Deskercise: Tips for an Easy Office Workout

Exercising Office Worker with Dumbbell

Although certain jobs require plenty of physical movement, others call for hours upon hours of sitting. After numerous hours at the office and even more stuck in traffic or on public transit, finding time to make it to the gym can be difficult. But you can get healthier without making radical life changes. Although standing desks are becoming more popular in the workplace, standing all day can impact your health negatively. The most important thing you can do in the office is get up and move. Take a stroll around the office, walk up and down the stairs or take a few moments to stretch—all that matters is that you’re moving. We at Ebates have compiled 18 exercises you can do easily at your desk.

Practice Perfect Posture

Having safe and comfortable desk ergonomics is key if you’re sitting for multiple hours a day. Adjust your chair height to make sure your feet, hips and arms are at 90-degree angles to the floor. Don’t slouch! Engage your core and keep your back straight throughout the day.

Man and Woman Walking Up Stairs

Take the Stairs

Taking the stairs has dual benefits: It allows you to avoid uncomfortable elevator small talk and easily elevates your heart rate. Take two at a time every other flight if you’re looking for a real challenge.

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Wall Push-Ups

Wall push-ups are suitable for dress shirts and skirts alike. Stand one to two feet from a wall, and lean forward until your palms are flush against the wall with your arms straight and parallel to the ground. Bend your elbows to bring your body toward the wall, hold for three seconds and then push back to your original position. Do this for 10 to 15 reps.

Shadow Boxing

Release your pent-up frustration by shadow boxing. Stand up and throw a few jabs, hooks and uppercuts in rapid succession, trying not to hit your coworkers or computer screen. Continue for 60 seconds or longer if you really need to blow off some steam.

Roaming Wanderer

The easiest and perhaps most rewarding exercise you can do is to simply walk around your office. Take a stroll to say hi to the accounting team or welcome the newest intern. Or wander over to a colleague’s desk instead of sending an email to get in some face time while also benefiting your health.

Desk Chair Swivels

If you have a swivel chair, have some fun with it! Sit upright with your feet hovering over the floor and hold onto the edge of your desk. Use your core to swivel the chair side to side. Continue for 15 to 30 seconds.

Young Office Workers Doing Yoga

Yoga Break

Incorporating some of your favorite yoga poses throughout the day is a great way to get out of your chair and stretch. It’s easy to stand up and practice a forward fold or balance in tree pose. Or stay seated and stretch into a backbend or twist.

Core Squeezes

This silent deskercise can be done by taking a deep breath, tightening your abdominal muscles and bringing them toward your spine as you exhale. Try to stay squeezed for five to 10 seconds before releasing. Repeat for 10 to 15 reps.

Pencil Pinches

Work out your traps by rolling your shoulders back until your shoulder blades are pinched together. Pretend you’re holding a pencil between them, holding for up to 10 seconds. Release and repeat for 10 to 15 reps.

Stationary Jogging

Take a little break from sitting at your desk and writing endless emails to jog in place for one minute. Pick up your knees for more of a burn. Write a few more emails and repeat.

Wall Sits

Build up some strength and endurance with wall sits. Place your back against a wall, bend your knees and slide your back down the wall until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Sit and hold for at least 30 seconds, eventually pushing yourself to 60 seconds or more. You can even play games on your phone during this one.

Desk Squats

If you use a standing desk, you’re already burning more calories than if you use a sitting desk. But you can add a squat for even more of a burn. Stand with your feet together and bend your knees so your thighs are almost parallel to the ground, as if you are sitting. While bending, raise your arms either straight up or toward the computer screen. Hold the squat for 15 seconds. Repeat for five reps.

Seated Leg Raises

These leg raises can be done at your desk and are hardly noticeable. While seated, straighten either one or both of your legs and hold in place for at least five seconds, if not longer. Lower your legs back to the ground, but do not let your feet touch the floor. Repeat (alternating legs if you’re doing one at a time) for 15 reps. If you’re looking for more of a challenge, loop a purse strap over your ankles for added weight.

Shoulder Shrugs

Test out your shoulder shrugs simply by raising both shoulders toward your ears, holding for five seconds and releasing. Repeat for 10 to 15 reps. Just make sure you’re not in a meeting while doing this one!

Calf Raises

Waiting at the water cooler or printer? Take this time to sculpt your calves with calf raises. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, press up onto the tips of your toes, pause at the top for a moment and then lower back down. Do 12 to 15 of these for three sets, or whenever the printer is done with your job.

Businesswoman Stretching Arms in Air

Fist Pumps

Pump it up in the office and tone your arms at the same time. Fist punch straight into the air and alternate for at least 60 seconds. Play “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor—guaranteed to burn even more calories!

Stapler Curls

Similar to dumbbell curls, stapler curls are very simple to do while reading emails. Place your stapler in one hand with your palm facing up. Starting at your thighs, bend your elbow and curl your arm upward to your chest. Pause for a moment and then lower your arm back down. Continue for 10 to 15 reps and switch sides. This exercise can also be done with a filled water bottle.

Chair Dancing

Although this one doesn’t exactly get you out of your seat, it’s great for a boost of energy and is downright fun! Throw on a favorite tune (via your headphones) and just go to town with a bit of seated dancing. Whether you want to shake your booty to some hip-hop or do a little tango or salsa, this one will get your energy going when no one is looking!

Prices and Cash Back percentages are subject to change. 

Related Links:
Champion USA Promo Codes
Gaiam Coupons
Daily Burn Promo Codes
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Body Beast Coupons

A Step-by-Step Beginner’s Guide to Meal Planning

Woman cooking in kitchen looking up recipe on tablet

When it comes to family life, making meals that are tasty and filling, keeping your schedule from becoming a nonstop cook-a-thon, and not spending a fortune on groceries at the same time is a tall order.

But meal planning can fix this. Match it with coupons from Ebates and Cash Back, and what you have is a recipe for saving money, saving time, and eating better than before.

So, if you’ve never made a meal plan before, where do you start?

1. Work with what you have. There’s no need to run out and restock your entire kitchen. On the contrary, the idea is to save money and effort, so the best first step is just to stay put. Look through your cupboards, refrigerator, and freezer to see what kind of food you already have. What could you creatively turn into a meal already? If you can’t make a week’s worth of meals with what you already have, what side dishes do you need to complement what you do have? Once you have used up your current selection and are running out of supplies, then you go shopping.

2. Have the “heavy hitters” for the week. If you break up your dinners into two main dishes for the week, you’re accomplishing a few things. You’re making it possible to buy those chicken breasts or lasagna plates in bulk at a lesser price than buying a small one every week for one meal. You’re saving a lot of effort by not making elaborate and different meals every day. And you’re making it possible to have leftover night with the food left in the fridge from the previous day. You can rotate what these meals are every week. Perhaps you’ll have chicken and fish one week, and pasta and burgers the next.

Smiling girl eating fresh berries in kitchen

3. Don’t forget snacks. When the kids need something to munch on before dinner or your blood sugar is a little low, it’s the perfect concoction for messing up a meal plan. You end up making the meal early and are hungry later, or dinner is spoiled and you’ve wasted a lot of food. So make sure to add snacks to your list. Something as small and healthy as a granola bar will take the edge off and give you a boost of energy without upsetting the plan, and the best part is, they’re cheap.

4. Your shopping list is law. Laws don’t bend to the will of a toddler who really wants chicken tenders or a bag of Reese’s that is just dying to jump in your basket. In order for meal planning to actually work, you need to create a shopping list that is highly detailed and non-negotiable. Before you walk out the door, look at each item and decide if there’s a really good reason that it’s there – not just because it looks nice. Not only will this make your family healthier, but you’ll save money by not making impulse purchases. Even better: Your house won’t be full of dishes without sides that end up ruining your entire meal plan when your family feels tempted.

5. Get your calendar involved. Get yourself a new calendar, because when you start meal planning, you’re going to need a schedule. If you’re going out to dinner one evening with the whole family as a treat, then there’s no need to buy extra food to plan for that meal. If you’re having a potluck on Tuesday and are in charge of the casserole, then it’s smart to make that one of your two weekly meals so you can buy the supplies in bulk for less money (Sam’s Club is great for this). Also, by charting out what is being served for each meal every day, it eliminates that snackish feeling and cancels out the craving to just buy pizza instead – which can be both pricey and unhealthy.

Woman shopping with coupons in market

6. Base your meals on sales. Planning meals is a great way to save money, and it becomes even more cost effective if you follow this next step. Browse through the fliers local stores send you to not only gain inspiration for some yummy new dishes to try out, but also to take advantage of the sales to customize the week’s meals. If beef is on sale, then chicken week is out the window – you can have burgers for much less. Browse sites like Ebates to see which stores are offering the best deals, such as Walmart.

5 Outdoor Party Tips for Unforgettable Summer Gatherings

Young people having a barbecue

Every season has its upsides when it comes to party planning, but it’s pretty much a given that summer is the best season for throwing an outdoor party, especially if you’re not sure you even know how to throw a party. The best thing about outdoor parties is that they’re great for first-timers because ample food and drink choices, warm weather and the availability of your guests is pretty much a given. But even when the odds are ever in your favor, it can still be a little intimidating to host an outdoor party. That’s why we’ve collected our top five outdoor party planning tips and paired them with five great stores, so you can easily stock up on everything you need for a great time. Start your supplies shopping at Ebates to save big on your bash and earn Cash Back on all of your party planning essentials.

Drinks with straws on a table1. Keep It Simple

Above all else, the number one summer party tip is to keep it simple. Plan a menu that can be prepared and served all at once, can be cleaned up easily and avoids the need for oven or hot-top cooking. Don’t go nuts with a theme and don’t over-think the playlist. For a runaway success, pare your party down to the bare essentials: something to eat, something to drink, something to talk about and somewhere to sit. The first three are up to you, but for the best in outdoor furniture, check out Home and Patio Décor Center and use a patio décor promo code when you buy to get great savings. Not only does Home and Patio Décor Center have a huge variety of outdoor furniture from portable to permanent, but they also carry all the extras like landscape lighting, unbreakable dishware, outdoor rugs and more.

String lights hanging from a tree2. Let Nature Be Your Decorator

Let’s face it. There is no better decorator than Mother Nature. With seasonal flowers and greenery all around, items like streamers, balloons, flags or other party store decorating ideas can simply be finishing touches. Summer parties are all about comfort and ease so let your party decorations reflect that. Walk around your yard, your neighborhood or your local park to see what you can find to decorate your party naturally. Big bold foliage like tall grasses or leafy branches accent a table well, and small colorful leaves make great subtle accents. Of course, the best way to guarantee all-natural summer party décor is to plant your own blooms, herbs and plants. Check out Burpee Gardening to get all the tips, tools, seeds and supplies you need to make sure your summer parties are full of color.

Friends dancing in the backyard3. Connect Inside and Outside

Even on the most beautiful summer day, any party needs a connection to the indoors for essentials like electricity, restrooms and running water. But you don’t want the party vibe to get lost in the transition from inside to out so find a way to connect them by leaving windows open, playing the same music indoors as out or even take everyday furniture outside. Aim to keep the indoor lighting subtle and indirect. Whether it’s evening or mid-day, a cool, dim indoors makes a good partner with an outdoor party. Shop Light in the Box for great deals on string lights, novelty lights, faux flames and more dimmable lighting ideas with incredible shipping offers.

4. No Idle Hands

Everybody wants to help when it comes to a summer party. Leave a few things undone that early-comers can lend a hand with such as plugging in the string lights, filling ice buckets, bringing out the yard games or setting up the sound system. It’s just busy work, of course, but it will give people a chance to mingle, meet and start their own conversations while you mix cocktails and heat up the grill. To find everything you need to make set-up a snap, no matter who’s doing it, head to Shindigz with a summer promo code. There you can save big on all the gear, games and goods you need to keep your guests entertained.

5. One Good Thing Leads to Another

Every party leaves something behind and the best thing you can do is be sure to separate out what you could use for the next shindig. Don’t just toss those few paper plates or plastic cups, they will come in handy next time. Try to save what you can of leftovers by freezing, or pack your guests to-go bags like party favors. Cut down on clean-up by organizing ahead of time where trash, recycling, food scraps and leftovers will go. For food and party supplies storage solutions, your one-stop shop is The Container Store where you can find everything from storage bins to ice cube trays.

What are your favorite outdoor party tips? Tell us in the comments below!



How to Add Healthy Snacks to Your Life

Trail mix with dried fruit and nutsFeel a snack attack coming on? Conquer your unhealthy cravings with a smarter approach to snacking. The right munchies can help keep you fuller longer and nourish your mind and body with pure goodness.

From tips on how to keep your snacks fully stocked to helpful resources to take some of the burden off your plate, your pals at Ebates have you covered with our complete guide to healthy snacking.

homemade healthy salads with black beans, vegetables, fruits, and quinoa in jar. toning. selective FocusCreate a Prep Plan

Prepping your snacks ahead of time makes staying on track easier. Keep diced fruits and vegetables in bags or mason jars in your fridge to avoid grabbing that bag of potato chips. The handy portions and convenient containers make it simple to snack more mindfully. Super snacking tip: Make Sundays your prep day and keep your fridge and cupboards stocked for the busy workweek. It’ll provide you with plenty of healthy snacks for work and keep you away from that tempting vending-machine trip.

To make your prep plan a breeze, visit Fit & Fresh for innovative and convenient solutions designed to make it easy to eat healthy. Shop the stylish collection of insulated lunch bags and durable containers for perfectly proportioned snacks and meals. On-the-go container sets make it simple to chop fresh fruits and veggies and take them to work or on road trips. Shop bento boxes, lunch-bag kits and more, all with Cash Back at Ebates.

Send Your Taste Buds on an Adventure

Nothing derails healthy snacking like bored taste buds. Don’t get burned out on the same old snacks. Instead, make a point of mixing up your daily choices. Pick your go-to favorites, but be sure to branch out and explore some interesting new combinations and flavor options. Some quick research on Pinterest or a tutorial on YouTube can introduce you to some new crave-worthy snacks in no time.

Hands holding fresh veggies in a wooden crate

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Keep It Simple With Subscription Services

With a Graze subscription, you’ll get all the latest and tastiest healthy snacks mailed directly to you. Try hand-picked high-protein snacks and wholesome treats to keep you fueled up and ready to conquer the day. Best of all, you’ll get a tasty variety with no prep work involved! Graze’s sectioned boxes make healthy snacking at work or home easy. Also, be sure to use a Graze promo code for big savings on your box!

Choose Hello Fresh for easy meal planning with boxes of fresh ingredients along with easy-to-follow, healthy recipes delivered right to your door. Select your favorite recipe box featuring heart-healthy foods, crisp veggies and lean meats you and your family will love, all while saving with a Hello Fresh promo code and Cash Back at Ebates. Portion out leftovers for healthy snack ideas or create small batches for mini meals throughout the day.

Skip the preservatives and chemicals and explore for your healthy snacks. You’ll find mouthwatering food created by independent makers, not companies. With high-protein energy bars, nuts, all-natural jerky and more, Mouth will tempt your taste buds with the most delicious array of indie eats. Plus, you can combine your favorite snacks and flavors for the ultimate in healthy snack ideas. Pair the perfect amount of fruits, carbs, proteins, grains and veggies for a well-rounded, nutritious snacking experience. Make things easy on yourself and explore Mouth’s monthly subscription services for healthy snacks delivered right to you, all while saving with Ebates.

We want to hear from you! Comment below and tell us your favorite healthy snacks.



Related Links:
Fruit & Nuts Coupons
Discounts on Groceries
Wholesale Snack Discounts
Food Saver Coupons

13 Simplified New Year’s Resolutions

2016 woman standing in the sunIt’s that time of year again when we reflect on the last 365 days and audit them for triumphs and mistakes, what worked and what didn’t work. As we focus on areas that still need improvement, we set a goal that will undoubtedly make our lives better and happier. The only problem is that most New Year’s resolutions tend to be a bit lofty and many people end up failing to meet them. Instead of leaping head first into a big goal this New Year’s Eve, we at Ebates advise taking some baby steps instead. We have taken 13 common New Year’s resolution ideas and whittled them down to microresolutions anyone can meet.

1. Lose Weight

This is a tough one. There are almost too many ways to approach losing weight if you feel you need to. First, forget the number on the scale and ditch the time table. The added pressure of trying to lose X amount by Y date can sabotage you. Instead, think of one or two things you can easily do starting right now, like eating salads for lunch or moving your body for 10 minutes, three times a day. Don’t think of this as underachieving. Think of it as just the starting line! Once you conquer this goal and make it a habit, you can move on to the next step with confidence.

woman smoking a cigarette2. Quit a Habit or Addiction

Again, there are many ways to approach dropping a bad habit or addressing your addiction. Remember that in some cases, you could be dealing with a chemical dependency. Behaviors are also very hard to break. Your first goal should be finding a method of help that would best suit your situation. Whether it’s literature, professional help, 12-step groups or beyond, make seeking help your goal. From there, an action plan will surely emerge to get you to the bigger goal of kicking your habit.

3. Get a New Job

This one is just not totally up to you, sorry. Whether or not you score a new job is up to one person–the hiring manager who will extend you an offer. Instead, update your resume and LinkedIn profile, seek out career counseling to get some feedback on your approach to job searching. You can also set goals for how much time you will spend searching for and applying to jobs, such as an hour or two a day.

4. Get Out of Debt

Depending on how deep in debt you are, this is something that can easily take more than a year. The first step is finding out how many expenses you are willing to cut from your budget and how much money you can easily put aside each month or each paycheck to both pay off your bills faster and avoid accruing even more debt. These are small, sensible goals you can stick to. And before you know it, your debt will become a lot more manageable.

planner organizer5. Get Organized

Blanket statements like “I’m going to organize my life!” can overwhelm you in seconds flat. You may have multiple areas in your life that need to be organized but picking one should be your first goal. Whether it’s your closet, your desk, your schedule or that mounting stack of coupons on your kitchen counter, start in one place and do not move on until it is in order. Clean out that closet and find a place for everything then buy yourself a weekly planner and get that schedule in check. Make steady progress and you’ll feel more organized in no time.

6. Spend More Time With Loved Ones

Finding more time for anything can sometimes just not be an option with the demands of work and other responsibilities. As an alternative, why not make the time we already spend with family and friends count? Putting away your phone or turning off the TV during meals is a good start. Planning fun activities in advance for the weekends doesn’t have to require a lot of money or travel. Sometimes it’s just your attention and not your schedule that need the adjustment.

7. Live Stress Free

For those who suffer from anxiety, this is not a simple goal and perhaps not something you can do on your own. Seeking the help of your doctor is a reasonable goal. You can also sign up for a yoga class. Practicing gratitude is also very effective in alleviating stress. Do this by keeping a journal of things to be grateful for and update it every time you are feeling overwhelmed. Also, count your complaints. Every time you have the urge to complain, recognize your frustrations but also counter them with finding something positive in the situation.

8. Enjoy Life to Its Fullest

First of all, what does this even mean to you? Generally, we think most people just want to be happier. When you’re happy, you enjoy life. So how can you be happy? Again, we suggest starting small. Do one thing every day that you enjoy, but that is good for you or constructive. This can be exercise, calling a loved one, painting your toenails, whatever. It doesn’t have to cost money or take a lot of time. Knowing that you are dedicating a portion of each day to self-care reinforces the idea that you are important.

woman at airport9. Travel More

Vowing to travel more this year could be a lofty resolution. Plus, you never know what 2016 is going to throw at you to derail any dream destinations you have set in your mind. Planning one trip, however, is completely sensible and doesn’t even have to involve a deadline. Start by picking a destination then estimate how much money you would like to save for the trip. From there, you can figure out a monthly savings plan that is sensible for your income and normal expenses. It may take another year but you will eventually have enough to take the trip of a lifetime.

10. Rekindle a Relationship

Maybe things are tense between you and a friend or loved one or perhaps you haven’t even spoken in a long time. Repairing or rekindling a relationship is really only half up to you. You can take the steps to initiate contact, but they may not be met to your satisfaction. A feasible goal would be just to reach out in the first place. This may need to include making an amends to clear the air. The rest is up to them. If they are not receptive, at least you can move on knowing you did your best.

11. Get 8 Hours of Sleep

If you normally conk out at midnight only roll out of bed at 6 a.m., it is not sensible to suddenly resolve to get to bed every night by 10. Treat yourself like a toddler and ween into an earlier bedtime by bumping it up 15 minutes at a time. After a few days of lights out by 11:45, go for 11:30 and so on. Gradually, you will get to an ideal bedtime and find yourself all the more rejuvenated by getting more sleep.

12. Kick Your Social Media/TV Habit

Whether you’re a compulsive Tweeter or a Netflix binger, it’s always important to address how much time you spend in front of a screen but it’s not totally realistic to go cold turkey. Deleting all your social media accounts is a tad drastic. So, too, is throwing your TV out the window. Instead, set yourself appointments to check your feeds. Once in the morning and once at night for 20 minutes is a good start. TV watchers can use the same principle but it could also be a good idea to downgrade your cable subscription. Having unlimited access to TV can result in a lot of mindless watching.

food donation box13. Be More Giving

This is one of our favorite resolutions but one that many fail at for one simple reason. Opportunities to be more generous don’t always make themselves available. It is up to us to seek them out. Some people find a charity and set up a recurring contribution while others donate a few hours of their time each month to a soup kitchen, animal shelter, etc. These are simple giving goals that can make a big difference for both you and the lives they touch. Be proactive!

Prices and Cash Back percentages are subject to change. 

9 Steps to Building a Classic Wardrobe


Building a classic wardrobe that is functional, comfortable and fashionable can seem like a daunting task. Rest assured, it’s possible! Having a closet containing clothes that are cohesive and easy to mix and match can help relieve morning stress and future shopping trip frustration. We’ve come up with 9 steps on how to build a classic wardrobe that will keep you looking fashion forward for years to come. Don’t forget to save more while building your wardrobe by shopping with Cash Back at Ebates!

Clean Out the Closet

A cluttered, outdated or messy closet is a major hindrance when building a wardrobe. Donate or toss out items that are worn out, obsolete or don’t fit you any more. Items that are stretched out, faded or pilling should be replaced. Keep in mind that these items can be replaced over a period of time. Don’t feel the need to do a complete overhaul all at once!

Factor in Your Lifestyle

Lifestyle plays a major role into your wardrobe. Do you work at a desk or are you busy traveling for formal events? Do you like to hike on the weekend or spend lots of time beach side? Every wardrobe is a personal expression of yourself, so make sure to factor your day to day life when buying clothes, shoes and accessories.

Keep it Neutral

While color is essential to fashion, keeping it neutral is one of the most important steps to building a classic wardrobe. Neutral colors consist of black, brown, navy, gray, white, camel, tan and cream. Use neutrals to build up your outfit and add a pop of color or two to finish off the look. Experiment with neutrals outside of pants and tops by adding a neutral coat, purse or shoe.

Back to the Basics

Basics are a stepping stone to a good wardrobe. Every wardrobe has basics, which are items that are worn often and can be easily mixed and matched with other pieces. The essential basics for every wardrobe should include a white button up shirt, classic denim jeans, a little black dress, a neutral blazer, black pumps, neutral flats, a cardigan, a pencil skirt and dress slacks. Once those items are in your closet you can add statement jewelry pieces, a fabulous bag, the perfect evening coat and a go-to date dress.

Layer, Layer, and Layer Some More

Layering effectively has baffled many for ages, but it’s really quite simple! Layering will add character and personality to your outfit and ease the transition from day to night. Add a blazer over a camisole, a blanket scarf over a sweater or a collared shirt under a vest for a top-notch look.

Avoid Trendy Items

Trends are fun but they come and go. The key to building a wardrobe is to pick pieces that are staples. Don’t avoid trends completely, especially if you enjoy them, but be selective and don’t spend too much money on a piece that you won’t wear in two months. Trends will fade, but style is eternal.

A Good Wardrobe is a Balanced Wardrobe

A balanced wardrobe includes a wide selection of clothes, shoes and accessories. You’ll want to have attire that works for casual weekend hangouts, the typical work day, an important business conference and a special night on the town. If you open your closet and only see t-shirts and jeans or blazers and pencil skirts, it’s time to consider balancing your wardrobe.

Pay Attention to the Fit

It’s easy to overlook a top that is a little too snug or a pair of jeans that are a tad loose, but avoid this mistake. All your clothing should fit your body and flatter you as well. If you have a great piece that you invested in that can be taken in or let out, find a good seamstress to take care of it.

Let Your Personality Shine

Your lifestyle or job may dictate how you dress daily, but always remember to let your personality shine through. If a plain white v-neck and jeans is too simple for you, add some funky sneakers and a brightly colored scarf with your favorite handbag to add a bit of your personality into your outfit.



Prices and Cash Back Percentages are subject to change.

22 Smart Baby Gadgets to Make Parenting Easier


As a parent and baby wrangler, there are days when you just “can’t even” but then you do it anyway because there are no sick days, no vacation, no coffee breaks (unless you enjoy coffee that you brew yourself before getting caught up in a diaper disaster, then try to reheat in the microwave, then forget about, then give up and drink cold). Taking care of a baby is rough stuff and any little thing on this earth to make it the tiniest bit easier is a miracle. Alas, here are 22 little miracles  of technology in the form of super smart baby gadgets you can get with Cash Back at Ebates.

Aquatopia™ Safety Bath Time Audible Thermometer and Alarm

Safety is always first when it comes to bath time. Be sure baby’s bath water is a safe temperature every time with this easy-to-read thermometer in a super cute turtle shape! The best part–the device beeps to let you know if the water gets too hot and measures every two seconds.

Milkscreen Alcohol Test Strips for Breastmilk

Moms, we get it. Sometimes you just need a cocktail. Leave your worries behind on Girls’ Night Out. You can rest assured that your Mother’s Milk is OK for baby consumption with these handy alcohol test strips. Get fast results so you can breast feed with peace of mind.

RaZbaby® Keep-it-Kleen Pacifier

Say goodbye to constantly rinsing off dirty, dingy chupies. This magical binky closes a protective shell around the nipple as soon as it is dropped. Now that’s one smart pacifier.

Boon ‘Glo’ Color Changing Night Light

Some toddlers are professional sleep fighters. Major FOMO is to blame for this. Little ones just don’t want to miss out on a single minute of play time. A super cool nightlight that they can play with while chilling out in bed will be sure to get those peepers closed for the night in no time.

Kiinde Breastfeeding Set

Even when breast feeding comes naturally to new moms, it is still a time-consuming and physically draining (pun intended) task. With this all-inclusive breast feeding set, you can pump, store and feed with the same pouches so you don’t lose a drop of that liquid gold.

Summer Infant Pacifier Thermometer

No baby wants to sit still while you attempt to take their temperature. They apparently didn’t get the memo that it’s kind of your job to know when they are getting sick. This is perhaps the easiest way to get those important digits without a wiggling fuss from your little sickie.

Motorola MBP853CONNECT Monitor

Keep an eye on your little bundle at all times and ease stress when transitioning baby into sleeping in another room.

Gro-Egg Room Thermometer

This nightlight and room thermometer in one will ensure your baby’s bedroom is always at a pleasant climate. After all, a too-hot or too-cold room will indeed result in a non-sleeping baby.

Cloud B Sleep Sheep

Soft and cuddly, this little sheep makes soothing bedtime noises that mimic mother’s heartbeat, spring showers, ocean waves and even whale songs!

Mimo™ Smart Baby Monitor

Moniter your baby’s sleep activity, breathing, body position and skin temperature with your smartphone or tablet. You’ll be notified of changes in your baby’s breathing and activity, including when they wake up or roll over. You’ll all be able to sleep a little easier.

Baby Einstein™ Sea Dreams Soother™

If over 25 minutes of soft music and lights won’t put Junior to bed, we don’t know what will. This little soother is one of the coolest nursery gadgets on the market, complete with a convenient remote control you can use from the other room.

Baby Brezza Formula Pro

Be sure to put this formula mixer on your must-have baby gear list. Easily measure and mix formula and water with a touch of a button because we all know how a few seconds seem to last a lifetime when your baby is screaming for a bottle.

Green Sprouts Water Bottle Cap Adapter

Formula + disposable water bottle + this bottle cap adapter = instant and easily formula for baby. Never scramble to wash a bottle again while you’re attempting to have a life outside the home with baby.

Boon Squirt Silicone Baby Food Dispensing Spoon

If you make your own baby food, this magic spoon is a must. Simply fill with your favorite puree and squeeze to feed baby on the go.

Blooming Baby Bath Mat

Protect baby from bumps and bruises during bath time in the kitchen sink with this soft and cozy bath pad. Rinse, wring and throw into the dryer once you’re done for super easy cleaning.

Baby Shusher

Shushing may seem like an easy task but try doing it for 15 minutes straight and you will find out what a tongue cramp feels like. This magic machine includes a timer and volume control to have your baby out like a light in no time.

BEABA Babycook Baby Food Maker

Steamer, blender, warmer and defroster, this miracle worker takes a ton of the cleanup out of making your own organic baby food!

Mixie Baby Formula Mixing Bottle

Preload this amazing baby bottle with formula and water in separate compartments then instantly mix with a press of a button when it’s feeding time.

Brica Baby In-Sight Mirror

Some babies love car rides while others use it as practice time to perfect their wail. Ease those fussy passengers with the LED lights and songs to keep them entertained or soothing noises to get them to sleep.

Cibo Reusable Food Catching Placemat

This food-catching feeding mat will save your floors and your sanity. Place it around your kid’s bowl or plate to ensure those clumsy crumbs will be expertly collected.

Vicks Starry Night Cool Mist Humidifer

Humidifier and nightlight in one? Yes, please! Keep little noses from getting clogged and get baby on the road to sleepy town all with one amazing gadget.

Munchkin Lulla-Vibe Vibrating Mattress Pad

Gentle vibrations often do the trick with fussy babies fighting sleep. Instead of using a bouncer or swing and then trying ever so gently to transfer baby into a crib, just slip the Lulla-Vibe under the crib mattress. Genius, right?




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12 Kitchen Cleaning Hacks to Save Minutes and Moolah


If cleaning your kitchen always seems like a journey of epic Lord of the Rings proportions, you’re not alone. You may not have a team of men, dwarves and hobbits at your disposal but these mighty kitchen cleaning tips will always have your back. Here are 12 tips for cleaning your kitchen that will not only save you time and effort, but also a little money!

1. 2-Step Oven Cleaner: No need to buy harsh chemicals or use the self-cleaning option on your oven that will make the whole house feel like a sauna. Simply place a bowl with a ½ cup of ammonia in your completely cool oven overnight. Wipe off all the grim easily the next day with a few paper towels. Done!

2. Fight Oil With Oil: The greasy residue that collects on your kitchen backsplash is cooking oil that has collected dust to create a mess that is pretty hard to get rid of. If you’re a fan of natural cleaning products, stock up on mineral oil. Take a cloth with mineral oil and wipe the greasy areas then repeat with a clean cloth. The residue will come off with exactly zero elbow grease.

3. Easy Microwave Cleaner: Microwaves are notoriously hard to clean because they are both tiny and prone to explosive messes. Use another natural remedy to this problem by microwaving a coffee cup of white vinegar for three minutes then wiping the microwave down with a clean, damp cloth.

4. You Already Own Stainless Steel Cleaner: Chances are, you have some WD-40 in your garage but it also works double duty as a stainless steel cleaner. If not, hopefully you have a lemon and some salt in your kitchen. Sprinkle the salt onto your stainless steel sink and scrub with half a lemon. Stains come off instantly and leave a fresh scent. Bonus!

5. 10-Second Blender Cleaning: Spare yourself the hassle of taking apart your blender (and danger of cutting yourself) to clean it. After enjoying your icy beverage or smoothie, fill the blender half way with warm water and just a couple of drops of dish soap. Blend with the lid on for 10 seconds then rinse. That’s all she wrote.

6. Wave Bye Bye to Burnt-On Food: Cleaning burnt pots is perhaps the most infuriating thing ever, especially if they are Teflon-coated and you can easily damage them by abrasive scrubbing. Next time you have a sticky burnt mess on your hands, fill the pot or pan with warm water and throw in a dryer sheet to soak. In just a few minutes, it will be ready to wash and the scorched food will come off with ease.

7. Under The ‘Fridge (Not a Red Hot Chili Peppers’ Remix): Believe it or not, you don’t have to wait until moving day to clean underneath your refrigerator. If you are sensitive to dust, this should be a regular undertaking but it doesn’t have to be a back-breaker. Grab a pair of old pantyhose and roll them onto a broom or mop handle. Swipe underneath the fridge with the “hosed” end to push the dust and food particles out into the open so they can be easily swept up.

8. Freshen Up Your ‘Fridge: Keep the inside of your refrigerator smelling so fresh and so clean but also, you know, safe for food because that’s where your food lives. Take a spray bottle and fill it with two parts water and one part white vinegar with a little bit of lemon oil for a refreshing scent. Empty out the whole shebang, spray with your homemade mix, then wipe it down. It’s a little labor intensive but at least you don’t have to do it every day.

9. Deep Clean Your Cutting Boards: Remember that lemon and salt treatment for your stainless steel sink? Double up the fun and apply it to your wooden cutting boards! Again, this is not something you have to do every day but it’s pretty easy and does not require a fancy, expensive cleaner.

10. Microwave Your Kitchen Washrags: Say what? Yes, washing your washrags always works to keep things sanitary but in between washes (before they get downright dirty with food stains), give them a good microwaving to kill lingering bacteria. Rinse your rags, wring them out, then place them in the microwave for three minutes. Let them sit until cool then hang dry for a clean you can trust without waiting for laundry day.

11. De-Gunk Kitchen Cabinets: You may think you know how to clean kitchen cabinets until you notice the outsides getting dingier and greasier over time. Remember, fight oil with oil. Take soft-bristled toothbrush (that you don’t use) and scrub gently with mineral or vegetable oil to get rid of stubborn residue lightning fast.

12. Clean Your Coffee or Spice Grinder: If you don’t want to mix your coffees or spices, do a quick palette cleanse by adding stale bread or uncooked rice to your grinder and give it a few pulses. This will loosen up all the built-up powders so they will all come out with a good shake into the trash bin.

Sources: AllYou, Cosmopolitan, Apartment Geeks, Emlii



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Ease Back-to-School Stress


A child having a little anxiety about going back to school is completely normal. Children have a lot of new things to prepare for: teachers, classmates, lessons and schoolwork. It’s easy to get caught up in your own stress around the start of a new school year, so we’ve come up with a few ways to ease the back-to-school stress for your young one.

Stay Positive

It’s no secret that children pick up on their parents’ attitudes and feelings. By maintaining a positive outlook for yourself, your child will feel more at ease taking those first few steps into the classroom. Don’t dismiss your child’s feelings; instead, normalize them to let them know that everyone can feel nervous the first couple of days. Creating a positive expectation about the school year on the first day sets a precedent for the weeks and months to follow.

Take Away the Unknowns

Fear of the unknown could be one reason your child is having anxiety about the new school year. By eliminating these unknowns a few weeks before school starts, you can help ease their anxiety. If your child is going to a new school or going back to the same one, explore the school with your child. Visit their classroom, the cafeteria, the library, the nurse’s office and the playground. If your kid is taking the bus, walk with them to the bus stop to show how the routine will work. This will help take away the mystery on the first day, and they will feel more comfortable marching in with their head held high.

Create Routines

Establishing a daily routine for children to follow before the school year starts can help ease everyone into the new adjustment. Keeping a checklist to help get your kid organized and stay on schedule can help ease anxiety from rushing around in the morning. Not only will it save you frustration, but your child also will feel in charge and responsible for getting ready. Have an afternoon routine for snacks, homework and extracurricular activities. When nighttime rolls around, keep in mind children between the ages of 5 and 12 need 10 to 11 hours of sleep each night. As children get older, this does not work as well since they are able to handle being up later. For the first week or two of school, keep the afternoons light, giving kids a chance to decompress from all the excitement of a new school year.

Establish Fun Traditions

If you’re excited for school, your child will follow suit. Ring in the new school year by establishing a fun tradition that they can look forward to and cherish year after year. You can have a special meal, go for a nature walk, create a pillow fort or roast marshmallows in the backyard. During this time, have a family discussion about what they are excited about for the upcoming year, as well as what they are nervous about. Being present and spending time with your children before the school year helps with the transition. Your presence is a comfort and allows them to feel open to share any concerns they may have.

Know the Rules

Knowing the rules will help both you and your child know what is expected behavior. Understand what happens if your child is late. Are they allowed to have electronic devices or cell phones on the school grounds? What is the dress code? As a parent, it’s understood that you know the rules and how to make sure they are followed. Attend parent meetings and be attentive to not only the rules, but also why they are in place at the school.

Unschedule the Kids

Having a schedule can help kids get into the back-to-school routine. But remember that there needs to be some unscheduled time as well. Allowing your child to have a “free day” during the week after school to relax and play indoors or outdoors is just as important as having extracurricular activities and time set aside for homework. Letting them choose what they want to do with their free time gives them a sense of responsibility they can benefit from in the years to come.


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How to Romance Your Partner in 15 Easy Ways

romancepartnerDid you know that August is National Romance Awareness month? While we’re pretty sure you all know what romance is, we think it’s important to be reminded that in any relationship, romance is important. Some people say you should never stop dating your partner, even after you move in together, have kids or get married. You’re too busy to be romantic, you say? We’ve got some great ideas to show your love that are easy and cheap but incredibly thoughtful and sweet. Here are our 15 romantic gestures to keep the sparks flying no matter how long you’re been together.

1. Closeness is key. Sitting next to each other on the couch, holding hands or even walking side by side is something you can and should do every day. When you let physical space come between you and your partner on a regular basis, you’re allowing emotional space to creep in as well. If you’ve got some PDA hang-ups, don’t worry. You can be conservative about your showing of affection, but you should show it in some fashion. Try using this rule of thumb—If you were a stranger and saw you and your partner walking down the street, would you think you were a couple? If not, try looking like one and close that physical gap.

2. Leave little love notes. If you’ve got Post-Its and pens in your house, then you’re already halfway there. This doesn’t have to be a sonnet, just something sweet or a heartfelt “thank you” for something your partner has done for your or your household lately. Get silly with a cute little doodle or even tell a short joke for an easy giggle. Leave love notes in places your partner will find them during their regular routines, whether it’s on the bathroom mirror, coffee pot or ice cream container. This act of spontaneity keeps your relationship fresh and exciting.

3. Write long love letters. OK so this one does take a little more time but this is perfect for when you are apart for business trips, vacations, etc. When you are away, pen a love letter and express your true feelings for this special person. Keep it sincere or get a little flirty. There is no wrong way to write to your lover as long as you stay away from the mundane like details about your trip or your day. There will be plenty of time to talk about stuff like that when you reunite. Send the letter in the mail, no matter when you’re slated to return. It will be a nice surprise brought right to their doorstep.

4. Send sweet texts. Sending a little text just to say “hi” will always brighten someone’s day. Any time your partner crosses your mind throughout the day is a good time to text them and tell them all about it. Maybe you heard a joke that reminded you of them or walked past an old haunt you two used to frequent back in the good ole’ days when you had more time and were just getting to know each other. Don’t let moments of missing them or feeling nostalgic pass you by. Share them in just a few taps on your phone.

5. Cook together. Plan a meal, go grocery shopping and cook that meal together. Not only are you spending time together, you are collaborating, delegating and producing something you can both be proud of and enjoy together (unless you burn it, of course). Cooking and eating is a sensual experience. Get into it! Go all out and plan three courses, complete with a decadent dessert you can share with two spoons.

6. Learn to master their favorite dish. This one is perfect for non-cohabiting couples because you’ll have plenty of space and privacy to learn this special skill in secret. Wow your partner by not only learning to cook their absolute favorite meal in the world, but by knocking it out of the park. Find a recipe, try it out, tweak it and make it your own according to their taste and liking. Seriously, they will worship you once they are done chowing down.

7. Send them cute animal pictures. If nothing makes their heart melt more than seeing a cat and dog take a nap together or a baby sloth getting a bath, send it to them via text, email or Facebook message. Make this a private exchange. It’s one thing to share these little bits of viral cuteness with the rest of your socialsphere but it’s a little more special when you send it directly to your one and only. is also a chock full of adorbs.

8. Prepare a home spa. If you know your partner is about to come home after a particularly brutal day, help them unwind with an at-home spa. Run a bath, provide a clean and comfy robe, buy or make some luxurious bath bombs, light some scented candles and put on a record that will promote absolute chillness to create one zen-tastic space in which they can melt the day away. Don’t engage in conversation, just lead them toward their personal spa for one, exit and close the door behind you. There will be plenty of time to talk afterward about all the obstacles they faced, but hopefully their outlook will greatly improve by the time they towel off. This may not seem very romantic, but giving your partner some “me time” when they really need it is a loving, selfless act for which they will be totally grateful.

9. Engage in each others hobbies. Most likely, you both have some unique interests that you might not necessarily share. Whether it’s sports, music, crafting, scuba diving, stamp collecting, whatever, set aside some time to experience your partner’s hobbies. Notice, we say experience because we know you might not necessarily enjoy these things. The important thing is that you are present, you give it a try and most importantly, you witness them in their element. Even if you find out you don’t have a powerful yen for building HAM radios after all, chances are you will still get a kick out of seeing them completely geek out over something.

10. Give small, random gifts. Who doesn’t love a cheesy little gift now and then, just because? Again, this small token of affection can be anything that will make your partner laugh or remind them of special times you shared. Also, you get extra points if the gift happens to be something you partner has talked about wanting or planning to buy for themselves. This shows you actually listen to them, and believe us, that’s the best gift you can give. In the digital age when we are all glued to our phones, finding out someone is paying attention to us can be a rare commodity.

11. Take them on a surprise date. A lot of couple like to practice a regular date night. But that’s the thing about romantic ideas. If you are expecting them, they are somehow a little less romantic. Plan a surprise date! It doesn’t have to be super elaborate, maybe a nighttime picnic in the backyard or last-minute tickets to a movie with a babysitter ready to watch the kids. If your offices are close-by, maybe stop by unannounced to take your partner out to lunch. Romantic surprises like these keep your relationship from becoming completely routine.

12. Take the kids. Yes, please. Take them. Whether your partner is a stay-at-home parent or a working one, chances are they can use a little quiet time. And even though it’s something they really need, some parents have trouble asking for this small luxury they certainly took for granted before kids came along and turned their lives upside down. So without warning, take those kids to a movie, to grab a burger, to your mother’s house, to the moon, anywhere and leave your partner at home. They will feel supported and cared for, which always leaves room for romance.

13. Buy them an outfit. We know this is a tricky one because not everyone likes to be dressed by another person. But if you feel like you know your partner’s personal style well enough, splurge on an outfit for them. This will show them that you appreciate them as a delicious piece of eye candy and thought they would look great in some shiny new wrappings.

14. Get dressed up. No matter if you are staying in or going out, get all gussied up, especially if it’s been a while since your partner has seen you put your A-game on. Break out the fancy dress shoes and sport coat. Expertly apply the red lipstick and little black dress. Create the look that makes you feel like you can turn any head on the sidewalk. That confidence is always attractive.

15. Give a foot or back massage without be asked. Touch is the biggest ingredient in a romance cocktail. But touch that relieves stress or physical pain is simple amazing. If your partner has an active job (like carrying your child) or they’ve just had a rough day, give them a little massage to help ease the tension. Make them putty in your hands.

Which of these romantic ideas will you be planning to do with your partner? Comment below!




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