How to Plan a Holiday Party

holidaypartyheaderThe holidays are a time to celebrate and gather with your favorite people. Great food, lively music and festive decorations are essential ingredients for any holiday party, but it also takes some thoughtful planning to pull off one of the most talked about events of the year. Whether you’re in charge of the Christmas party planning for your company’s celebration or you’re planning a private gathering for your closest family and friends, we have the tips you need to get the festivities going without a hitch.

1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

A successful party is rarely pulled off at the hands of just one person, so don’t be afraid to solicit the help of those around you. Consider hiring professionals who specialize in their field or simply ask a friend to chip in, because those extra hands will be a major help. There’s no need to take on too much to do by yourself and end up stressed. After all, the holidays are about having fun!

todolist2. Create a holiday party planning checklist.

A lot goes into Christmas party planning so you’ll want to make sure you’ve covered all of your bases. You’re going to be pulled in many directions so you’ll want to create a holiday party planning checklist to make sure nothing gets forgotten. You can use traditional pen and paper or make a list on your mobile device, whichever is most convenient for you.

3. Choose an appropriate venue.

Choosing a venue is an important element to any social gathering. Your venue should be determined by the number of attendees (and their guests). Keep it simple by hosting the party at your home or workplace or you can rent a special location for your event. Choose a location that is appropriate for the gathering and be sure to discuss any house rules the venue may have. Some locations may require food or entertainment be provided by their in-house staff so make sure they meet your requirements before you commit to your locale.

4. Send out your invitations.

Once you have the preliminary decisions made, you can send your guests invitations. Vistaprint has a great assortment of invitations with easy design features or you can create an invitation all on your own. To make reservations simpler, offer your guests the option to phone in their confirmation or use an online method like email or an event RSVP service.

tree5. Set the stage with decorations.

The first thing everyone will notice when they walk into your party space is the decorations. If you have the time to hand-make every item, you can keep your budget low, but it’s important to remember that your time is valuable as well. Birthday in a Box offers a variety of fun and festive decorations that are sure to get people in the mood for your holiday party. Streamers, table scatter, paper lanterns and more in holiday colors and designs will create a fun atmosphere for the get together.

6. Fill their bellies with delicious food.

The food often becomes the focal point of any party so plan accordingly. Some parties will include a dinner while others may focus more on appetizers and bite-sized desserts. Be sure to offer plenty of variety so you can appease even the picky eaters. Festive recipes can be paired with classic favorites. If you’re planning on multiple dishes or just want to simplify the process, a caterer may be best for your event. Your caterer can offer a variety of options and help lighten your load so you can focus your attention on other elements.

7. Keep your guests entertained.

Whether you’re planning a major event or just a small social gathering, you’re going to want to provide entertainment. This can be as simple as Christmas party music playing from a playlist or a hired DJ to keep the party going with tunes for the occasion.

8. Take care of the extras.

When it comes to your Christmas party planning, set yourself up for all the extra little things. Plan a space for all of those winter coats everyone will be wearing. Hire an event photographer to take pictures so your guests can focus on the fun. You can even plan for a taxi in case anyone needs a ride home.

presents9. Send them off with a gift.

Even great parties must come to an end but that doesn’t mean the fun has to stop at the door. Send your guests home with party favor gifts that remind them of the glorious evening they just had. Harry and David has a wide selection of fine gift baskets or you can choose decadent candies from Ghirardelli Chocolate. Your guests will love their holiday party favors long after the event is over.

10. Enjoy your evening.

In all of the hubbub, don’t forget to enjoy the evening yourself! You’ve put a lot of work into making the night go off without a hitch so it’s only right to enjoy it yourself as well. Partake in the food, shimmy on the dance floor and spend some well-earned down time with your fellow party-goers.




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