The Ultimate Water Park Survival Guide


Little girl playing in water park

Summer is here and it’s a great time to load up the gang and head out for a day of family fun at a water park! Water parks are a great place for families to get outside, hit the water slides and have a seriously exciting time together. With some proper preparation, your day at the water park can be a splashing success. If you’re wondering what to bring to a water park, look over this handy checklist for water park tips, tricks and even learn how to earn Cash Back at Ebates when you’re planning for your big day out on those water rides.


  1. Sunscreen: Wondering what to wear to a water park? Your first order of business should be a healthy layer of sunscreen. Before you hit the slides for the day, protect your skin and your family with a good sunscreen.
  2. Swim Suit: This one may seem like a no brainer, but best to double check that everyone has packed their suits before heading out to the water park. Need a new size or style? Check for a swimsuit promo code and save a bundle on your new look.
  3. UV Protection Swim Shirt: Add an extra layer of protection from the sun, even when the sunscreen starts to wear off.
  4. Plenty of Water and Snacks: Whether you buy them at the park or can bring your own, be sure to keep your family hydrated and feeling great.
  5. Waterproof Cellphone Case: Like to keep your phone on you at all times? A watertight pouch or case is a great investment for a day at the water park.
  6. Phone Charger or Spare Battery: After a long day at the park, your battery will likely be a little low.
  7. Hair Brush & Hair Ties: If anyone in your group has long hair, they’ll thank you!
  8. Waterproof Camera: Snap some great shots of the kids at the water park without worrying about the splashes hitting your lens.
  9. Goggles: If your water park pack likes to spend time underwater, make sure to bring them a pair of goggles to protect their eyes.
  10. Unique Beach Towels: With the huge crowds at water parks, towels can easily get lost in the fray. A unique or customized towel can really pay off at the end of the day when you can dry off with your own dedicated towel.
  11. Hat With a Brim: A hat might not stay on for the fast rides, but you’ll be happy to have it when you’re riding the lazy river!
  12. Bug Spray: If you live in a particularly buggy area, this can be a lifesaver.
  13. Cheap Sunglasses: Don’t worry about losing or ruining your fancy shades during your day on the water slides.
  14. Toiletries & Medications: If you plan to be away from home all day, make sure you pack the toiletries and medications your group will need throughout the day.
  15. Pouch for Valuables: Leave anything other than the essentials at home, but keep a small pouch or bag on you with stuff like money and car keys if the park doesn’t provide lockers.
  16. Water Shoes: Protect your family’s feet from concrete catastrophes with a bright, fun pair of water shoes that add traction to prevent dangerous slips and falls.
  17. Band-Aids: In case an accident does happen, it’s best to be prepared with a mini first aid arsenal of your own.
  18. Picture of the Kids: You probably already have one in your wallet or phone, but a photo can help water park staff find your kids if they wander off.
  19. Dry Clothes: Make sure everyone has a set of dry clothes that are kept dry throughout the day for when it’s time to pack up and head home.
  20. Packable Bag: A big bag that you can fill with all your summer fun essentials is a critical part of your water park checklist and is a good investment for all your summer outings.

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