must link and use the offer before it expires, or else the chance for In-Store Cash Back will disappear like a stealth ninja.

Make Sure to Relink Those Offers

Shopaholics, this one’s for you. Once you’ve earned your In-Store Cash Back, you can relink the offer from the store and shop again.


We hope you’ve enjoyed this crash course on earning Cash Back in stores. Check out our video to see how easy it is to earn In-Store Cash Back. Now go forth and turn window shopping into Cash Back shopping!


How to Start Saving for Your First Home

Buying your first home can seem impossible, especially for a generation that’s under-employed, underpaid and saddled with debt. I know because I used to think it was unattainable. Until I bought a house. Last month. With my own savings.

I’m not going to lie to you: It required a lot of sacrifice, hard work and flexibility. But I’m here to tell you that homeownership isn’t a pipe dream. It’s a real, achievable goal if you set your mind to it and focus on one word: save. To do that, you’re going to have to get thrifty and creative. Use these tips and tricks to get started on your own path to saving for a house. A few of them will get you Cash Back at Ebates, which will put you even closer to the finish line.

1. Tuck Away That Tax Refund

You may have money to burn, but it should go straight into your savings account. Set up a separate account just for your home fund. One that you can’t easily touch and won’t be tempted to dip into. Before long, you’ll have a sizable chunk of change. Plus, you get up to 7.5 percent cash back on TurboTax products through Ebates, so you’re getting even more back when you file.

2. Clear the Clutter

Start looking around your apartment for things you never use or could live without. You’ll be surprised at just how much extra stuff you have. Start listing it on sites like eBay or see if any friends are interested in your extras. You’ll feel better because your space is decluttered and you’ll have some extra dough to show for it.

3. Redefine Your Essentials

Most forms of entertainment are temporary pleasures, so it’s important to think about what you can and can’t live without. Fear of missing out is a very real thing, but it’s easy to curb if you focus on what’s really important: your future home. You don’t have to live like a complete hermit. Just be mindful of your spending habits and limit nights out. That discounted meal or event from a deals site may seem like a bargain right now, but it all adds up in the end.

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4. Cut the Cord

A really easy way to get ahead is getting rid of cable. You can save hundreds per month by downsizing to a powerful internet connection and streaming everything. Plus, with an HDTV antenna, you’ll probably get 60-plus channels free. Put that cash away like you’re still paying for your full-price cable and internet bundle. I’ve been cable-free for seven years. You won’t even miss it.

5. Build Your Big Fat Check

If you haven’t guessed it by now, the name of the game is save, save and save some more. One of the best ways to do this is using a site like Ebates to help you add anything you can to your bottom line. You’re downsizing and being smart about how you spend your money. Ebates provides an awesome value by helping you earn on the things you already buy from the brands you shop. Any money from your Big Fat Check is money you didn’t have before, and every little bit helps.

These are just a few ways to get started. It’s really just about your frame of mind and finding little ways to boost your savings account. In a few months, you’ll look at your bank statement and appreciate all the little changes you made. And when you put that key in the door and walk in to your new home for the first time, you’ll know that all of it was truly worth it.

Related Links:
Home and Garden Coupons
Home Decor Deals
DIY Home Project Coupons
Promo Codes on Furniture
Lowe’s Coupons
Sears Promo Codes

17 Things That Happen When You Get Paid to Shop

Woman Umbrella Raining Money

It’s that time again. You’ve racked up Cash Back at Ebates for in-store and online shopping, and we’re sending out a Big Fat Check with your name on it. You, my friend, are about to get paid to shop.

1. First, you get the email from Ebates letting you know the check has been signed and sealed.

2. You think, “Oh great! A little extra moolah to look forward to. Maybe I’ll take myself out to lunch this week. Maybe I’ll even get sour cream on my burrito this time. What the heck! Let’s splurge for guac!”

Treat Yourself GIF

3. Then you see the amount you’ve earned.

David Bowie Zoolander

4. You think, “That can’t be right. I mean, I don’t shop that much!”

5. Your thought is interrupted by the doorbell and the thud of a package on your porch.

Frustrated Annoyed GIF

6. You remember all that shopping wasn’t just for you. You bought plenty of household essentials. Fido needed a new leash. The kids were busting out of their shoes.

7. You recall a lot of gift shopping for friends and family for holidays, birthdays and baby showers.

8. Thinking of all the good deeds you have done for others in the form of precious gifts reminds you that you are a caring and selfless individual.

Isla Fischer GIF

9. As a selfless individual, you think everyone should get Cash Back at Ebates. So you make it your mission to get your friends to join. In the meantime, you remain patient, waiting for your Big Fat Check to arrive.

Money GIF

10. Then, before you know it, the check is in your hands.

Paycheck GIF

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11. You take to the Internet to tell everyone!

12. You post a picture of your Big Fat Check on social media, being sure to include your referral link so you and your friends can earn a bonus once they complete their first purchase.

13. Your friends are in disbelief! How could you possibly get paid all that money to shop?

Reese Witherspoon GIF

14. Now that you have spread the Cash Back gospel, it’s time to make some plans for that Big Fat Check. Will you pay bills, put it in savings or…

15. Really treat yourself?

Wayne's World GIF

16. After all, you can turn that Cash Back into even more Cash Back when you use it to shop through Ebates online and with In-Store Cash Back offers.

17. Whatever your plans, the moments of yearning for the Cash Back you’ve been earning while shopping through Ebates are behind you. Your Big Fat Check is finally in your hand. Indeed, dog days are over.

Florence Welch Clapping GIF

We want to know all about how you plan to use your Big Fat Check! Post a picture on Facebook or Twitter and use #BigFatPlans for a chance to be featured in our gallery. Until next check time, happy shopping from all of us at Ebates!

Related Links:
Deals on Women’s Clothing
Flowers and Gifts Coupons
Deals on Designer Goods
Travel Promo Codes

Deskercise: Tips for an Easy Office Workout

Exercising Office Worker with Dumbbell

Although certain jobs require plenty of physical movement, others call for hours upon hours of sitting. After numerous hours at the office and even more stuck in traffic or on public transit, finding time to make it to the gym can be difficult. But you can get healthier without making radical life changes. Although standing desks are becoming more popular in the workplace, standing all day can impact your health negatively. The most important thing you can do in the office is get up and move. Take a stroll around the office, walk up and down the stairs or take a few moments to stretch—all that matters is that you’re moving. We at Ebates have compiled 18 exercises you can do easily at your desk.

Practice Perfect Posture

Having safe and comfortable desk ergonomics is key if you’re sitting for multiple hours a day. Adjust your chair height to make sure your feet, hips and arms are at 90-degree angles to the floor. Don’t slouch! Engage your core and keep your back straight throughout the day.

Man and Woman Walking Up Stairs

Take the Stairs

Taking the stairs has dual benefits: It allows you to avoid uncomfortable elevator small talk and easily elevates your heart rate. Take two at a time every other flight if you’re looking for a real challenge.

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Wall Push-Ups

Wall push-ups are suitable for dress shirts and skirts alike. Stand one to two feet from a wall, and lean forward until your palms are flush against the wall with your arms straight and parallel to the ground. Bend your elbows to bring your body toward the wall, hold for three seconds and then push back to your original position. Do this for 10 to 15 reps.

Shadow Boxing

Release your pent-up frustration by shadow boxing. Stand up and throw a few jabs, hooks and uppercuts in rapid succession, trying not to hit your coworkers or computer screen. Continue for 60 seconds or longer if you really need to blow off some steam.

Roaming Wanderer

The easiest and perhaps most rewarding exercise you can do is to simply walk around your office. Take a stroll to say hi to the accounting team or welcome the newest intern. Or wander over to a colleague’s desk instead of sending an email to get in some face time while also benefiting your health.

Desk Chair Swivels

If you have a swivel chair, have some fun with it! Sit upright with your feet hovering over the floor and hold onto the edge of your desk. Use your core to swivel the chair side to side. Continue for 15 to 30 seconds.

Young Office Workers Doing Yoga

Yoga Break

Incorporating some of your favorite yoga poses throughout the day is a great way to get out of your chair and stretch. It’s easy to stand up and practice a forward fold or balance in tree pose. Or stay seated and stretch into a backbend or twist.

Core Squeezes

This silent deskercise can be done by taking a deep breath, tightening your abdominal muscles and bringing them toward your spine as you exhale. Try to stay squeezed for five to 10 seconds before releasing. Repeat for 10 to 15 reps.

Pencil Pinches

Work out your traps by rolling your shoulders back until your shoulder blades are pinched together. Pretend you’re holding a pencil between them, holding for up to 10 seconds. Release and repeat for 10 to 15 reps.

Stationary Jogging

Take a little break from sitting at your desk and writing endless emails to jog in place for one minute. Pick up your knees for more of a burn. Write a few more emails and repeat.

Wall Sits

Build up some strength and endurance with wall sits. Place your back against a wall, bend your knees and slide your back down the wall until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Sit and hold for at least 30 seconds, eventually pushing yourself to 60 seconds or more. You can even play games on your phone during this one.

Desk Squats

If you use a standing desk, you’re already burning more calories than if you use a sitting desk. But you can add a squat for even more of a burn. Stand with your feet together and bend your knees so your thighs are almost parallel to the ground, as if you are sitting. While bending, raise your arms either straight up or toward the computer screen. Hold the squat for 15 seconds. Repeat for five reps.

Seated Leg Raises

These leg raises can be done at your desk and are hardly noticeable. While seated, straighten either one or both of your legs and hold in place for at least five seconds, if not longer. Lower your legs back to the ground, but do not let your feet touch the floor. Repeat (alternating legs if you’re doing one at a time) for 15 reps. If you’re looking for more of a challenge, loop a purse strap over your ankles for added weight.

Shoulder Shrugs

Test out your shoulder shrugs simply by raising both shoulders toward your ears, holding for five seconds and releasing. Repeat for 10 to 15 reps. Just make sure you’re not in a meeting while doing this one!

Calf Raises

Waiting at the water cooler or printer? Take this time to sculpt your calves with calf raises. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, press up onto the tips of your toes, pause at the top for a moment and then lower back down. Do 12 to 15 of these for three sets, or whenever the printer is done with your job.

Businesswoman Stretching Arms in Air

Fist Pumps

Pump it up in the office and tone your arms at the same time. Fist punch straight into the air and alternate for at least 60 seconds. Play “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor—guaranteed to burn even more calories!

Stapler Curls

Similar to dumbbell curls, stapler curls are very simple to do while reading emails. Place your stapler in one hand with your palm facing up. Starting at your thighs, bend your elbow and curl your arm upward to your chest. Pause for a moment and then lower your arm back down. Continue for 10 to 15 reps and switch sides. This exercise can also be done with a filled water bottle.

Chair Dancing

Although this one doesn’t exactly get you out of your seat, it’s great for a boost of energy and is downright fun! Throw on a favorite tune (via your headphones) and just go to town with a bit of seated dancing. Whether you want to shake your booty to some hip-hop or do a little tango or salsa, this one will get your energy going when no one is looking!

Prices and Cash Back percentages are subject to change. 

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Champion USA Promo Codes
Gaiam Coupons
Daily Burn Promo Codes
Deals on Fitness & Diets
Body Beast Coupons

12 Reasons You Should Not Join Ebates

Shopping at Ebates

You’ve probably heard of Ebates. Maybe you’ve been meaning to join or maybe you’re clinging to the old adage: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Well, we’re here to tell you that you’re right. There are many reasons not to become an Ebates member. If you agree with any of the statements below, Ebates probably isn’t for you.

1. I really don’t need any more money.

Cash Back at Ebates

Sure, I shop quite a bit. But when I kiss that money goodbye, I don’t want any of it to come back. Even though Ebates offers up to 40% Cash Back on the things I already buy, I’m pretty content with 0%.

2. It’s just too complicated.

Confused little girl GIF

You mean I have to go to Ebates.com, type my favorite store into the search bar and click the “Shop Now” button before buying something online? That’s, like, three steps that take seven whole seconds. My time is precious, thank you. See How It Works.

3. It has to be a scam.

Star Wars Akbar its a trap GIF

Where does the money come from? It can’t be as simple as stores paying Ebates and Ebates sharing the commission with me. Good day, sir.

4. Freedom of choice is overrated.

New Girl bad decisions GIF

Ebates offers Cash Back at how many stores? More than 2,000? Having so many options is just overwhelming, even though it means I can get paid to shop for virtually anything.

5. Paying full price is my jam.

Coupons, Deals, Promo Codes

Ebates may put thousands of coupons, deals and promo codes from major stores at my fingertips, but I’m just not a deal-hunter. I mean, I know there’s not much hunting involved since I can easily see a store’s coupons on its Ebates page, but, you know, reading. Ugh.

6. My friends definitely don’t need any more money.

Seinfeld Elaine I hate it GIF

If I gave my three besties $10 for making their first purchases through Ebates, I’m pretty sure they would never speak to me again. And the $75 in Cash Back I would get for referring them to Ebates would just make matters worse. Learn More.

7. I love missing out on sales.

Nacho Libre I love it GIF

Following Ebates on Facebook and getting access to daily Double Cash Back offers sounds awful. And getting sales alerts from my favorite stores sent directly to my phone via the Ebates App will literally ruin my day.

8. I hate getting the best possible deal.

Getting Deals at Ebates

If there is a better price for the same item out there, I don’t want to know. I can easily compare prices and Cash Back amounts for those Steve Madden booties by searching for them at Ebates.com or through the Ebates app. I can even scan products with the app while physically shopping at stores to find the best price. But, really, I enjoy paying the most I possibly can.

9. I also hate shopping on the go.

Saved by the Bell disgusted GIF

Being able to shop on my phone or tablet with the Ebates App is just too convenient. I prefer to wait until I’m at a computer, even if it means missing out on a flash sale. What can I say? It’s all about severely delayed gratification and missed opportunities.

10. I only like shopping in stores.

Shopping Online

Nothing beats a trip to a mall. I can try things on, catch up with my friends and top it all off with a pizza pretzel. There’s no way I could get Cash Back for doing all tha— Oh. There is? I just have to add my credit card to my Ebates account, link In-Store offers to my card and then use that card to shop in the store? Well, still. See reason No. 1. Free money just isn’t my thing. Learn More.

11. I’ll just forget to use Ebates.

Gandalf Lord of the Rings lost GIF

I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast this morning. It’s not like there’s a magic Ebates Cash Back Button that I can add to my browser that would automatically let me know if the store I was visiting offered Cash Back.

12. I definitely don’t want to get Cash Back everywhere.

Octopus nope running away GIF

The Ebates Cash Back Visa Credit Card sounds like a terrible idea. Getting 1% Cash Back on gas, groceries and countless other things, plus 3% Cash Back at Ebates stores? Rewards, schmewards. I also get a $10 bonus after my first purchase on the Ebates credit card and that just isn’t necessary.

What’s that you say? None of this sounds like you? We didn’t think so! Who doesn’t like free money and more ways to get the most out of shopping? Have any other questions about Ebates? Leave us a comment below!

Related Links
In-Store Coupons
Free Shipping Codes
Deals and Coupons
Walmart Promo Codes

Sandals Summer Vacation Giveaway

Win a Sandals Vacation Giveaway from Ebates

Ebates wants to help you get away to the destination of your wildest dreams. We’ve partnered with Sandals to give one lucky Ebates member the chance to win a 4-day, 3-night stay for two adults at the Sandals destination of their choice*, worth approximately $1,450!

All included. All unlimited. All the time!

As an award-winning hospitality company, Sandals makes it easy to book your dream vacation anywhere in the world. Prepare for your next adventure with Cash Back at Ebates on all-inclusive Caribbean resorts and vacation packages fit for an intimate getaway or a fun-filled family vacation.

Which destination would you choose?

Every Sandals location sits directly on a stunning beach, on six of the most gorgeous islands in a region famous for its endless white sand expanses, exquisite turquoise waters and romantic sunsets. Discover Jamaica’s warm reggae pulse, the Bahamas’ sophisticated beat, St. Lucia’s volcanic majesty, or Antigua’s exotic allure. Sandals has everything you need to make your escape.


How to Enter the Sandals Vacation Giveaway:

1. If you’re not already an Ebates member, join over 8 million other savvy shoppers who earn up to 40% Cash Back on almost everything they buy. Join Ebates and receive a $10 Welcome Bonus when you join for free today at www.ebates.com. *You must be an Ebates member to be eligible to win.

2. After you enter your Ebates email, you can earn extra entries for each type of entry. Comment, tweet, pin, follow us, like us, circle us — the more you do, the more entries you get! This sweepstakes ends on Sunday, July 31, 2016 at 11:59 PM PST. The winner will be randomly picked through Gleam, and will be posted on Facebook and this blog. Please be aware of the Giveaway Rules.

Be sure to keep an eye on your inbox, as the winner will have 24 hours to accept the prize before we will choose another winner.

Sandals Summer Vacation Giveaway




#ICYMI: Our Top February Blog Posts

In Case You Missed It

February was a blast this year, with that one extra day and all! Over the month at The Smart Shopper, we tried out Sephora’s new Virtual Artist app, shared cute umbrellas and gave tips on budget apartment decorating. But “In Case You Missed It,” here are some of our top February blog posts featuring top stores, hot deals and Cash Back at Ebates.

17 Things That Happen When You Get Paid to ShopWoman Umbrella Raining Money

Have you gotten your Big Fat Check from Ebates yet? Here’s a little preview of what will happen when you shop and get Cash Back.

Read more▸

Where to Score the Best Birthday FreebiesBirthday Cupcakes

These Cash Back stores want to help you celebrate another year wiser with some free gifts and discounts. Find out how to get birthday freebies here!

Read more▸

These Soy Candles Smell Like Disney MagicEtsy Disney Candles

Fill your home with the tantalizing scents of Disneyland yumminess and capture the essence of Disney characters with these amazing candles, only at Etsy.

Read more▸

7 Super Cool Hobbies That Require Zero SkillsColoring Pencils and Book

Mix things up and broaden your horizons with a new way to pass the time. These seven cool hobbies are perfect for any skill level.

Read more▸

How to Save on Entertainment and Event TicketsAfrican American Woman at Concert

Catch a movie or a show, or just explore your city for less with these tips on how to score big savings on event tickets and more.

Read more▸

Be sure to stay tuned for more to come in March. We’re always discovering new trends, adding new stores and coupons, and rounding up more ways to get paid to shop for the things you love. Whether you’re into fashion, tech, home and garden, travel or sports, we have the inside scoop on the best products and deals online and in-store. If you’re not an Ebates member, join today to free!


Le Château $1K Shopping Spree Giveaway


From everyday effortless style to glamorous evening looks, Le Château has everything you need to complete your spring wardrobe. Let us help you get a jump start on creating the closet of your dreams with a chance to win a whopping $1,000 to spend at Le Château! Check out our giveaway details and enter to win below. Good luck!


How to Enter the Le Château $1K Giveaway:

1. If you’re not already an Ebates member, join over 8 million other savvy shoppers who earn up to 40% Cash Back on almost everything they buy. Join Ebates and receive a $10 Welcome Bonus when you join for free today at www.ebates.com. *You must be an Ebates member to be eligible to win.

2. After you enter your Ebates email, you can earn extra entries for each type of entry. Comment, tweet, pin, follow us, like us, circle us — the more you do, the more entries you get! This sweepstakes ends on Thursday, March 31, 2016 at 11:59 PM PST. The winner will be randomly picked through Gleam, and will be posted on Facebook and this blog. Please be aware of the Giveaway Rules.

Be sure to keep an eye on your inbox, as the winner will have 24 hours to accept the prize before we will choose another winner.


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Le Chateau $1000 Shopping Spree


7 Things to Do With Your Extra Day This Leap Year

Leaping 2016 SunsetBeing that Leap Day only comes once every four years, you may not think it’s that big of a deal. But if you’re like every other adult on the planet and find yourself almost constantly saying, “If only I had more time…” then an extra 24 hours is indeed a big deal. We at Ebates have a few ideas (six, in fact) on what you can do this Leap Day to take full advantage of some extra time on your hands and have a few LOLs while you’re at it.

Glee Why GIF1. Go to work because it’s still Monday. I know guys, I know. Why, oh why does our extra day have to be a Monday? Actually, when you think about it, the extra day could be considered the last day of the year, which will be a Saturday in 2016. Console yourself with that little factoid. Or just come down with some mysterious and sudden “illness” that only lasts for 24 hours and tell your boss you’ll definitely just be in bed and not doing any of the things listed below. *wink*

Yoga GIF2. Make Leap Day your mandatory workout day. Seriously, talk about an easy commitment. Dust off your mountain bike, go snow-shoeing for a solid hour, or find a single-serving yoga class and try not to look like this guy (but you probably will if you only do yoga once every four years. Whatever, at least you’ve finally found a workout regimen you can consistently stick to.)

Sisters Movie GIF

3. Master the latest dance craze. You know learning how to Whip and Nae Nae or Hit the Quan has secretly been on your to-do list for months. Throw yourself into some YouTube research, clear the room and cut that rug, son. You can start to learn something new everyday, but a dance move should only take a couple of hours, four hours tops for the rhythmically challenged.

Poor Thing GIF4. Tell everyone it’s your birthday. There is no amount of sympathy that is quite like the amount you get when people think you’re a leap day baby. This is also immediately followed by the fun they get to have in calculating how many birthdays you have actually had and then they get to make the ever-witty joke of, “Hey, Happy 8th Birthday! You’re a big girl now!” Yes, Applebee’s Waitress. I am a big girl now. Now give me my free Triple Chocolate Meltdown, skip the song and be on your way, please and thank you.

Buster Bluth Scared GIF5. Propose to every dude you see. One famous Leap Day tradition is for women to propose to their boyfriends. But we thought it might be fun to open this one up to every single guy you encounter during the day. The mailman, your hot neighbor, your boss or any random male stranger. You’ll get a good laugh and they’ll get a nice dose of cardio after leaving skid marks to run away from you as fast as possible. It’s a win/win.

Bunny Costume GIF6. Dress like a leaping creature. Think of Leap Day as Halloween 2.0. and dust off that old frog or bunny costume to really get into the spirit. Then take the outfit out for a few jumps around the neighborhood, wishing people a Happy Leap Day all along the way. Just remember to refrain from leaping past your office because, remember, you’re sick and not doing any of this stuff.

Shopping GIF7. GO SHOPPING. At Ebates, an extra day means extra pay. Stay tuned to Ebates.com for something BIG this Leap Day with special Cash Back deals that will top off your 24 hours just right. And for those playing hookie home sick, don’t forget about In-Store Cash Back offers at big-name stores like Ann Taylor, EXPRESS, The Body Shop and more!



Fashionably Fit Giveaway


Keep those New Years Resolutions on track, particularly if they involve a commitment to your health AND upping your accessories game. Ebates is proud to present our Fashionably Fit Giveaway where one lucky winner will receive a Fitbit Flex and two ways to wear it fiercely with a Tory Burch bracelet and necklace. Both the necklace and bracelet actually hold the Fitbit while you go about your day fashionably. The entire package is valued at $450.

Ready to get your heart pumping and you looks popping? See giveaway details and enter to win below. Good luck!

How to Enter the Fashionably Fit Giveaway:

1. If you’re not already an Ebates member, join over 8 million other savvy shoppers who earn up to 40% Cash Back on almost everything they buy. Joining Ebates is free and you’ll receive a $10 Welcome Bonus when you join today at www.ebates.com. You must be an Ebates member to be eligible. 

2. After you enter your Ebates email, you can earn extra entries for each type of entry. Comment, tweet, pin, follow us, like us, circle us — the more you do, the more entries you get! This sweepstakes ends on Wednesday, February 10, 2015 at 11:59 PM PST. The winner will be randomly picked through Gleam, and will be posted on Facebook and this blog. Please be aware of the Giveaway Rules.

Be sure to keep an eye on your inbox, as the winner will have 24 hours to accept the prize before we will choose another winner.

Fabulously Fit Giveaway