20 Thoughts You Have While Attending Your First Music Festival

An entire season of can’t-miss lineups, world-class food-truck cuisine and outdoor partying is unfolding before you — and you’ve decided to dive right in. Good for you! Attending a music festival can seem intimidating, but don’t fret. Let us walk you through some of the highlights of your thought process as you say “yes” to festival season. You’ll have a better idea of what to expect and what to stock up on with Cash Back at Ebates to make the experience that much more enjoyable.20 Thoughts You Have While Attending Your First Music Festival

1. If your festival is in the desert, you will immediately try to scan your memories to find another time that you’ve been this hot and sweaty. Even if you do find one, it won’t make you feel any better.

2. You suddenly realize everyone you saw looking cute in their festival wear on Instagram was part of a massive conspiracy theory. Sure, people look fine, but they are basically melting in front of you.

3. “How long have I been standing in this line?”

4. “I’m so happy to be out of that line.”

20 Thoughts You Have While Attending Your First Music Festival 75. “What do you mean we’re not in yet?”

6. “You mean I have to walk a mile from this line to another line, and THEN I’m in?”

7. The reality of your hanger washes over you.

20 Thoughts You Have While Attending Your First Music Festival 18. You laugh a bitter I-told-you-so laugh as you enjoy the granola bar you packed that prompted your friends to make mom jokes about your level of preparedness.

9. You’re finally in. A patch of shade and a beverage sound like heaven right about now.

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10. Hydrated and recharged, it finally hits you that you’re actually here and what lengths you will go to enjoy good music and good friends.

20 Thoughts You Have While Attending Your First Music Festival 211. Those warm, fuzzy feelings die as soon as you hit the first Porta Potty. They are quickly replaced by gratitude that you remembered to bring hand sanitizer.

12. The excitement returns when you make your way to the first stage and get to dancing.

13. You decide all this running from stage to stage should count as your cardio for the week.

20 Thoughts You Have While Attending Your First Music Festival 314. It’s a good thing, too, because that donut ice cream sandwich stand has been calling your name all day.

15. You lose a friend in the shuffle, and, when you see you have no service, wonder how people actually survived without cell phones.

20 Thoughts You Have While Attending Your First Music Festival 816. “Is a ‘friend lost and found’ a thing?”

17. You collectively decide your friend would have wanted you to move on and enjoy the next act.

18. You turn out to be right, because you spot her two rows back from the stage on the shoulders of a “new friend.”

20 Thoughts You Have While Attending Your First Music Festival 419. You take a moment to thank the universe for SPF lip balm and the comfort of Birkenstock sandals.

20. You thank yourself for daring to try something new. This calls for a reward. Donut ice cream sandwich, anyone?

Related Links:
Forever 21 Coupons
Festival Styles for Less
Express Promo Codes
Charlotte Russe Coupons
Deals on Women’s Clothing

7 Ways to Say You’re Sorry for What You Did on Black Friday

How to Say Sorry for What You Did on Black Friday

If Black Friday shopping were a sport, you’d be MVP. Every year, you make a plan, and you execute it with minimal collateral damage. But let’s face it … other people can put a serious cramp in your Black Friday deals hunt. If you stepped on some toes this Black Friday, we at Ebates think it’s never too late to say you’re sorry. So after the high of nabbing all the Black Friday sales you could get your hands on crashes, and a moment of clarity hits you, take a look at these suggestions on how to make it up to your loved ones.

1. For the significant other who tried to sleep while you hit the snooze 10 times between 4 and 5 AM:

Bill Murray alarm clock Groundhog Day GIF

Offer peace of mind that it will never happen again by getting yourself a wearable, vibrating alarm.

2. For the neighbor who always has to make small talk as you’re running out the door:

Scream leave me alone Drew Barrymore GIF

Nothing says “Sorry I cut off that story about your grandson’s graduation because I was afraid they would run out of Shopkins” like a home-baked pie.

3. For the friend who drove with you to the mall and is now suffering from whiplash incurred when you frantically swerved into the last parking spot:

The Simpsons doing donuts GIF

How about a nice massage gift card? That should take care of the kink in her neck.

4. For the other friend who met you at the mall (the one with whom you argued while you were both hangry):

Gilmore Girls taco GIF

Graze box. Enough said.

5. For your dog who desperately wanted quality lap time while you were busy wrapping:

Adventure Time sad dog Jake GIF

A subscription to BarkBox and an extra-long ear scratching session.

6. For your mom who left you seven voicemails that you had all day to return, but didn’t because you’re a shopping machine:

The Cosby Show Clare Huxtable GIF

Make her a beautiful online video of the grandkids (or grand fur babies) and she’ll forget all about it.

7. For yourself, who slaved all day trying to find the best prices to make holiday magic happen for your family because you obviously love them as much as you love a good deal:

Oprah bubble bath champagne GIF

A hot, quiet bath. You earned it, Champ.