Ebates Button – Few Changes

We <3 our Cash Back button and are constantly working to make sure it’s the best experience possible. We have made some recent refinements that may be a bit of a change and want to make sure you are all still earning all your Cash Back. Questions/comments/concerns about the button? Please let us know 🙂

  1. We removed IE from the install page on the site. We are now only promoting installs for Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. IE was really not work properly with our technology or our stores’ technology. We are sorry to have to do this, but moving forward that browser won’t be available.
  2. VERY IMPORTANT: Cash Back will no longer be automatically activated.  The user will always have to click to activate Cash Back.  We decided that we needed to take every measure to make sure tracking was working properly. We know it’s an extra step, but we think that the Cash Back is worth it 🙂
  3. When you activate your button you will now see a small transition window like when you click through from Ebates. This will help remedy any tracking issues that our old tool bar might have had.



We were so excited to see we were featured on WMUR 9 yesterday morning. Their readers sure have earned a lot of Cash Back. How much have you earned?


Show us your Big Fat Check and Win $150

Show us your Big Fat Check and Win $150

We are sending out Big Fat Checks soon and want to share some more money with our wonderful fans. This giveaway is simple: share a photo of yourself holding your big fat check. Two Ebates fans will win $150! If you get paid by PayPal or via an Amazon gift card feel free to write your total Cash Back amount on a piece of paper and hold it up. This giveaway will be open through March. Once you receive your check you can enter on our Facebook page.  But that’s not all –  a selection of entries will be featured on our Facebook page 🙂

Photo giveaway

Win a HP Desktop Computer!

Our friends at HP are giving one lucky Ebates fan a powerful new desktop computer to help make 2014 a tech savvy year. The adjustable 23 inch HD screen is designed to work and play the most natural way, the responsive 10-point touchscreen lets you get the most out of Windows 8, & the powerful Intel¼ Coreℱ processor delivers the speed and responsiveness to keep up with your most demanding tasks

HP Giveaway

Cash Back on Gift Cards? It’s Possible *AND* Easy

Cash Back on Gift Cards? It's Possible *AND* Easy

Here at Ebates, we are all about being smart shoppers. There are few things we love more than finding a sweet discount code on a merchant landing page that lets us combine extra savings on top of our Cash Back. One of the features that has been a bit of a hurdle is the inability to buy gift certificates with Cash Back. Many, if not most, of the stores we work with, don’t allow us to pay Cash Back on gift card purchases. With the holiday season rapidly approaching, I am relieved to report that I have found the perfect solution: GiftCertificates.com

giftcertificates.com deals

GiftCertificates.com allows you to buy the gift certificates you want with 1.5% Cash Back. I have so many family members that are utterly impossible to buy presents for. Not only can I buy them the gift certificate of my choosing, they have another offering that is even more versatile –  the SuperCertificate. Essentially this is a gift certificate to GiftCertificates.com (mind blown, I know). The recipient gets to choose where to spend their present.