School Lunches and Snacks You Ate Growing Up: 70s–Now

Call it junk food or just food you ate growing up, but today’s kids are missing out. Raise your hand if you remember the artificial colors and flavors of Surge soda, Fruit String Thing and Squeezeit! Relive your delicious childhood memories with this infographic on super-nostalgic foods.

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Ding Dongs and Tab

Ah, back when pulling these delights out of your Fonzie lunch box were the high point of your day. Back to school meant stocking up on these goodies!


Lunchables and Jell-O

Fun bite: A worker at Oscar Mayer found a way to use up extra meat and called it… Lunchables. The cracker-meat-cheese stacks made school lunches ten times better than any sandwich ever could.


Yoplait Trix Yogurt and Gushers

Nineties kids definitely get nostalgic about the colorful swirls and fruity bursts of Trix Yogurt. It’s still around but just not the same without the Trix Rabbit.


SunnyD and Fruit by the Foot

Remember begging for these to go in your lunch bag? They sure made it sweet to be a kid. Fun bite: If you remember loving Sunny Delight, you’re not having a brain fart. SunnyD and Sunny Delight are regional names for the same lunchbox fave.


Sunflower Butter and Fresh-Cut Veggies

Try packing a Twinkie in your kid’s lunch bag and prepare to get dirty looks from other parents! Today, health reigns supreme, and that means adios to your childhood favorites.