How To Save on Halloween Costumes, Candy, and Decorations

The Pumpkin Screams

Halloween, a celebration of ghoulish fun, is a holiday anyone can enjoy. In preparation for Halloween festivities, shops and homes nationwide will soon transform into faux horror houses with cotton spider web adorned porches, bright orange jack-o’-lanterns, and doorways guarded by gargoyles. Whether you’re shopping for a simple costume to wear to the office party or supplies to create a masterfully frightful haunted house, read on for some money-saving tips for a Halloween celebration that’s so affordable it’s scary.

1. Buy in Bulk.

Halloween parties can be just as fun to host as to attend. If you’re throwing a monster ball or spooky bash in celebration of the ghoulish holiday, you’ll likely be in the market for large quantities of various party staples, from candy to décor.

You can score some major savings by buying in bulk at big-box stores like Walmart and Sam’s Club. If you don’t have a membership or simply prefer the convenience of having your items delivered to your door, you can also find some great deals on multi-packs at Amazon. By shopping through Ebates, you can also enjoy some awesome Cash Back and coupons as well.

Don't Break the Bank on Costumes, Candy, and Decorations

2. Go thrifting.

While you probably don’t want to buy your candy corn or bite-sized Butterfingers second-hand, you can save quite a bundle shopping second-hand for other items. Many thrift stores have a number of Halloween specials for up to two months prior to the holiday, making it easy to find gently used decor and costumes for cheap.

This can be an especially valuable option for buying kids’ costumes, as children tend to outgrow their costumes or wear out their love of certain characters. Many thrift stores also offer discounts on your next purchase if you bring in a donation beforehand, providing an excellent excuse to do some house cleaning before the winter holidays.


Kids in Halloween costumes trick or treating neighborhood

3. Do it yourself.

Whether you’re a champion crafter or a first-timer, Halloween is the perfect time to concoct your own decor. A quick Google search or scroll through Pinterest will produce a slew of inspirational ideas for cool Halloween fixings, whether you’re looking for something fun and family-friendly or something a little spookier. You can find supplies, as well as ideas, from stores like JoAnn Fabrics and Michael’s, and enjoy Cash Back to boot!

4. Rent.

Your local community theater or holiday supply store likely offers rentals as well as for-sale items. If you’re looking to sport a historically accurate Marie Antoinette costume or want to display an ultra-realistic undead zombie on your lawn, this can be a good option to save some major cash.




5. Shop clearance for next year.

Just as there is a plethora of end-of-season or post-season clearance deals (think buying swimwear in September or a wool coat in March), equal opportunity for major savings lies in the days immediately following major holidays like Halloween and Christmas. So though it may seem counterintuitive to order costumes or decorations you likely won’t touch for another 11 months, it can save you some serious cash, and save you some time shopping for next year’s All Hallows’ Eve.

A Step-by-Step Beginner’s Guide to Meal Planning

Woman cooking in kitchen looking up recipe on tablet

When it comes to family life, making meals that are tasty and filling, keeping your schedule from becoming a nonstop cook-a-thon, and not spending a fortune on groceries at the same time is a tall order.

But meal planning can fix this. Match it with coupons from Ebates and Cash Back, and what you have is a recipe for saving money, saving time, and eating better than before.

So, if you’ve never made a meal plan before, where do you start?

1. Work with what you have. There’s no need to run out and restock your entire kitchen. On the contrary, the idea is to save money and effort, so the best first step is just to stay put. Look through your cupboards, refrigerator, and freezer to see what kind of food you already have. What could you creatively turn into a meal already? If you can’t make a week’s worth of meals with what you already have, what side dishes do you need to complement what you do have? Once you have used up your current selection and are running out of supplies, then you go shopping.

2. Have the “heavy hitters” for the week. If you break up your dinners into two main dishes for the week, you’re accomplishing a few things. You’re making it possible to buy those chicken breasts or lasagna plates in bulk at a lesser price than buying a small one every week for one meal. You’re saving a lot of effort by not making elaborate and different meals every day. And you’re making it possible to have leftover night with the food left in the fridge from the previous day. You can rotate what these meals are every week. Perhaps you’ll have chicken and fish one week, and pasta and burgers the next.

Smiling girl eating fresh berries in kitchen

3. Don’t forget snacks. When the kids need something to munch on before dinner or your blood sugar is a little low, it’s the perfect concoction for messing up a meal plan. You end up making the meal early and are hungry later, or dinner is spoiled and you’ve wasted a lot of food. So make sure to add snacks to your list. Something as small and healthy as a granola bar will take the edge off and give you a boost of energy without upsetting the plan, and the best part is, they’re cheap.

4. Your shopping list is law. Laws don’t bend to the will of a toddler who really wants chicken tenders or a bag of Reese’s that is just dying to jump in your basket. In order for meal planning to actually work, you need to create a shopping list that is highly detailed and non-negotiable. Before you walk out the door, look at each item and decide if there’s a really good reason that it’s there – not just because it looks nice. Not only will this make your family healthier, but you’ll save money by not making impulse purchases. Even better: Your house won’t be full of dishes without sides that end up ruining your entire meal plan when your family feels tempted.

5. Get your calendar involved. Get yourself a new calendar, because when you start meal planning, you’re going to need a schedule. If you’re going out to dinner one evening with the whole family as a treat, then there’s no need to buy extra food to plan for that meal. If you’re having a potluck on Tuesday and are in charge of the casserole, then it’s smart to make that one of your two weekly meals so you can buy the supplies in bulk for less money (Sam’s Club is great for this). Also, by charting out what is being served for each meal every day, it eliminates that snackish feeling and cancels out the craving to just buy pizza instead – which can be both pricey and unhealthy.

Woman shopping with coupons in market

6. Base your meals on sales. Planning meals is a great way to save money, and it becomes even more cost effective if you follow this next step. Browse through the fliers local stores send you to not only gain inspiration for some yummy new dishes to try out, but also to take advantage of the sales to customize the week’s meals. If beef is on sale, then chicken week is out the window – you can have burgers for much less. Browse sites like Ebates to see which stores are offering the best deals, such as Walmart.

Tasty But Affordable School Lunches

Dad making school lunches

The time has come to start planning school lunches again. Whether last year’s ideas have grown boring or you’ve had to downsize your budget, it’s time to look for school lunches that are as cheap as they are tasty and new.

Here are some of the best school-lunch options. Matching them with coupons from Ebates will leave your budget in good hands.

Chicken-and-Cheese Kebabs
The brilliance of kebabs is that they allow you to mix and match different foods, and products bought in bulk can be minimized into great meals. Purchase a block of cheese and dice it into squares, then fry up a chicken breast and chop it into small portions. All you need now is to skewer them on a stick. Both chicken and cheese store well, so you can make several kebabs from a single purchase, making the cost of each individual meal as little as $2.

Peanut Butter and Banana Wraps
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches can be boring, and those extra sugary jams your kids like aren’t necessarily healthy. Upgrade your child’s meal to something tastier and healthier without increasing the cost by slathering a tortilla with peanut butter and wrapping it around one half of a sliced banana. The other half can be used in the next lunch. Altogether, you can make each meal for as little as a dollar. Your child will get more protein and potassium, and lunch will be unique.

Girls eating lunch together at schoolSoup Thermoses
Campbell’s theme is “possibilities” for a reason. With options including chicken noodle, mushroom and tomato, you can pick the perfect flavor to suit your child’s tastes and eating habits. Put the soup in a thermos, and you have a super easy lunch your child can eat anywhere. Canned soup costs barely more than pennies and can be stored forever, making it a great option for the frugal shopper — especially at stores such as Walmart, which offers Cash Back when you shop through Ebates. Include crackers in your kid’s lunchbox for dipping options, or cheese slices to add some extra taste to the meal.

Cucumber and Cream Cheese Sandwiches
They may not sound like much, but cucumber and cream cheese sandwiches are simple to make, cost little and taste amazing. All you need to do is slice some cucumbers, add them to your child’s favorite kind of bread and then slather each piece with some flavored cream cheese. If you include a cookie cutter in the lunchbox, your kid can trim away the crust and dip the sandwich in a thermos of soup for an easy and well-balanced lunch.

Egg-and-Sausage Kebabs
What’s wrong with breakfast for lunch? The morning’s breakfast can be lunchtime’s money-saver. Dice up parts of a hearty omelet and slice up some pieces of sausage, and skewer them on a stirring stick with a few chunks of pineapple, fresh strawberries, pieces of banana, olives, or all of the above. Now you have a nutritional meal that is well balanced and extremely cost effective.

Cute face on kids pizza

Impromptu Mini Pizzas
When you hear pizza, you probably don’t think “frugal.” However, this recipe allows your child to have a tasty slice of Italy, custom made by them and custom made to fit your budget. All you need is some crackers or pita bread, tomato sauce (you can even use ketchup for extra savings), some cheese sticks and a few slices of pepperoni. If your child likes an extra punch to their pizza, olives or pineapple slices are super cheap when bought canned. All in all, these ingredients can stretch over multiple meals while giving your child the freedom (and you the free time) to build their own lunches. When you purchase these supplies in bulk from Sam’s Club with coupons and Cash Back from Ebates, you can save even more.

Pro Tip: Don’t Be Afraid to Use Leftovers!
Frugal and tasty lunches are about being creative, and since you already have the food in the house and the meal was definitely tasty enough to enjoy once, why not enjoy it twice? Recycle leftovers from last night’s dinner to make your child’s school lunch basically for free! Pack up some extra pasta in a Tupperware and pair it with fresh fruit, or chop up some pieces of meat patties with a side of strawberries for a sweet and cheap meal.

How to Throw a Labor Day BBQ on a Budget

Young people having fun at Labor Day barbecue

Nothing says summer like a weekend drenched in sunshine and barbeque sauce. With the season drawing to a close, the three-day Labor Day holiday offers the perfect opportunity for one last hurrah. An occasion geared specifically toward relaxation, it’s the ideal time to invite a few friends over and enjoy some burgers before the weather becomes too chilly for grilling. Read on for some tips for throwing a Labor Day barbecue bash on the cheap.

1. Invite friends via Evite, or create a Facebook event. We all enjoy that rare treat of an invitation or letter in the mailbox intermingled with the usual bills and advertisements. But if you’re throwing a casual get-together like a barbecue, save your stamps and send out an invitation via Evite, or create a Facebook event. Not only will this save you a couple of bucks and a trip to the post office, it’s also more efficient, as people are more likely to RSVP if it only requires a click.

Online invitations also make it much easier to collaborate with your guests ahead of time. This is especially helpful if anyone has a dietary restriction you should be aware of, or if you’re asking people to bring a dish or drink. It’s equally helpful if you need to notify the whole group at once if any unexpected changes should come up. If you’ve got pals that don’t go online often, or at all, just shoot them a text or give them a call.

Group of friends having lunch outdoors

2. Have a potluck. Potlucks are a surefire way to ensure everyone has at least one item they can eat and enjoy. As the host, you should provide the entrees, which we’ll get to in a moment. But you can ask your guests to bring a favorite side, such as a salad, dessert, appetizer, or drink. Some partygoers may actually prefer this method, especially if they have dietary restrictions or allergies. Alternatively, you can assign people to bring certain dishes if, for example, you know your cousin Tom has the best recipe for banana cream pie, or your college friend Rachel makes a mean chili.

Organizing a potluck is especially simple if you’ve invited the majority of your guests via Facebook or Evite, since you’ll be able to avoid the issue of having three pasta salads or 10 liters of Coke. Aside from food, you can also ask a guest or two to bring propane or charcoal so you can avoid buying a bag you may not dip into again until next year. You can also request that one or two guests provide disposable utensils and cups.

3. Make it BYOB. Maybe you’re a master chef, or feel more comfortable making all the preparations at home ahead of time. Whatever the case may be, even if a full-on potluck isn’t your style, you can still ask your guests to bring their own beverage. Depending on your estimated attendance, you could end up spending quite a pretty penny on booze alone if you offer to buy it all yourself. Ask the guests to bring their own drink, or ask everyone to bring something to share. You can provide the mixers, which you can find some awesome deals on at places like Safeway.

4. Buy in bulk. You can find some killer deals at the brick-and-mortar big box stores like Costco or Sam’s Club. If you don’t yet have a membership, the amount you’ll save on alcohol for your few yearly parties may be enough to make it worthwhile, not to mention the opportunity to buy seasonal fresh produce at a price much more budget-friendly than at the supermarket. But don’t worry if the cost of the annual membership isn’t within your budget at the moment. You can also find a bevy of excellent markdowns on bulk items online at places like Amazon. You’re not likely to save much compared to the grocery store if you’re buying single items like one bag of chips, but you can save big if you’re purchasing a multi-pack. Of course, this mostly applies to non-perishable items. But that shouldn’t be any deterrent as non-perishables are more likely to stay fresher while lying on your picnic table in the warm backyard.

Bunting at an outdoor summer party

5. Keep the décor simple. Let’s be honest. Most people are going to be paying more attention to the food than the decorations. Nobody needs you to transform your backyard into a tiki lounge in order to have a good time. Making things fun and festive doesn’t have to break the bank. If you’re in need of some cool DIY inspiration, the Internet is a treasure trove of creative options. Places like Shindigz and Dollar Tree have excellent deals on everything you’ll need, from streamers to table settings.

Memorial Day Cookout Essentials Every Outdoor Chef Needs

Grilled corn, asparagus and kabobs for barbecue

Memorial Day is just around the corner so it’s time to buckle down and put your plan in motion. Oh, you don’t have a plan yet? No worries! Ebates to the rescue! Our guide to cookout essentials will help you through your extended weekend plans, as well as all of your summer barbecue bashes.

The Prep

Preparation is key to ensure your cookout goes off without a hitch. Make sure you get all of the supplies you’ll need in advance so you’re not scrambling on the day of. If you need additional seating, ask guests to bring chairs. Grab plenty of disposable dishes and cutlery from Sam’s Club to accommodate your guests. You’ll also need a cookout tray or two to serve your dishes and all of the appropriate serving utensils. Decorate with red, white, and blue pops of color like these festive glitter stars!

Most importantly, you’ll want to make sure you have everything you need for your grill. BBQ essentials include tongs, a grill spatula, a grilling fork, a basting brush and of course potholders. A digital meat thermometer from Bed Bath and Beyond will ensure your entrees are cooked to perfection. Make sure you have plenty of charcoal or propane for your grill because the last thing you want is to run out of fuel to keep the grill going!

Overhead shot of side dishes for barbecueThe Cookout Menu

Food and fun are the central themes so make sure there’s plenty for everyone. Hot dogs, burgers and bratwursts are common staples for the cookout menu, but don’t be afraid to offer more diverse alternatives as well. Kabobs, barbecue ribs and chicken wings venture away from the meat and bun standards but are fan favorites at any gathering.

Of course, the entrees aren’t all your guests will be talking about with the spectacular cookout side dishes you’ll prepare. You can’t go wrong with crowd pleasers like potato salad, mac and cheese, baked beans and coleslaw. While delicious, these well-loved dishes aren’t known to be particularly healthy so a fresh salad and grilled zucchini can help round out your menu so there are plenty of options.

No Memorial Day cookout is complete without an assortment of refreshments. Mix up a batch of punch for everyone to enjoy. Lemonade and fresh-brewed iced tea (thanks to your Mr. Coffee iced tea maker) are great options for gatherings or you can stick with standard carbonated beverages from the can. For the adults, beer and sangria are sure to be enjoyed by those who imbibe. Whatever you do, make sure there’s plenty of ice for all the drinks.

While the grill master is busy creating culinary perfection, set out appetizers for your guests to snack on. Veggies and dip or crackers and cheese will keep people occupied during the grilling process.

You’ll also want some dessert options for your attendees. A light and summery fruit salad is a great end to a cookout feast or you can aim for something on the sweeter side and get some dipped treats or cookies from Shari’s Berries. Gelatin, brownies, pies, rice crispy treats and s’mores are fun ways to round out the meal as well!

Badminton rackets and birdie on grassThe Entertainment

Naturally, the food isn’t the only reason to gather. Outdoor games like horseshoes, croquet, bean bag toss and badminton will keep adults and older kids entertained and enjoying each other’s company. If you have younger children in attendance, items such as chalk, bubbles, jump ropes and even water balloons will encourage plenty of giggles from your pint-sized guests. A Bluetooth speaker can fill the space with the perfect music for your crowd and help you earn additional Cash Back with Ebates. Just create a playlist then sit back and enjoy the ambiance.

Young friends having a pillow fight in the backyard at nightThe After Party

Just because everyone is well fed and the sun is setting, doesn’t mean the good times have to end. Light up a gorgeous fire pit and illuminate the area with mood-setting string lights or paper lanterns. With a promo code, you can get a great deal on citronella torches that can alleviate any pesky mosquitos while adding additional lighting. Walmart offers a variety of styles and options to meet the needs for your outdoor space.

The Bonuses

It’s best to be overly prepared for cookout essentials that your guests may forget. Items such as bug spray and sunscreen are vital for any outdoor gathering, but in the rush of things your guests may forget. If your space is particularly sunny, remember to provide shade to keep people cool. On especially hot days, misting fans will keep everyone cool, while providing additional entertainment for the kids.

When it’s all said and done, don’t be so frazzled with the details that you forget to enjoy yourself. You’ll be surrounded by loved ones with (hopefully) great weather and plenty to do and to eat. Whether it’s a small get together or a major event, gather your friends and family for what is sure to be a good time for all.



6 Easy Ways to Save Big on Going to the Movies

Popcorn and Movie Reel

It’s only February and there are already a ton of fabulous films out there in this year’s spring lineup. Whether you’re into lighthearted romantic comedies, superhero flicks or even scream-inducing horror movies, theaters are packed right now with star-studded titles that are just waiting for you. While this is exciting news for any movie buff, if your bank account has you trying to pick and choose which ones you’ll be able to see, you may be singing the budget blues rather than movie theme songs. Don’t start singing your sad tune just yet, we’ve got some good news for you! There are a bunch of super easy ways to save money when it comes to buying movie tickets, including finding an exclusive promo code on Ebates so you can get your tickets for less. Here are some fabulous insider tips that will help you find great deals so you can pick out movie dates for months to come. Check out these tips and get going to the movies and earn Cash Back at Ebates!

Funny Movie in Theater1. Cash in on Matinees and Saver Days at Your Theater

Have a flexible schedule or some time off midweek? If you’re searching for savings, midweek is the perfect time to catch a great deal on that movie you have been waiting to see. Can’t do midweek? You can get a great deal on weekend matinees, too! Most movie theaters offer special discount pricing for weekend matinees or movies playing during the day, Monday through Friday. The real bonus is that the theater will probably be free from rowdy kids and crowds so you won’t have to fight to find a great seat. You can just kick back and relax in peace while you enjoy your popcorn and movie!

2. Wait to Watch and Catch a Late Run Show

While it’s fun to catch a movie during its opening night or even during the first week, it usually also means that you are going to get caught in a line with the throngs of folks that also have the same great idea. While some folks may live for the midnight showings of the latest blockbuster, if you can wait a couple weeks to catch a screening, there’s a good chance you’ll save a few bucks. Aside from avoiding the crowd, waiting to see new movies can mean serious savings for your entertainment budget. Many theaters offer awesome discount movie tickets several weeks after the movie first premieres. Waiting also means that you can find out which movies get the best box office and critic reviews before you spend your money to see them. Win-win!

Buying Movie Tickets3. Skip the Shows With Extra Frills and Avoid Added Costs

Going to a movie in IMAX or 3D can be fun, but it will almost certainly mean paying extra to watch a movie. If you are willing to forego the fancy viewing experience, it can mean some major savings for you and your movie budget. Skipping out on the IMAX and 3D options is also a great choice if your family has young children that struggle with keeping the special 3D glasses on for the entire show.

4. Sign up for Theater Loyalty Programs

If you absolutely love movies, you’re in for a treat when you sign up for movie theater company loyalty programs. Big theater chains like AMC and Cinemark have awesome loyalty programs that will give you rewards points for every movie ticket purchase. If you live in an area with only a couple theaters or there is one special theater that you go to every time, loyalty program rewards will add up faster than you can believe. Cash your rewards in for awesome benefits like movie coupon codes for free tickets. Some programs even offer free upgrades at the concession stand on popcorn and fountain drinks.

Movie Theater5. Cash in on Price Club Discounts or Buy in Bulk

Did you know that if you’re a member of a shopping club like Costco or Sam’s Club, you can get great deals on discount movie tickets? It’s true! Big discount clubs will often have bundles of movie theater gift cards or discount tickets available at a fantastic price. Even if you’re not a member of a discount club, you can still get a great price on movie tickets for the whole gang when you buy in bulk. Check online or talk to your local theater to find out just how much you can save when you buy movie tickets in bulk.

6. Double Check for Specialty Discounts

If you’re a student, a senior citizen or a member of the military, then this tip is for you! Before you book your tickets, double check to see if your favorite theater offers discount movie tickets for these groups. Even if the movie ticket price only gets reduced a dollar or so, after about a dozen movies, you’ll have saved enough for a full ticket. Just don’t forget to have your ID ready when you head to the theater!

Now that you have our handy guide for saving a little extra on your entertainment budget, which movie will you and your friends go see first?



Prices and Cash Back percentages are subject to change. 

Stores That Will Be Closed on Thanksgiving


We all know that Black Friday sales have started earlier and earlier over the years. This means Thanksgiving has turned into a shopping event itself. However, these big-name retailers are keeping their stores locked tight all day on Thanksgiving 2015. So, if you’re planning on getting a head start on Black Friday deals, remember to shop these stores online only with Cash Back at Ebates.

Clothing & Accessories


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Home & Garden

Sam’s Club

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See Jo-Ann coupons
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Crate & Barrel

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Pier 1 Imports

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See Lowe’s coupons
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Electronics & Entertainment

Game Stop

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Barnes & Noble

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Prices and Cash Back Percentages are subject to change.