The ABCs of Baby Proofing Your Entire Home

The ABCs of Baby Proofing Your Entire Home 1One of our favorite parts of impending parenthood, whether for the first or fourth time, is the nesting phase. While picking out nursery colors and adorable furniture is the fun part, you may find yourself dreading the baby-proofing process. Remember it is exactly that—a process! And it’s easier than you think, especially with these baby-proofing tips and helpful products you can get with Cash Back at Ebates.

Take Your Time

Before you buy all the baby-proofing products in the world, do yourself a favor and take a deep breath. Then remember you have a whole five to six months from when baby arrives to when baby starts crawling and exploring their surroundings. When you decide it’s time to get started, focus on the one room where your little one will be spending most of their time. Typically, this is the living room.

Mother And Son Playing With Toys On Floor At HomeGet Down

The best way to assess a room’s baby-proofing needs is to get down to your child’s vantage point. That’s right. Crawl on your hands and knees around the floor. Who knew you had so many electrical outlets and sharp corners? Use this information gathering to draft a baby-proofing checklist you can use to shop for everything you need.

The ABCs of Baby Proofing Your Entire Home 3Go for Bulk

You will quickly learn that you need a lot to keep a baby safe in your home. A baby-proofing kit is really the best way to go, since they tend to include almost everything. Plus, it never hurts to have some extras on hand—especially outlet covers. If you’re a traveling family, you should also consider a travel baby-proofing kit to keep those guest rooms and hotel suites safe for small hands.

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The ABCs of Baby Proofing Your Entire HomeOff-Limits

Don’t be afraid to make certain rooms or sections of a room off-limits for your child. Maybe you only want to baby proof the front of the home. Just place a baby gate in front of the hall to keep baby in bounds. If you have a home entertainment center or a computer desk in a common area, put a baby gate around that. Keep pets’ water and food bowls behind baby gates as well.

Stock Up on Distractions

Another great way to keep baby away from potential hazards is to simply distract them with colorful, shiny things they can play with. Keep bottom drawers in the kitchen full of toys and safe utensils like measuring cups and wooden spoons. Put stuffed animals on bottom shelves of your (anchored) bookcases. Baby will be able to play safely, and you’ll have peace of mind—which is, of course, priceless.

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Thoughts Every Brand-New, Slightly Crazy, Sleep-Deprived Parent Has

You’re covered in stains of an indeterminate origin. You’re living on pizza and trail mix. Your shower is a distant memory. You’ve started referring to the grease in your hair as “nature’s gel.”

Sound familiar? Then you must be a new parent! The love is overwhelming — and so is the exhaustion-induced delirium. But hey, at least you’re not alone in your insanity. There’s nothing quite like those early days with a newborn; parents everywhere know exactly what you’re going through. And it goes a little something like this, illustrated here with gifs of kittens because, hey, you’re tired and you could use a smile:

1. I love my newborn baby. I never knew I could love anything this much.

2. My baby is adorable and perfect.

3. My baby is adorable and perfect and … wide awake.

4. Car rides help my baby fall asleep. I’ve been driving for the past hour, but now I can’t see my adorable, perfect baby. I need a mirror.

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5. I can now see my baby. My adorable, perfect baby is asleep! I’ll just drive home and carefully bring my sleeping baby inside and—

6. —oh, scratch that. My baby is awake. Again.

7. I need coffee. Why did I register for bibs? Bibs won’t keep me awake.

8. My baby just spit up all over me. I’ll keep the bibs.

9. I should have registered for coffee. Every new parent needs coffee. Coffee is the greatest thing ever. The caffeine has finally kicked in.

10. Coffee and the white-noise machine I just bought are the greatest things ever! My baby is asleep, which means I get to sleep for a whole half hour (and get Cash Back at Ebates too)!

11. I have so much energy from that half-hour nap. I’m going to make a casserole and freeze it.

12. Zzzzzzzzz.

13. What’s that smell?

14. Nothing I read on newborn baby care told me to register for fire extinguishers.

15. Oh, well. It’s not as if I’m sitting down eating meals anymore.

16. I’ll just drink coffee and stare at my sleeping baby on the baby monitor. Newborn baby sleep is the most peaceful, precious thing ever, and I—

17. —oh, scratch that. My baby is awake.

18. Awww, I love my baby. I never knew I could love anything this much.


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