How to Save Money in the New Year

2016 Budget PlanningA new year is upon us and that means new resolutions! Spending less and saving more is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions around. But keeping your wallet full and learning how to save money without a plan of attack can be a challenge. Check out our favorite tips for saving big this year.

1. Set Goals

Before you kick off your plan on how to save money this year, you’ll need to set some realistic goals. Review your budget to determine where you are and where you want to be by the end of 2016. Give yourself a weekly or monthly figure and set that money aside in a savings account. At the end of the year, you could have a chunk of change that you may have spent without a precise plan! And if you need help, ask a professional. See if you can reduce or cut out your banking and 401(k) fees and learn how to utilize your HSA to the fullest, if you have one. While getting professional help isn’t free, it will certainly pay off in the long run to learn how to save money with your insurance and retirement planning.

Couple Cooking in the Kitchen2. Get Cookin’

Ditch the drive-thru and kick up your kitchen skills to save some serious dough. Pick up the weekly ads from your favorite local grocery store and scope out the best prices on all your essentials in order to plan affordable meals throughout the week. Portion everything out so you can grab and go in the mornings and skip those tempting lunches out. Keep your fridge stocked with prepped snacks and sides for healthy and affordable food options that beat eating out during the busy week. If you have a large family, opt for bulk grocery stores for the best values. If you’re cooking for a couple or snacking solo, freezing meals can be a great money-saving option, too. Whether you go into full-on chef mode or just cut out a few restaurant trips a week, you’ll get big savings in the end.

3. Go DIY

Conjure your inner crafter and save easy money all year long. Try making heartfelt handmade gifts for occasions throughout the year and skip those pricey presents. Say hello to your handy side and learn how to patch up clothing or fix things around the house rather than automatically replacing them with something shiny and new. You’ll enjoy the creative outlet, feel accomplished and save money all at the same time. Priceless.

4. Ditch Daily Habits

Breaking the bank on your morning brew? Hitting up the vending machine midday? Those costly little habits and treats can add up quickly. If caffeine is your cup of tea, why not invest in a good coffee maker and save money every day? You’ll definitely see the difference in your bank account by breaking these little daily indulgences.

Glass Jar of Change5. Change Things Up

Pennies and dimes and quarters, on my! Coins can seriously weigh down your purse or wallet. Repurpose an old jar and keep it on your counter for an easy way to store all that spare change. It’ll add up faster than you think! Cash it in and use it towards groceries, essential supplies and more. Plus, kids love counting the coins and keeping track – make it a fun family goal!

6. Ridesharing Rules

Easily save money on gas and costly wear and tear on your car by creating a carpooling system. Chat with coworkers who live in your neck of the woods to see if they’d be interested in commuting together. Ridesharing even a couple days a week can add up to quick savings. Determine your gas costs and see if it makes more fiscal sense to take other affordable public transportation options if they’re available to you. Explore your area for simple ways to save easy money with buses, bikes and trains.

7. Recycle & Reuse

Save money and be a pal to our planet by recycling and reusing! Skip those expensive disposable plastic water bottles and opt for something reusable. You’ll save money at the grocery store every week just by making one simple change! Leave those budget-blasting paper plates and plastic utensils behind as well and save money instantly.

Beach Vacation8. Vacay on a Budget

Saving money doesn’t mean you have to cut out all the fun! Head out on your family vacation or weekend getaway, but do your research in advance. Scope out sites like Groupon Getaways and LivingSocial for amazing travel deals and save big with Cash Back at Ebates. Comparison shop for discount hotels and get insider tips on the best food and drink deals at your destination. Two words: happy hour.

9. Shop Smart with Cash Back at Ebates

Why spend more if you don’t have to? When you shop through, you’ll earn Cash Back at tons of the most popular online retailers. It’s such as easy way to save big on the items you were going to buy anyway! From food and entertainment to apparel and so much more, get Cash Back at Ebates when you sign up for a free account. You can easily see your Cash Back activity and sign up for emails on all the hottest sales and specials. Now that’s easy money!

Now that you have our top tips on how to save money and get plumper pockets this year, go forth and save big. Wishing you a wonderful 2016!

Prices and Cash Back percentages are subject to change. 

13 Simplified New Year’s Resolutions

2016 woman standing in the sunIt’s that time of year again when we reflect on the last 365 days and audit them for triumphs and mistakes, what worked and what didn’t work. As we focus on areas that still need improvement, we set a goal that will undoubtedly make our lives better and happier. The only problem is that most New Year’s resolutions tend to be a bit lofty and many people end up failing to meet them. Instead of leaping head first into a big goal this New Year’s Eve, we at Ebates advise taking some baby steps instead. We have taken 13 common New Year’s resolution ideas and whittled them down to microresolutions anyone can meet.

1. Lose Weight

This is a tough one. There are almost too many ways to approach losing weight if you feel you need to. First, forget the number on the scale and ditch the time table. The added pressure of trying to lose X amount by Y date can sabotage you. Instead, think of one or two things you can easily do starting right now, like eating salads for lunch or moving your body for 10 minutes, three times a day. Don’t think of this as underachieving. Think of it as just the starting line! Once you conquer this goal and make it a habit, you can move on to the next step with confidence.

woman smoking a cigarette2. Quit a Habit or Addiction

Again, there are many ways to approach dropping a bad habit or addressing your addiction. Remember that in some cases, you could be dealing with a chemical dependency. Behaviors are also very hard to break. Your first goal should be finding a method of help that would best suit your situation. Whether it’s literature, professional help, 12-step groups or beyond, make seeking help your goal. From there, an action plan will surely emerge to get you to the bigger goal of kicking your habit.

3. Get a New Job

This one is just not totally up to you, sorry. Whether or not you score a new job is up to one person–the hiring manager who will extend you an offer. Instead, update your resume and LinkedIn profile, seek out career counseling to get some feedback on your approach to job searching. You can also set goals for how much time you will spend searching for and applying to jobs, such as an hour or two a day.

4. Get Out of Debt

Depending on how deep in debt you are, this is something that can easily take more than a year. The first step is finding out how many expenses you are willing to cut from your budget and how much money you can easily put aside each month or each paycheck to both pay off your bills faster and avoid accruing even more debt. These are small, sensible goals you can stick to. And before you know it, your debt will become a lot more manageable.

planner organizer5. Get Organized

Blanket statements like “I’m going to organize my life!” can overwhelm you in seconds flat. You may have multiple areas in your life that need to be organized but picking one should be your first goal. Whether it’s your closet, your desk, your schedule or that mounting stack of coupons on your kitchen counter, start in one place and do not move on until it is in order. Clean out that closet and find a place for everything then buy yourself a weekly planner and get that schedule in check. Make steady progress and you’ll feel more organized in no time.

6. Spend More Time With Loved Ones

Finding more time for anything can sometimes just not be an option with the demands of work and other responsibilities. As an alternative, why not make the time we already spend with family and friends count? Putting away your phone or turning off the TV during meals is a good start. Planning fun activities in advance for the weekends doesn’t have to require a lot of money or travel. Sometimes it’s just your attention and not your schedule that need the adjustment.

7. Live Stress Free

For those who suffer from anxiety, this is not a simple goal and perhaps not something you can do on your own. Seeking the help of your doctor is a reasonable goal. You can also sign up for a yoga class. Practicing gratitude is also very effective in alleviating stress. Do this by keeping a journal of things to be grateful for and update it every time you are feeling overwhelmed. Also, count your complaints. Every time you have the urge to complain, recognize your frustrations but also counter them with finding something positive in the situation.

8. Enjoy Life to Its Fullest

First of all, what does this even mean to you? Generally, we think most people just want to be happier. When you’re happy, you enjoy life. So how can you be happy? Again, we suggest starting small. Do one thing every day that you enjoy, but that is good for you or constructive. This can be exercise, calling a loved one, painting your toenails, whatever. It doesn’t have to cost money or take a lot of time. Knowing that you are dedicating a portion of each day to self-care reinforces the idea that you are important.

woman at airport9. Travel More

Vowing to travel more this year could be a lofty resolution. Plus, you never know what 2016 is going to throw at you to derail any dream destinations you have set in your mind. Planning one trip, however, is completely sensible and doesn’t even have to involve a deadline. Start by picking a destination then estimate how much money you would like to save for the trip. From there, you can figure out a monthly savings plan that is sensible for your income and normal expenses. It may take another year but you will eventually have enough to take the trip of a lifetime.

10. Rekindle a Relationship

Maybe things are tense between you and a friend or loved one or perhaps you haven’t even spoken in a long time. Repairing or rekindling a relationship is really only half up to you. You can take the steps to initiate contact, but they may not be met to your satisfaction. A feasible goal would be just to reach out in the first place. This may need to include making an amends to clear the air. The rest is up to them. If they are not receptive, at least you can move on knowing you did your best.

11. Get 8 Hours of Sleep

If you normally conk out at midnight only roll out of bed at 6 a.m., it is not sensible to suddenly resolve to get to bed every night by 10. Treat yourself like a toddler and ween into an earlier bedtime by bumping it up 15 minutes at a time. After a few days of lights out by 11:45, go for 11:30 and so on. Gradually, you will get to an ideal bedtime and find yourself all the more rejuvenated by getting more sleep.

12. Kick Your Social Media/TV Habit

Whether you’re a compulsive Tweeter or a Netflix binger, it’s always important to address how much time you spend in front of a screen but it’s not totally realistic to go cold turkey. Deleting all your social media accounts is a tad drastic. So, too, is throwing your TV out the window. Instead, set yourself appointments to check your feeds. Once in the morning and once at night for 20 minutes is a good start. TV watchers can use the same principle but it could also be a good idea to downgrade your cable subscription. Having unlimited access to TV can result in a lot of mindless watching.

food donation box13. Be More Giving

This is one of our favorite resolutions but one that many fail at for one simple reason. Opportunities to be more generous don’t always make themselves available. It is up to us to seek them out. Some people find a charity and set up a recurring contribution while others donate a few hours of their time each month to a soup kitchen, animal shelter, etc. These are simple giving goals that can make a big difference for both you and the lives they touch. Be proactive!

Prices and Cash Back percentages are subject to change. 

Unique Ways to Celebrate New Year’s Eve

Little Girl Catching ConfettiNew Year’s Eve is often celebrated as the last big shindig for the year. It’s a time to look back on your fondest memories of the passing year and to celebrate the upcoming year with loved ones and festivities. But if hanging out in your jammies and watching an oversized light fixture make its descent isn’t your cup of tea, we at Ebates suggest a few fun and unusual ways to celebrate the New Year.

Get Crafty

If you want to start 2016 in a new and one-of-a-kind way, encourage your party-goers (kids and adults alike) to forgo the prepackaged goodies for something a little more unique. Set up a craft table and get to work decorating your gear for the occasion. Set out plenty of bright colors and sparkly goodies to get the party started. Glitter, sequins, tinsel and tissue paper can be used to make the appropriate garb. Create your own party hats, noisemakers and confetti for a special celebration to mark the occasion. Kids will especially love this activity.

Tapas Party FoodCreate a Feast

The holidays are all about filling yourself with delicious foods without making excuses so why not celebrate New Year’s Eve with a full belly? Fill your table with a smorgasbord of options so everyone can have their fill and snack throughout the night. Finger foods can include salty and sweet snacks but you’ll also want to include a few healthy options to get your New Year’s resolutions off to a good start. And don’t forget your New Year’s tableware from Birthday in a Box!

Take on a Worldly View

The coming of a new year is celebrated the world over, but not every country celebrates it the same way.

In Columbia, they carry suitcases all day to encourage travel in the upcoming year. In Greece, people hang onions from the door to represent rebirth and break a pomegranate on their doorstep for prosperity. In Argentina, people eat beans for good luck. In Denmark, people climb onto chairs and “jump” into New Year’s Day. In some South American countries, they wear colored underwear to represent their desires for the year ahead. Spaniards consume 12 grapes, one with each chime of the clock as a symbol of luck. The Japanese clean their homes and send thank-you cards.

Many of these practices can be performed concurrently to show your appreciation for other cultures and to have some unique and fun celebrations this New Year’s Eve.

Count Down Each Hour

Why wait until the last moment to live it up when you can celebrate every final hour of the year? Create fun age-appropriate activities for your guests to complete each hour. When the clock strikes each hour, set up a new activity like games, dancing, entertainment and more. These activities are particularly fun for little ones, especially since it’ll help them stay up until midnight for the big countdown!

New Year's Eve maskHave a Ball

Ring in modern times with the medieval tradition of masquerade balls. Get an era appropriate gown at Costume Express or modernize the event with a pretty dress from Barneys New York. The occasion calls for opulence so feel free to go all out with an elaborate getup. Most importantly, don’t forget your mask so your party will look the part!

Double Dip

In other cultures, New Year’s isn’t celebrated only at the dawn of the year. The Macedonian Orthodox Calendar celebrates December 31st and January 14th, with fireworks and gifts for children, respectively. Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year and is a two-day festival in early autumn, filled with religious service and large meals. Chinese New Year is celebrated in late January or early February in accordance with the lunisolar Chinese calendar and includes a clean home, presents and gifts of money in red paper envelopes.

Woman In Pajamas ReadingRelax the Night Away Solo

Instead of getting yourself into a tizzy or dealing with the outside world, create a relaxing spa night so you can start your New Year’s with a fresh outlook. Take a long soak in a warm bath while enjoying a nice book. Paint your nails and make use of your favorite facial treatment from Sephora. Bake some cookies so your home will smell delicious and enjoy a tasty, homemade treat. There’s no harm in taking a little time for yourself on New Year’s Eve.

Plan Your Resolutions

There’s no time to plan for the future like the minute before. Use this time to set out your resolutions for the year. You can create plenty of fun activities. Write your resolution on a piece of paper and put it in a balloon to pop at midnight. Create a match game for the kids to pair similar resolutions. Cut out a handprint and write resolutions on it. You can even create a time capsule to open on New Year’s Eve next year to see how everyone followed through.

Whatever activities you plan for your New Year’s Eve, make it something you’ll enjoy. Spend time with those you love or bask in a solo night by yourself. As long as you’re spending New Year’s with a smile on your face, it’s sure to be a good year.

Prices and Cash Back percentages are subject to change. 

The Cutest Weekly Planners for 2016

Young Woman Writes in Planner

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to get more organized, getting a weekly planner is a good start. While planners and calendars on your phone are convenient, people are rediscovering the lost art of putting pen to paper and finding that paper planners can be just as effective in keeping you on top of your schedule. Find the calendars that work for your life and style with our list of adorable planners with Cash Back at Ebates.

kate spade new york Gold Dot Planner

kate spade new york 2015-2016 Gold Dot Planner

Add touch of sparkle to your everyday with this classic organizer by kate spade. Features include a hardbound cover, elastic band closure, interior golden metallic spiral binding, an interior pocket and mylar-covered tabs. Sweet sayings throughout will keep you motivated to make 2016 the best year yet.

kate spade new york On a Bright Schedule Planner

kate spade new york On a Bright Schedule 2016 Planner

A little pop of bright green will surely keep you from forgetting to update this super chic planner, also by kate spade. Keep your dates straight in each monthly grid and reflect on every unique occasion in the lined journal sections.

Sakroots Artist Circle Daily Planner

Sakroots Artist Circle Daily Agenda Planner

Keeping track of your busy schedule was never so much fun. This daily agenda is a planner, an address book, and a notebook all in one, complete with a sticker page featuring Sakroots critters!

Studio Oh! Woodland Tales Planner

Studio Oh! 2016 ''Woodland Tales'' Take Me With You 17-Month Planner

For the rustic types, this super cute bear planner will remind you of academic calendars from way back in the day when your biggest worry was finishing your diorama in time for the science fair.

Lilly Pulitzer Tusk in Sun Planner

2015-2016 Lilly Pulitzer Tusk in Sun Planner

Bright colors give this agenda a preppy and chic look. It comes complete with weekly and monthly calendar pages, dates to remember, sticker pages, elastic enclosure and notes and features reinforced binding, front pocket and mylar tabs.

Brushstroke Hidden Spiral Planner

2015-2016 Paper Source Brushstroke Gold Foil Hidden Spiral Planner

This beautiful painterly design makes an impact on a smooth matte cover with a hidden spiral. A pop of gold foil makes this planner shine. Organization is easy with pockets in the front, colored tab dividers and a coral elastic band to keep everything together.

Star Wars Limited Edition Daily Planner

Moleskine 2016 Star Wars Limited Edition Daily Planner

Whichever side of The Force you’re on, there’s a notebook for you. This large planner is silkscreened with C-3PO on its hard cover. This daily planner runs from January to December 2016 and includes themed stickers with additional art printed on the inside.

Bulgari Canvas Planner

bulgari canvas planner

Add a dose of high fashion into your organization with this Bulgari canvas planner. The hot pink coated logo and Italian verbiage totally pop against a gray herringbone background.

Shop these and more planners and organizers while cutting prices with coupons and promo codes at Ebates.

Prices and Cash Back percentages are subject to change. 

3 Tools to Help with Your New Year’s Resolutions

3 Tools to Help with Your New Year's Resolutions


With 2015 just beginning, we are sure you’ve decided on your New Year’s resolutions already. If you’re like us, you might have had some trouble in the past sticking to those resolutions for more than a week or two. We’ve put a list together of resolution helpers that can make sticking to those goals just a little bit easier! Let us know below what you’re doing this year to stay on track with your resolutions.

Getting Fit: Fitbit Flex

This discrete high-tech wrist band is just what you need to track your sleep cycles and how many calories you burn throughout the day so you can meet your fitness goals with ease. With ten colors available, you can make this fitness tracker part of your outfit every day.

Price: $99.99
See Kohl’s Coupons
Shop Kohl’s with 6% Cash Back


Eating Healthier: Monthly Fruit Delivery

If you’re looking for a way to incorporate more fresh fruits and veggies into your diet for 2015, joining a monthly fruit club is a great way to do it! Golden State Fruit allows you to pick your fruit and ships it straight to your door. It’s a great way to try new fruits and eat healthier.
Price: Starts at $22.95
See Golden State Fruit Coupons
Shop Golden State Fruit with 8% Cash Back

Reading More: Kindle Fire HD & 7″ Tablet 16GB

While many of us can admit that we’re probably not reading as much as we should, are we actually doing anything about it? An eReader might be just the thing to nudge you into reading more often. There are tons of eReader options out there, but we are loving the Kindle Fire HD 7″ Wi-Fi Tablet by Amazon for it’s colorful screen, long lasting battery, and lightweight feel.

Price: $224.27
See all Rakuten Coupons
Shop Rakuten with up to 3% Cash Back

Stay in the loop to hear about great deals and tips! Follow Ebates on Facebook and Twitter!

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Prices and Cash Back Percentages are subject to change.

Fitness Finds for 2013

Do you have 2013 fitness goals? I sure do. In order to keep myself focused I am sure to keep around a handful of excellent products to keep my workouts fun, and safe. Best part is that I can earn Cash Back on all of my purchases 🙂

1. A new pair of yoga pants is very necessary – they are stretchy  flattering, and versatile. Perfect for all your active goals

2. A lightweight hoodie is great because it can be layered easily

3. A bright, fun pair of running shoes always motivates me to work out

4. Cushioned and absorbent socks are incredibly necessary

5. Stay hydrated with a new water bottle

6. Less cumbersome then an iPhone or iPod, I strongly recommend a little Shuffle for your workout